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pneumatik's WotBS 1 - The Scouring of Gate Pass


The 8th Evil Sage

Liiros Tivaniel

It was a few days before the New Year when Liiros Tivaniel met with Staret Vilina Lea, Stalwart Wolverine. Gate Pass was well adapted to the harsh mountain winters, but thick walls and tight-fitting shutters only do so much. Despite the roaring fire, Vilina wore a heavy fur cloak over warm woolen clothes. She had not been particularly blessed with beauty or grace, but had also been spared any unattractiveness, leaving her wholly unremarkable in appearance. Her face was lined from her constant smiles, though, and her compassion and caring for others came through in her demeanor.

Right now, she was not smiling. “Thanks for coming, squire Liiros,” she said. “The situation in Gate Pass isn't good. I know the city handled one Ragesion invasion already, but this will be worse. Coaltongue just wanted to add to his empire. Inquisitor Leska wants to make a point, and it seems like she wants to do it with blood. They're calling her army the Scourge, and it's slowly marching to Gate Pass.

“The Order's been preparing for the attack,” Vilina said, “but it's not a fight Gate Pass can win in the long run. That's where you come in. The local resistance needs to get a message out of Gate Pass before the Scourge gets here, and they've asked us for help. I'll be honest: we can't send our best people on a mission away from the fight. But I've seen you fight, and growing up in Shahalesti could be valuable once you're out of the city.

“The resistance lead on the mission is a woman named Torrent,” Vilina said. “Meet her shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve at the Poison Apple Pub. Use the alley door. Expect other people. If nothing else, Squire Illiana Vresk should be there.

“I don't have much more to share,” Vilina said. “I'm afraid it's because the resistance doesn't have much more of a plan. Be prepared to improvise. And keep this a secret. There are plenty of Ragesian supporters in the city who will be happy to sell out the resistance.”
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First Post
Squire Liiros Tivaniel, Male Elf Crusader

Liiros Tivaniel nods his assent, standing politely a yard or so from his superior in the Order. His heavy banded-mail armor, with its leather and padded underlayers, kept him reasonably insulated, but it was still chilly. The red and white tabard of the Knighthood of the Aquilline Cross was draped clearly over his armor, bearing the signature cross, and the crescent-moon symbol of Corellon Larethian adorned his wooden shield.

"I understand, Staret Lea. Good thing I'll have a few days to rest my feet in Gate Pass before I set out on the road again. A pity the barbarous Inquisitors aren't likely to parlay..... But at least the most experienced Knights will be on-hand to face this 'Scourge' and blunt it. I'll return as soon as I may, circumstances permitting, to aid in the city's defense," the elf says reassuringly, a faint smile on his handsome face. He salutes in a sort of lazy, informal, friendly manner, not caring for perfect execution of protocol.

"How should I recognize this woman called Torrent, Staret?" he asks before departing. "Is it safe to ask the barkeep, and would he or she know her?"


The 8th Evil Sage
"How should I recognize this woman called Torrent, Staret?" he asks before departing. "Is it safe to ask the barkeep, and would he or she know her?"
"I'm sorry, I forgot you were new in town," Vilina says. "They arrested the Apple's owner for being too vocal in his dislike of the Ragesian Scourge. It's been locked up for a week. Torrent should be the only person in the place when you get there."
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The 8th Evil Sage
Prelude: Illiana Vresk


Illiana Vresk

“So, Illiana,” Derrick said, “you’ll meet Torrent at the Poison Apple shortly before the start of the New Year tomorrow night. You’ll leave Gate Pass and travel to Seaquen, in Dassen. There’s a magical academy there called Lyceum. They’re willing to stand against the Ragesians, so we’re hoping they’ll be able to help defend Gate Pass.”

Derrick paused. He pulled the blanket he and Illiana shared further up on his lap. The winter cold soaked into everything - walls, floors, furniture. His room's fireplace was filled with flames, and still he and Illiana were nearly huddling for warmth.

