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pneumatik's WotBS 2 - The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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Liiros Tivaniel

Liiros struggles to hold his breath when punched, but uses his training to overcome the pain and stab again at the aquatic ogre's chest or shoulder.

He uses one of the techniques Corellon has shown him in his nightly trances, channeling vigor into his body to quell the pain as he drives his dagger all the way up to the hilt in the ogre's shoulder......but given the ogre's size, the dagger isn't big enough to reach its vitals from here.

Liiros pushes free with some effort, tugging the dagger out of the fresh wound he just delivered, with blood pouring out and adding a red mist to the water between elf and ogre.
[sblock=ooc]Need to find someone else outside this thread deserving XP.....just haven't been active elsewhere on the forums lately.

Steely Resolve doesn't delay nonlethal damage, it seems, so I won't get Furious Counterstrike bonuses yet. Ah well. Liiros initiates Crusader's Strike with this attack to heal the damage he took, while channeling his 2 points of Martial Spirit healing to Arshen. I scored a 23 to-hit for 6 damage to the ogre, and Liiros heals 6 damage himself.
1d20+6=23, 1d4+2=6, 1d6+4=6

Granted maneuver will be Mountain Hammer, and next round he'll recover maneuvers.

Liiros' Status:
HP 32 / 32
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (currently unarmored and unshielded)
Active Stance: Martial Spirit
Granted Maneuvers: Charging Minotaur, Shield Block, Stone Bones, Crusader's Strike*EXPENDED, Mountain Hammer
Ready Maneuvers: Crusader's Strike (2), Shield Block (4), Charging Minotaur (1), Stone Bones (5), Mountain Hammer (3)
* Maneuvers are numbered alphabetically for rolling granted inspiration
Other Features: Furious Counterstrike (1-9: +1; 10-14: +2), Steely Resolve 10, Indomitable Soul, Zealous Surge 1/day, Vital Recovery feat 1/encounter[/sblock]

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Realizing that the Fire Stag may be freed if his companions are successful in their endeavor to recover the sword from the lake bottom, Hollister turns toward Lyra. He speaks the words of a spell, and then extends a hand to touch her. It would have probably made more sense to cast the spell upon one of his warrior companions, but unfortunately they were all in the lake, far outside of his ability to reach.

Knowing that he may only have a few moments to prepare, the mage then draws one of his wands from its holder on his belt.

AC16 (mage armor, 4 hour duration), HP21/21

Cast Resist Energy: Fire on Lyra. Draw Wand of Shield.

[sblock=Spells Prepared]
- Level 0: Detect Magic x2, Ray of Frost x2 + (d) Flare
- Level 1: Mage Armor x2, magic Missile, grease + (d) Burning Hands
- Level 2: Web, Resist Energy, Glitterdust x2 + (d) Scorching Ray[/sblock]
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First Post

“Thank you! Hopefully, they can lure the beast out of the water. My ice rays should hurt it well enough,” Lytha says, still waiting for something to emerge from the lake.


The 8th Evil Sage
Shaylir grabs the hilt of the wooden greatsword and braces herself to pull it out. Then she looks at Torrent and gestures for help.

At Shaylir's direction the summoned porpoise charges at Arshen's orgre. It slams into the monster's back for 5 points of damage.

Liiros stabs the ogre he's fighting with the dagger again, this time for 6 points of damage.

Hollister casts a spell to protect Lytha from the burning stag, should it appear, and draws a wand.

The ogre fighting Liiros swings at him again. The webbed fist misses.

The ogre fighting Arshen comes up out of the water with a mighty overhand swing that also misses.

Arshen counters with a flurry of fists, elbows, and headbutts, pummeling the monster about his head and neck. When he's done it goes limp, floating face down in the water.

Torrent grabs the greatsword with Shaylir and together they pull. It doesn't budge. Torrent looks at Shaylir questioningly.

Everyone can go again.

[sblock=Lytha]I know Lytha had a readied action go attack the first visible ogre, but I couldn't find any power of hers that would do damage and could reach the merrow. Then Arshen killed it, so anything Lytha did that didn't do damage wouldn't really matter. So I just skipped Lytha's readied action to keep things moving.[/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]Arshen is floating on the surface next to a dead ogre. Liiros is 15 feet underwater next to an ogre. There's a porpoise with them that will disappear soon. They're all 75 feet from shore. Torrent and Shaylir are on the lake bottom next to the pinned flaming stag. Hollister and Lytha are on shore.
Also, I'm posting a couple of questions in the OOC thread.[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
The little halfling tries her hardest again praying to The Green Man and pulling with all her might.

