D&D 5E Player's Handbook Binding

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
I'm just curious, besides expressing these binding issues on gaming boards like these are any of you folks contacting WotC customer service?

I'm happy to provide their number:

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I haven't contacted their customer service yet. I only noticed the binding issue yesterday, and I really hate phone calls so I was going to go see if they had an email address or something.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
Google is your friend :)
Bottom line: complaining here won't do anything. Calling Wizards might be the right thing to do.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
Thank you Jester. I've heard that books are being replaced, and the more they receive these complaints the less likely these binding problems will happen in the future. Again, as consumers we should be empowered to call because griping here won't replace your broken book.

There was even an incident with someone who had their book signed at GenCon. The WotC customer service team was alright with the person removing the first page to retain the signatures. They're quite good folk.

I'll hold WotC's feet to the flames for a lot of things and rail against their errors, but they really seem to be doing a good job replacing books and honestly want to help people get better copies.


Google is your friend :)
Bottom line: complaining here won't do anything. Calling Wizards might be the right thing to do.

I wasn't expecting complaining here to "do anything", but I was looking in this thread anyway because I wanted to find contact info or something, and noticed speculations that this was not evidence of a widespread problem, but I think it is.

For a simple way of checking: Consider that I've not yet seen even one post about someone having trouble with either of the other books.

I wasn't expecting complaining here to "do anything", but I was looking in this thread anyway because I wanted to find contact info or something, and noticed speculations that this was not evidence of a widespread problem, but I think it is.

For a simple way of checking: Consider that I've not yet seen even one post about someone having trouble with either of the other books.
There was a poll on this elsewhere on ENWorld. A solid majority of people reported no problem.

Here's the poll:
70% report no problems.

But keep in mind the reporting bias. People with bad binding are going to be more likely to complain while those whose book is in perfect condition won't bother voting. So the problem could be as high as 30% but is likely closer to 15-10%.
Yes, it's bad. It's not good. It's far, far more than it should be. But it's not endemic . And it's within the range where even a reasonable QA process might have missed the scope of the problem.
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I would expect most QA processes to catch 1% error rates, certainly 5%. And keep in mind, I was a person who had reported no problems until two days ago...

EDIT: For what it's worth, went and found the help section on the web site, sent in a thing. Will likely eventually hear back.
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First Post
My PHB binding broke a couple months ago. I found their "defective products" return info on the WotC website and sent it in, and had a new one back in 2-3 weeks. AND they threw in a copy of Rise of Tiamat for free. I couldn't be happier with their support.

Voidrunner's Codex

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