Please help


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( written in a scrawling format )

Arvenor the were-thing has attacked me on two occasions so far, nearly killing me twice were it not for friends and allies I didn't know I had.

He's dangerous, vicious, well-armored and well-armed.

I don't have much to offer, but we can probably work something out.

~signed~ Merle the Watcher

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*stabbed under the previous note is a neatly written response, held to the board*

I assisted you today and will do so again given the oppertunity.

*the note is signed simplely*
Aaron "Thamior" Oc'Conner Junior


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This is a problem that affects more than yourself. It has also affected my house. And our enemies' enemies are our allies. House Ottromous will, should you request it, offer it's protection to you.

-Lord Ottromous.

My dear neice,

If I see this Arvenor I will take vengence upon him for hurting you. And any of those that wish to assist me will be welcome, I say that we unite and take out this abomination once and for all and do not let him remain alive.

I know myself and Ottromous have different views on things, but I will reconcile this to assist in any way if he is backing my niece.

Signed with a silver S entwined with an obsidian snake


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This is good to hear, as I would not wish to count yoursef as an enemy. I have already assigned protection for your neice. This Arvenor will soon find that I am a poor choice of a man to cross. My agent will begin immediatley.

-Lord Ottromous

Any one that helps Merle out I will pay the sum of 1000 gold coins. If you wish to know more please look for me in the tavern.

*Signed with a silver S entwined with an obsidian snake.*


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And I will be offering a further 3000 gold pieces for the bounty of Arvenor. He will be accepted dead or alive.

-Lord Ottromous

Sir Dieterich

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I will also be willing to kill him as well, without payment. We have been in several fights already, just finished one with him...

signed-Sir Dieterich


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Arvenor, missing for so long, has returned. He is much more circumspect and I believe much more dangerous.

~Merle the Watcher~

Voidrunner's Codex

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