[sblock=OOC] Ok if I got it right we are 30' under and that means it would take 3 rounds to get back to the surface (taking 10 on swim checks). Shaylir will try every round till she has three left before needing air than she will head to the surface and go to plan B (plan B = Liiros and her Bull's STR spell ;))

Porpoise attacks before fading away. Again will not add in modifiers just in case. Darn no crit but max damage I'll take it. :)[/sblock]
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First Post
Liiros Tivaniel

Liiros somehow manages to evade the aquatic ogre's clumsy fist, his lithe but well-muscled elven frame far shorter and thinner than the ogre. The elven squire then moves in to stab at the aquatic ogre's chest, not quite as deftly as last time but still a powerful thrust with the dagger. More blood clouds the water around him.

Liiros silently prays again to Corellon Larethian, Creator and Protector of All Elves, to guide his blade just a little longer and keep the ogre off-balance.....his deep cuts must surely be wearing it down, given how much it flails about. He continues holding his breath and trying to stay afloat during the struggle.

[sblock=ooc]Sorry for the delay, got sidetracked on Monday and Tuesday, and was super-tired over the weekend. Also, a few really frustrating Marks in FF13 that I just can't beat, keeping me distracted the past two days. *shakes fist*

Stabbing at the ogre again with my mighty dagger! :D Got a 17 to-hit for 6 damage. At this point I probably don't have a height advantage in the water so I'm not factoring in any circumstance modifiers. Liiros tries to keep afloat in a decent position to fight the aquatic ogre without sinking below it.
1d20+6=17, 1d4+2=6

Using Martial Spirit on a successful hit to heal Arshen for 2 HP.

Granted maneuvers at the end of my turn are #3, #4, and #5, so Mountain Hammer, Shield Block, and Stone Bones.
1d5=3, 1d5=4, 1d5=5, 1d5=5, 1d5=3

Liiros' Status:
HP 32 / 32
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (currently unarmored and unshielded)
Active Stance: Martial Spirit
Granted Maneuvers: Shield Block, Stone Bones, Mountain Hammer
Ready Maneuvers: Crusader's Strike (2), Shield Block (4), Charging Minotaur (1), Stone Bones (5), Mountain Hammer (3)
* Maneuvers are numbered alphabetically for rolling granted inspiration
Other Features: Furious Counterstrike (1-9: +1; 10-14: +2), Steely Resolve 10, Indomitable Soul, Zealous Surge 1/day, Vital Recovery feat 1/encounter[/sblock]


First Post
Hollister uses a charge from his wand to shield himself with a cloak of mystical energy. It may be a waste, but the fire mage considered it prudent since he didn't know what would happen when his companions got a hold of the wooden sword. Having used it, he secures the wand back into its proper place.

OOC: Cast shield from wand of shield. Put wand away.

AC20, HP 21/21

Magical Effects Active
Mage Armor, 4 hour duration
Resist Energy: Fire (on Lyra), r 2 of 400
Shield, r 1 of 10[/b]
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The 8th Evil Sage
Not wanting to stop after just one try, Shaylir motions to Torrent for help before trying to pull the sword out again. Torrent swims over and helps, but the sword still won't budge. She shakes her head, points up and swims to the surface.

Shaylir's summoned porpoise slams into the back of the remaining ogre and disappears.

Then Liiros stabs at it, opening another dagger wound in its flesh. The monster goes slack and begins to slowly float to the surface.

Arshen dives below the surface and searches for Liiros. When he finds him he helps them both get back to the surface.

Back ashore, Hollister protects himself with a magical shield

We can drop out of combat rounds now, at least briefly.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Shaylir tries one last time on her own before heading to the surface...

Her little head bobs up out of the water and she gasps taking in the sweet air that only has a slight tinge of smoke near the lake.

"It' not working," she pouts. And then looks about. "The ogres? Where are they?"
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First Post
Seeing Shaylir's head surface, Hollister smiles. "Well, at least our companions seem to be alright thus far."

Voidrunner's Codex

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