Player's Guide to Eberron (Book Approval)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
E13: The tallies above are the total votes so far, not your added votes? If you wish to vote on 'em, you'll have to do it down here. :)


Yup, I wanted to put those tallies in to see how it was looking before voting. reading through things now.

Aerenal - no to Aerenal Archanist Focus, yes to the other three.
I strongly dislike feats that grant class skills.

EDIT: Aerenal Focus is the one I dont like, sorry.
Last edited:


Bloodtouched Rite - No - I don't like the lack of rules for Rites because it looks like there is no cost for this (or any rite)
Perfect Reflection - Yes

I'm a little leary on these next four just cause they each give 1 1st level spell and 2 0th level spells per day (specific ones based on the feat). Thats pretty powerful for a feat. I said yes because of the restriction that you have to be from the Burning Wastes, which in my opinion prevents you from being from a Dragonmarked House.
Binding Brand - Yes
Touch of Captivation - Yes
Touch of Deception - Yes
Touch of Summoning - Yes

Documents - Yes
Aberrant Dragonmark Gift - Yes
Aberrant Dragonmark Mystery - Yes
Aberrant Dragonmark Vigor - Yes
Dragon's Insight - Yes
Shield of Denieth - Yes
Swiftness of Orien - Yes
Dragonshard Prices - Yes


Bloodstone Blade - Yes
Nightshard Maul - Yes
Ritual of Arcane Opposition - Yes
Ritual of Blight's Embrace - Yes
Ritual of the Timeless Soul - Yes
Ritual of the Woodland Bond - Yes
Artificer's Monocle - Yes
Unity Wine - Yes
Friend of the Tribes - Yes
Talenta Dinosaur Bond - Yes
Talenta Drifter - Yes
Galifaran Scholar - Yes
Twinblade Scourge - Yes
Du'ulora Ancestor - Yes
Hashalaq Ancestor - Yes
Aberration Bane Magic - Yes
Indomitable Discipline - Yes
Unnatural Enemy - Yes
Gatekeeper Mystagogue - that Purge Aberrations seems like quite the heafty ability. I'm not sure I like that one.
High Elemental Binder - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Sudden Willow Strike - Yes
Cyrite - Yes (I think it'll be okay. +1 resistance bonus to saves for 500gp is okay)
Child of the Swamps - Yes
Battlebred - Yes
Chosen of the Deathless - Yes
Manifest Druid - Yes
Mastery of Chaos and Order - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of Day and Night - auto max on all cure and inflict spells? That sounds a little too good to me.
Mastery of Dreams - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of Faerie Enchantment - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of Ice and Fire - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of Madness - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of the Azure Sky - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of the Battleground - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of the Dead - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of the Mists - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of the Silver Void - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of Twilight Denizens - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Mastery of Twisted Shadow - Yes (with stonegod's note)
Jungle Juice - Yes
Shield of Blades - Yes
Spirit of the Stallion - Yes
Valenar Trample - cant avoid trample? Are there any rules precedents for this?
Zaelshin Tu - too cheap for Revenant Blades
Revenant Blade - it seemed a bit out of sorts to get improved crit at 6th level. This looks like a really powerful prc for elf rangers to me.
Death's Blood - Yes
Blade of Light - Yes
Dissonant Touch - Yes
Price of Loyalty - Yes
Sentinel's Watch - Yes
Overload Metabolism - Yes
Shocking Fist - Yes


Updated. Most of the Planes of Existence will pass tonight at midnight (or is that tomorrow), except the Mastery of Day and Night.

Of all the content here are the ones I wanted to discuss:
Gatekeeper Mystagogue - that Purge Aberrations seems like quite the heafty ability. I'm not sure I like that one.
Mastery of Day and Night - auto max on all cure and inflict spells? That sounds a little too good to me.
Valenar Trample - cant avoid trample? Are there any rules precedents for this?
Zaelshin Tu - too cheap for Revenant Blades
Revenant Blade - it seemed a bit out of sorts to get improved crit at 6th level. This looks like a really powerful prc for elf rangers to me.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Hmm, okay, let me look at them then.

