Ran six sessions of dungeon delving last weekend for a local con. 24 hours of running games in two days might have been a bit much. I stand when I DM and it was a hard floor - that's a lot of standing at my age!
Anyway, I cranked out some monsters for the delve right before the con. I am also posting my son Keegan's epic level sculpt of his Leonin Paladin Hakor.
Let's start with the good stuff - here is Hakor - sculted and painted by Keegan. The photos certainly do not do the sculpt justice.
Next up is a small sphinx I was going to use as a Lamia:
Here are a pair of Perytons:
I put an undead owlbear in one of my dungeon levels and when I did a search was delighted to find Reaper was ahead of me!
I also ordered a couple of hook horrors from Reaper. What's really weird is they are way different scales. I call the second one the wee hook horror - I guess I will use it as a juvenile hook horror. I now have three hook horror models from Reaper and all three are widely different in scale.
I have painted this model before, actually within the last couple of years, but you can never have too many gargoyles.
Finally, a trio of ettercaps.
What do all of these models have in common, besides being made by Reaper? Not one of them was encountered in my dungeon delve! Oh well, more monsters for the home team to slay.
Until next time, keep crafting and painting!