He hesitated briefly before sliding closer to Illiana on the bench. “I didn’t invite you over just to give you a mission,” he said. “The truth is, when I found out you were leaving, I – well, I don’t know how I felt. I guess I was sad. Nervous, too. For some reason, the idea of you dying when the Scourge attacks is easier for me to think about than you leaving. Deep down, I expected our relationship to ultimately end because one of us died in battle, so I prepared myself for that. What I didn’t prepare for is the idea of you being alive and out there, somewhere, where I can’t ever see you.

“I know things between us are the way they are,” Derrick said, “I’m fine with it, but not dating and not seeing you at all are two very different things. If you stayed I could at least hear your voice, see your smile and hear your laugh.” He sighed and took her hands in his. “This is probably the last night I’ll see you, and I don’t want it to end, not with me giving an assignment and you walking out. Not with a handshake and a pat on the back.” He cupped her cheek in his right hand. “The idea of you leaving my life forever is just terrifying.”

He gently pulled her forward and leaned in for a kiss …

Illiana pulls back awkwardly, and with little strength. She had seen it coming, his advance, but she obviously hadn't prepared herself well enough. So instead of the careful letdown she had planned beforehand, letting him know again that she didn't share his feelings, she murmered an obviously false and awkward excuse, "I really have to get ready to leave. I can't do this..." She trails off, wishing that would actually forestall him.


The 8th Evil Sage
Illiana pulls back awkwardly, and with little strength. She had seen it coming, his advance, but she obviously hadn't prepared herself well enough. So instead of the careful letdown she had planned beforehand, letting him know again that she didn't share his feelings, she murmered an obviously false and awkward excuse, "I really have to get ready to leave. I can't do this..." She trails off, wishing that would actually forestall him.
Derrick tried to pull her back. "Illiana, please," he said. He stopped and let his hand drop into his lap. "I'm sorry. I don't want this to be bad." He looked away. "Look, just come back safe, okay. And don't take too long - I'll miss you."


First Post
Liiros responds "Ah, I see. Good luck with Gate Pass' defense, Staret Lea. May Corellon help you amass a fearsome pile of Ragesian half-orc skulls." He departs into the wintry conditions outside the office, looking around town first to locate the Poison Apple, so he'll know where to return in a few days.

She sighs heavily, more to blow away this whole mess than because she's agitated. Resolved once again, she looks back into his eyes, "I'm sure we can figure things out when I get back, but I don't want to have us on my mind along with everything else. I'll come back safe, so don't worry." She turns away, as if to leave, but turns back quickly and finishes, "I'll miss you too."


The 8th Evil Sage
Prelude: Rashelle



It wasn't a good time to be anti-Ragesian in Gate Pass, especially not if you were in the City Guard. It was clear the city council planned on welcoming the Scourge with open arms, and they were having the Guard lock up all the magic users they could find as a present to their conquerors. The Guard wasn't enforcing this new edict as strictly as they did some others. Most of the time, magic users were safe as long as they didn't do anything too flashy. Some guardsmen would even let you get away with the flashy stuff.

Davyth's platoon was full of those types of guardsmen. Davyth had earned some leeway from his superiors for the quality of his guardsmen, and lately he'd been using it fill his platoon with guardsmen who were still planning on fighting the Scourge when it showed up. He felt bad for them. They were old enough to be competent guardsmen, but too young to understand the political realities of the City Guard. At least under him, they had a chance of having a career when this was all over. Assuming they survived.

Which is why Davyth was talking to Rashelle. “I know you're not a big fan of Leska, Rashelle,” he said. “So I have a special mission for you. There's a magic academy way down south called Lyceum that seems to have taken offense to the Scourge's indiscriminate killing of magic users. They're offering help to anyone fighting the Scourge. The resistance wants Gate Pass to get that help”

“Normally,” Davyth said, “they'd just use magic to send a message. For some reason, that's not working, so they need to send a courier. One of my resistance friends asked me if I could send anyone as an escort. I'm sending you. This isn't official, at least not as far the Guard is concerned. I can't make you go, but if I thought you'd say no you wouldn't be in my platoon.”

“I know you want to fight the Scourge, but this is important,” Davyth said. “We can't hold Gate Pass forever, not without help. That courier needs to get though to Lyceum. The courier's name is Torrent. Meet her at the Poison Apple shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve. Don't worry about missing any fun, with the Scourge knocking on our door I don't think there'll be much partying this year.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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