D&D (2024) Playtest 8 Monk Discussion

I can't say I'm unhappy to see the monk lose Weapon Mastery as it was already tangled - and what it gets is mostly good. And using Dex for trip and push is just a nice QOL improvement.

The big thing is the improved bonus actions. Now a level 2 monk can unarmed attack, dash, or disengage as a bonus action without spending a Discipline (formerly Qi) point or even needing to make a main action attack. Huge improvement. And if you spend a discipline point you either get a second extra attack, to disengage-and-dodge, or to dash-and-disengage. And a 1/day recharge of discipline points on initiative is nice.

Deflect Attacks now works on melee attacks - which is huge.

Stunning Strike does damage when the creature saves as a consolation prize - again nice.

I think the level 1-6 (assuming a good subclass) monk is now good. And the new bonus action rules even give an answer to what a monk can do that a scimitar and shortsword fighter can't; they can use the Defense action and make an attack (with their bonus action) on the same turn, giving them more survivability when they chose.

Level 10 now has a needed buff - when you spend a ki point for Flurry of Blows you get two extra unarmed attacks not just one. (Plus the free one). This is good. I'm slightly concerned about levels 7-9 being soggy and situational in the wake of monk damage being pegged back by getting less use from Extra Attack than people with bigger weapons (Monks being MAD having less chance to use the new good feats) - but this is a huge improvement over the way it was in 2014 when levels 7-13 were all soggy and monk subclasses included the old Four Elements.

Warrior of the Hand looks good.

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Honestly, these are HUGE changes! We will have to really dig in. The biggest ones:

1) Deflect Attack honestly maybe OP. Basically once every round, you will knock out damage = 5 + Monk Level + 1d10. That's practically just dropping the damage of most attacks to 0. And then not to mention you can spend points to damage other targets. Now that its both melee and ranged, this maybe one of the new go to damag reduction options....enough that even barb's might feel a bit jealous at times. Its a brand new ballgame in Monk defense.

2) Uncanny Metabolism is both pretty good and an interesting choice. A full recovery of all your ki is a big deal, PLUS some healing on top. This addressess two big complaints for monks....they just run out of ki too often, and they soak up too much healing. The healing itself isn't all that much, but every bit helps, and combined with their new amazing defense at level 3, the monk will be a LOt tankier than it was before.

3) Heightened Discipline at 11th level will help address the high level monk damage issues.

Beyond that, the ability to dash as a bonus action will address the monk vs rogue speed problem, they addressed the monk grapple problem, stunning strike spam is addressed but the monk is given a nice consolation prize, body and mind is a solid capstone, honestly this monk is looking STACKED.

I think that Stunning Strike can still be "improved" on, I want it to be something like the Rogue's Cunning Strike or the Barbarians' Brutal Strike, you pick a bunch of options that can include Stun.


I think that Stunning Strike can still be "improved" on, I want it to be something like the Rogue's Cunning Strike or the Barbarians' Brutal Strike, you pick a bunch of options that can include Stun.
I think that is where the warrior of the hand ended up in.

When you do a flurry you can, Addle, Topple, Push and Stun. Maybe that should be a feature for the whole class, but I'm honestly happy with where we are with the base monk

Deflect Attacks is useful for some of the some of the concerns for the Monk's survivability. Also the Temp HP from Heightened Patient Defense helps a bunch too. A Monk would still want a bunch of points in CON, but at least point buy or arrays, they can focus a bit more on DEX and WIS.


... it's just you :p
maybe, but let's break it down.

2 skills; everyone gets at least two skills.
2 saves; everyone gets those
simple weapons; everyone get those
one useless tool; who gives a care?

it has some AC extra, unless you manage to get armor proficiency, and few extra HPs
no extra damage, nothing

that is is, +2 HP(d6 is lowest HD for PCs) and few pts of armor that will be negated with 14 dex and scale mail or chain mail.


maybe, but let's break it down.

2 skills; everyone gets at least two skills.
2 saves; everyone gets those
simple weapons; everyone get those
one useless tool; who gives a care?

it has some AC extra, unless you manage to get armor proficiency, and few extra HPs
no extra damage, nothing

that is is, +2 HP(d6 is lowest HD for PCs) and few pts of armor that will be negated with 14 dex and scale mail or chain mail.
two attacks per turn, better scores, better unarmed damage...

But what I don't really get is the "now" part of your statement, what did the monk have before that it doesn't now that separated it from the comonner?

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