Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
(adds another PDF to my Inbox at Eldritch Wizardry supplement has druids.
(adds another PDF to my Inbox at Eldritch Wizardry supplement has druids.
If your group is the imbibing sort, there are any number of great cocktails out of the 70s. You'll definitely need a bottle of Galliano. I might recommend:The plan is to have a nice dinner here at our house, complete with cake and ice cream. The meal will be as close to classic 1970s as I can manage: I'm thinking fondue, baked ziti, pineapple upside down cake...using vintage recipes if we can find them. There are a lot of terrible recipes from the 1970s that we'll be avoiding (I'm looking at you, mayonnaise salad.)
Instead of using pregen characters, I am going to convert ("recreate" would be more apt) their 5E characters into their OD&D counterparts. It's a daunting task, because we have:
And then I'm going to convert (again, "recreate" is probably more apt) the current adventure they are on. In the weeks leading up to my birthday, the heroes of the story are going to get thrown backward in time and have to stop a mad
- An 11th level changeling artificer,
- A 12th level firbolg druid,
- A 13th level human gunslinger,
- A 13th level human bard,
- A 12th level goliath paladin,
- and a brand-new character of my spouse's creation.
WizardMagic-User from upsetting the timeline and freeing a powerful lich.
I'm going to have to sit with this for a while. Stay tuned! (And post any conversion advice, notes, or experiences below...I've never played OD&D and I need all the help I can get.)
Another one would be OD&D Supplement I: Greyhawk for the paladin.(adds another PDF to my Inbox at
I much prefer this version to the 1e one. The Strategic Review II No. 1 if you have the CD archive.13th level human bard. See The Strategic Review from February of 1976 for this class.
Alas, it never happened. My 50th Birthday D&D Gaming Session was hit by the same gremlin that plagues so many other in-person gaming sessions: scheduling difficulties.Just discovered this thread through the "Similar Threads" for RPG Evolution: Teaching D&D to Scouts … Again. Having run my own OD&D one-shot (that became a two-shot), curious how yours went!
Sorry to hear you didn't get to play OD&D. But at least the rest of the party was fun!Alas, it never happened. My 50th Birthday D&D Gaming Session was hit by the same gremlin that plagues so many other in-person gaming sessions: scheduling difficulties.
First, I ended up getting deployed to a project worksite for a whole week. When I got back, the gaming session was only a week away and everyone was out of the loop. Then as the date grew closer, cancellations started coming in--you know how it goes. A wanted to reschedule if possible, but no big deal if he couldn't. B was cool with the date/time at first, then he emailed to say he was going to be late, then very late, then he needed to reschedule. C was going to be late because his wife had to go to a conference and he was scrambling to find a babysitter. D got Covid and had to cancel.
We still had a good time, with lots of good food and music and fashion from the 1970s, and it was a fun birthday party--but we didn't get to play OD&D. By the time the last player arrived, the early arrivals were already looking at the door and talking about babysitters and parking fees. There wasn't enough to get a game started.