D&D (2024) Playtest 8 Monk Discussion

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I would much rather have deflecting attacks than weapon materies. Weapon masteries serve to give a class utility options and tactical choices. The monk always had those, so adding masteries, without creating unarmed masteries would be, as crawford said, "a hat on a hat" and a clunky secondary hat at that.
actually giving monk incentives to use anything except unarmed after level 5?

Meanwhile, deflect attacks helps with one of the majors problems with the monk, it's survivabillity.
How about d12 HD and some armor?
So to me, this suggestion is taking an inportant balancing feature just to give the monk the shinny (but mostly superfluous) new thing.
it's too much.
maybe just copy rogue's uncanny dodge and give it at level 3 instead of this.

actually giving monk incentives to use anything except unarmed after level 5?
magic weapons exist for exactly that reaon, and I would not loose another part of the class to put in a feature that incentivises the class to do the opposite of what that class is most know for.
How about d12 HD and some armor?
Those would also interfere with the classes power budget and change a lot of other features. But even ignoring that, d12 HD is an important part of the barbarian, and I don't want the monk to step on other classes toes to be good, and armor is something that goes agains the fantasy of the class, at that point just play a barbarian or fighter.

it's too much.
maybe just copy rogue's uncanny dodge and give it at level 3 instead of this.
I don't think it's too much. It's good at lower levels, but gets outpaced quickly. Also, the monk and rogue already share evasion as a feature, I don't want them to get much more similar.

actually giving monk incentives to use anything except unarmed after level 5?

How about d12 HD and some armor?

it's too much.
maybe just copy rogue's uncanny dodge and give it at level 3 instead of this.
What about:
d12 hp,
AC = 10+dex+con
Shield prof
Twice per day you can enter a fighting trance that halves incoming damage and you deal extra 2 damage?

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