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Player looking for PbP game - D&D 3.5 or 4e if possible....


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I'm fairly new to the forums but looking for a D&D PbP game to get involved in - a bit removed from my old gaming group and looking to get back into it, PbP seems the best way at the moment!

I'm a little rusty on the mechanics but I've got the books, so i can brush up - I'm a fairly light player, due to time constraints, but hopefully wouldn't be a problem for PbP.



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i'd be up for it

Ya, I'm acutally looking for a Post-by-Post basis, even a chat if possible. Either way, is there still room? Also, is it O.K. that I'm a bit rusty at playing D&D altogether? I've played a little bit (even led a small group), but I may need some reminding...:blush:


First Post
I don't mind, something with opportunity for combat and RP - long as I can get a bit of both and you don't mind me being a bit rusty on the rules, then that's ok! Personally, prefer city-based adventures/intrigue but I can go with the majority.


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reply to Lwaxy

I like traditional (almost like AD&D) stories and wilderness settings. Even though I've never played anything but 3.5 and modern, I still envy the heavy story elements of classical 2nd edition. oh well, I'll play anything!


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Count me in...looking for a RP heavy campaign (lots of interaction with group - I am definitely not a rules lawyer). Something out of the ordinary if possible (Oriental Adventures, Planescape, etc.). Fully committed player able to post 4-6 days a week. I enjoy mostly playing as a ranger but will play any character needed.


Cute but dangerous
I think I could test my new campaign setting on you :) My other players are all too busy with their current campaigns to want yet another world hauled at them.

I usually focus on storytelling and RP. I have enough oops moments with the rules myself (I usually appoint a stats and rules guy at the table, me and numbers... :cool:) so I don't mind if something is a bit off. Unless the pigs start to fly and hell freezes over... oh wait, both happened in another game of mine :devil:

I'll put up a wanted post for 1-2 more players when I wake up (3 in the morning here, I'm a night owl)


First Post
Do you guys still need someone?
I'm kinda new to DnD, I once tried to do a campaign with some friends, but that didn't work out because we just weren't that serious.
But I would like to try it again, if you don't mind a total noob dropping in :eek:

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