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pneumatik's WotBS 1 - The Scouring of Gate Pass


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"Usually when someone surrenders, they put down their weapons and raise their hands in a signal of submission..." Rae observed, blinking at the strange behaviour during a yield, not lowering his crossbow.

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Liiros rages as the infuriating human bandit (for he considered these 'mercenaries' nothing more than common highwaymen with delusions of some higher military discipline) again thwarted his assault, tugging on the reins just in time to maneuver his horse away from Liiros' blade. Liiros' attempt to rejuvenate Torrent and Korrin with Corellon's power failed. Even after someone managed to shoot down the insufferable archer, the elf raged and prepared to impale the fallen man on his sword.......

But after a few seconds of conscience interfering, the elf snarls out "Drop your weapons NOW, or he dies and we execute you brigands next...." with obviously barely-restrained bloodlust in his voice and on his face. His sword spun around, its tip now facing the fallen horseman's neck. Only his devotion to Corellon stays his hand for the moment, though he knows his god has no problem with ruthlessness in battle, just that Corellon promotes respect for life otherwise.

[sblock=ooc]Sorry for the overlong delay. Liiros readies an action to strike (Stone Bones) the fallen rider if the other enemies in sight make an aggressive move or don't drop their weapons within the next few seconds, basically by the time Liiros' next turn would come around.

1d5=2, 1d5=4, 1d5=1, 1d5=4, 1d5=4, 1d5=1
Was granted maneuver #4, Stone Bones, this round. If his readied attack is provoked, then Liiros heals Torrent for 2 points with Martial Spirit if his readied attack hits (with my luck, he'd get a natural 1 against the prone, unconscious opponent, but whatever).

Liiros Tivaniel, High Elf Crusader of Corellon Larethian 2
HP 16/18, AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18
Active Stance: Martial Spirit
Granted Maneuvers: *Crusader's Strike, Leading the Attack, Stone Bones, Vanguard Strike
* Expended now
Readied Maneuvers: Charging Minotaur, Crusader's Strike, Leading the Attack, Stone Bones, Vanguard Strike
Known Stances: Iron Guard's Glare, Martial Spirit[/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
Torrent looks around at the party, distracted and still carefully holding her right hand out. She touches Liiros and he and his equipment enlarge to double their normal size. "I guess it's insurance now, in case the surrender is a ploy," she says to him.

Kathor and the other five mercenaries drop their weapons. The weapons of those in the web hang above the ground, stuck to the magical strands. They raise their hands as best they can. Kathor says, "We are surrendering to avoid unnecessary deaths. These men work for me now that Renard's dead, and I am a man of honor. We were working for the Scourge's money, not because we're loyal to High Inqusitor Leska."


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Hollister raises a hand, letting flames crackle and dance across his fingers. "I shall release you from the webs when you tell us what we want to know. And if you have any thoughts of not answering, I assure you...the webbing is quite flammable." The wizard moves closer to the entrapped prisoners. "Now tell me, how did you know where to find us? And why has the Scourge set you upon our trail?"


The 8th Evil Sage
"Renard's contact used magic to contact him every few days," Kathor says. "His contact must have had spies in Gate Pass, because he would tell Renard who we should capture and where to find them. Renard pointed us to you in the Poison Apple. Then we were only getting the standard reward for spellcasters. You must have done something to piss off the Scourge between then and now, because Renard said we'd get a big bonus if we caught you now."

[sblock=OOC]I rolled a diplomacy (really just CHA) check for Hollister's interaction with Kathor and got a 14. Everyone else who says anything should also roll either diplomacy or intimidate as appropriate.[/sblock]


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Liiros Tivaniel

Now expanded to wondrous size by Torrent's spell, Lirros marches towards the other bandits/mercenaries, warning "Back away from your weapons and tell us what else you know about the Scourge's agents here and who Renard's contact was, if you wish to leave with your lives."

[sblock=ooc]Well, InvisibleCastle still hates Liiros. A 14 Intimidate.
1d20+5=14 [/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
Liiros towers over everyone, even mounted Kathor. The cold winter speeds through the canyon, swirling his hair about his head as he advances. His huge feet crunch ominously on the mountain road. The two un-webbed mercenaries scramble backwards away from giant-Liiros. Those in the web struggle against the sticky strands.

"We don't know anything else!" Kathor says. "Renard's contact talked to him in his head, like telepathy. We took captured spellcasters to Inquisitors in the army that's now attacking Gate Pass ourselves. They paid us and we came back to our camp."

"You can have the money if you want," one of the webbed mercenaries says. "It's at our camp. It's not far." All the mercenaries glare at him except for Kathor, who shakes his head gently.

Voidrunner's Codex

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