Pogre's 2022 Miniatures and Models Thread - Today's Gaming set-up - A Classic D&D Adventure Site!

Pictured below: An actual photo of me and the boys on our way to wreck a Golden Corral.

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I have been busy with track & field, but I did manage to make these foam dungeon risers. I have been trying to add more vertical surfaces to my encounters. Hopefully these will help get this done.

The risers are pictured below with some old school resin Dwarven Forge, but they are actually made with the new Dwarven Forge scale in mind.

Until next time - keep crafting and painting!

I just found this series. Great work and thank you for sharing. I am hoping to get back to miniature making relative soon and this is great inspiration.

MageCon Mage
A good friend runs a local (Mahomet, IL) D&D gaming convention called MageCon. Mahomet-Area-Gaming-Enthusiasts = MAGE. My son and I decided to do something special for this year's Con, since we are back in person again. Keegan, my youngest (16 yikes!) sculpted a figure based on the original patch that was passed out at the first MageCon. I made molds and cast a bunch of these. We gifted these miniatures to the Con, including the one Keegan painted, to the Con founder and leader. He is giving these out to Game Masters and the first 50 people who register and show up to the Con in July. It's a great little gaming Con if you are in the central Illinois area (Mahomet is 8 miles west of Champaign, IL).

I could not post these until we presented the figures to our friend.






The last picture is of the miniatures as they are coming out of the molds - they were not cleaned up yet!

And, Hey, if you can make it to central Illinois July 22 & 23rd - we would love to have you!

MageCon on WarHorn

This little guy is a froghemoth by WizKids (I think). I painted him in 2020, one of the first times I tried underpainting with my airbrush. Just today I decided to apply a saliva effect using some E6000 glue (equivalent to UHU for you Europeans).


This is a gorilla by WizKids. They make a lot of larger models in the under $20 range. I think this and Froghemoth were $16 each. Black fur is difficult to paint and this doesn't look convincing, but it's not so bad.

Keegan wanted to sculpt a new mount for his Leonin Paladin, Hakor. He asked if he could take some liberties with the Pegasus mount while using the same stats. Naturally, I readily agreed. He cleverly sculpted the mount in such a way that his standing miniature could easily be placed on his mount. An important factor, as he is now sculpting a new Hakor to more accurately reflect his gear as a 19th level character. I did paint the figure for him, because he was busy with A.C.T. review and wanted to have it ready for last Sunday's gaming session.


Hakor (an earlier custom sculpt) on his mount.




Some pictures of Keegan's greens.



Until next time - keep crafting and painting!

Keegan wanted to sculpt a new mount for his Leonin Paladin, Hakor. He asked if he could take some liberties with the Pegasus mount while using the same stats. Naturally, I readily agreed. He cleverly sculpted the mount in such a way that his standing miniature could easily be placed on his mount.
If you had told me that was a Ral Partha miniature from the 1980s I'd totally believe it. Keegan's doing some great work. The paint job is nice too.

Ran six sessions of dungeon delving last weekend for a local con. 24 hours of running games in two days might have been a bit much. I stand when I DM and it was a hard floor - that's a lot of standing at my age! ;)

Anyway, I cranked out some monsters for the delve right before the con. I am also posting my son Keegan's epic level sculpt of his Leonin Paladin Hakor.

Let's start with the good stuff - here is Hakor - sculted and painted by Keegan. The photos certainly do not do the sculpt justice.


Next up is a small sphinx I was going to use as a Lamia:


Here are a pair of Perytons:

I put an undead owlbear in one of my dungeon levels and when I did a search was delighted to find Reaper was ahead of me!

I also ordered a couple of hook horrors from Reaper. What's really weird is they are way different scales. I call the second one the wee hook horror - I guess I will use it as a juvenile hook horror. I now have three hook horror models from Reaper and all three are widely different in scale.


I have painted this model before, actually within the last couple of years, but you can never have too many gargoyles.

Finally, a trio of ettercaps.

What do all of these models have in common, besides being made by Reaper? Not one of them was encountered in my dungeon delve! Oh well, more monsters for the home team to slay.

Until next time, keep crafting and painting!

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