Battlebred is similar to the more basic extended rage feat, and the 2 and 2 is usually effectively the same as a single 3

Chosen of the Deathless has half of Augment Healing and then about half of the turning check benefit of Improved Turning (+2 to the roll is 2/3 of Improved Turning unless you rolled a 22 without needing the +2, in which case it didn't help you) and then twice the turning damage benefit of Improved Turning. All in all, it is above par and aids Clerics, but not by too much and you have to be an Aerenal Elf, so it should be okay.

Manifest Druid is fine because the last ability is unusable unless you foolishly multiclass

For the Manifest Spellshaper, under no circumstances does it work on infusions, right? Because Mastery of the Battleground would apply to a large number of Artificer infusions and thus be a big power boost.

I agree with you Erekose--Mastery of Day and Night is utterly absurd.

Mastery of the Dead is *very* strong if you can actually slay something with a Death Descriptor spell. It makes bringing minions against a high level Necromancer a scary risk.

Mastery of Dreams is just strictly better than Spell Focus (Illusion). Why? And why pick the school of Illusion again--it already has a race with free Spell Focus. A Gnome who takes this feat and Greater Spell Focus is going to be feat-starved, but she'll have insane Illusion DCs.

Mastery of Faerie Enchantment is markedly strong for an Enchanter, since it Extends their entire school. With Charm, that could be enough to keep them under your thumb for the whole day, and for Dominate that will add weeks. Even Hideous Laughter becomes deadly when they have to laugh for 6 rounds at level 3.

Mastery of Ice and Fire is fine only because I figure Fireball has a long enough range anyway and Enlarge spell isn't that threatening of a feat to begin with. Scorching Ray benefits most from this.

Mastery of Madness seems like something an Alienist would want to take, but it replaces a key Alienist ability. Weird.

Mastery of Mists is niche, but it's way more powerful than anything else that deals with that niche. It gives at-will infinite use See Invisibility as a Move Action, and you can follow that up by blasting Ethereal things. Usually you have to use the Transdimensional Spell metamagic feat for that, so since you get it with a simple caster level check, this feat make Transdimensional Spell obsolete.

Mastery of the Silver Void is fair because you have to be level 16 to use it. Otherwise it will make your Dimension Door fizzle. Whoever wrote this book may not have known them very well, but those are the rules

Mastery of Twilight Denizens has a large and noticable difference for beginning summoners, since those extra rounds are crucial. However, it means they can't lead off with Augment Summoning, so probably okay.

Mastery of Twisted Shadow--20% miss chance for 1 round per spell level when you cast an Illusion spell? My Blur spell cries. This is fairly powerful, since it negates Sneak Attacks.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose--I looked at that stuff you mentioned.

Purge Aberrations looks like it is absolutely insane against Aberrations.

Valenar Trample is weird, but I'm not positive it is overpowered yet--Improved Overrun already gives you the can't be avoided on Overrun clause. Remember it's an Overrun and not a Trample. The main power-play here is that you also get free attacks all along your overrun. That's massive, and with Improved Overrun additionally to add the +4 to the checks, you could knock a lot of enemies prone and attack them with this.

Zaelshin Tu is indeed way way way too inexpensive for Revenant Blades. 1800 GP for a bonus feat and two +2 to skills and another +2 to Diplomacy on Valenar?

Revenant Blade with a Double Scimitar is absolutely ridiculous. The weird thing is that you can't use the four (counting the magic item) free feats for pre-reqs, and almost all of them are feats that are generally used for prereqs as well as being useful otherwise. So what will they do? Well, notably, you can grab Spring Attack or Great Cleave without any of their prereqs. And who needs Cleave when you jumped straight to Great Cleave? A non-Fighter4 will laugh with glee at the free Weapon Spec she otherwise could not have received. And then if she's not a Combat Expertise-chain user, she might just pick that one up just for the niche use. The other key issue is that Legendary Force is berserkly powerful for a high-Str character. You get 1.5x Str and double Power Attack with both sides of a two-handed weapon? That's insane! I remember a thread about this PrC going up after the book came out and Keith Baker said something specifically, but I can't remember if he was saying that it was changed to be too powerful after it got out of his hands or not.

Voidrunner's Codex

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