pogre's Trailblazer Campaign Notes & Questions


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I don't have Trailblazer, but I have been using action points for a few years now. They do tweak combat a bit more in the player's favor, but that is OK in my book. So long as everybody is having fun and feeling challenged the important parts of the game are covered.
[MENTION=13098]BSF[/MENTION] The pdf is five bucks.

If you have any interest in 3E, or seeing how it is done right, buy the pdf. Even if you never play it is worth the cost just to read.

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Barbarian laid down 300 hit points of damage with back-to-back crits tonight!

Somewhere there is a great crooked grin on the Crippler's face!


We're still playing - I just have been insanely busy with track and pre-season football. Had a great end fight with a nasty Dark Dwarf, Merelith, and two Elder fire elementals tonight. Teamwork was the key to the PCs' victory. Still enjoying the game. Group hit 16th level tonight.


First Post
We're still playing - I just have been insanely busy with track and pre-season football. Had a great end fight with a nasty Dark Dwarf, Merelith, and two Elder fire elementals tonight. Teamwork was the key to the PCs' victory. Still enjoying the game. Group hit 16th level tonight.

Coolio. Did you use the Solo and Elite rules?


Finished the campaign arc last week. Players are not quite ready to stop.

Problem is, I'm a little tapped out for ideas. I'm struggling with putting together a fresh story arc for a group of high level PCs. I told them I would run at least a few more adventures, but I'm really struggling.

Fortunately, there is no real time pressure because I warned them it would take me a while to come up with something.

Suggestions are MORE than welcome!

Voidrunner's Codex

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