PoPP - Abraxis Hellis (01)


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OOC: Too good of a job. I can't see what is going on! LOL.

Abraxis continues to follow his companion, remaining quiet in the fog.

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
You take a 5' step North, and are suddenly confronted by another of the skeletal Black Echelon Operatives looming from the fog! The creature is swinging a sickle (ineffectively) against Leaf, who is just to your NorthWest. Mustapha is just West of you, threatening the Operative with his vial of glowing liquid.

You've got a Standard action left.


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Abraxis swings his weapon, aiming a stroke of his glaive at the skeletal figure.

OOC: Glaive +3 (1d10+2/x3)

I can't remember if we are supposed to roll or not. If we are, just roll for me this time around so I don't waste anymore time! :)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Abraxis' swing comes down between Leaf and the skeleton, missing both.

To Hit, Damage (1d20+3=11, 1d10+2=5)

It's fine for you to roll. When there's obvious need I try to take care of the knowledge rolls in the background to improve the flow/immersion (but feel free to suggest that I roll if it seems like I'm forgetting). Also, Perception rolls, Sense Motive, etc. (generally, any roll where you won't necessarily know if you failed). Again, feel free to cue me if you think I've neglected a roll - 'cause I likely have!

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The flash of an explosion briefly lights the room - centered just behind the Operative assaulting Leaf (to your West). The sight of the bluish-green explosion without the expected accompanying sound strikes you as eerie.

Leaf's foe falls to the ground in pieces; as it does the pile of grain just to it's north roils and another operative - apparently hiding beneath - claws it's way out before also collapsing silently atop the mound.

Abraxis is up.

[sblock=Recap for the Visually Impaired :)]Three Operatives down: M17, M18, P15. One Operative (visible) facing you: O17.[/sblock]


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Abraxis directs his weapon against the remaining visible operative, but to no avail. His glaive is off of its mark.

Glaive vrs O17

Attack: 9
Damage: 8

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Lerissa runs out of the fog and takes a position to the south of Abraxis - she's saying something but the sound of her voice is swallowed by the silence of the Black Echelon Operative facing you.

Mustapha steps off to the side and kneels next to the skeletal remains of the Operative disabled by his Bomb. He's rummaging through the body on some unknown errand of his own.

Leaf steps up to the Operative Abraxis is facing and stabs with his trident, but the great spear passes harmlessly between ribs and hip.

Abraxis is up.


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Abraxis steps back away from the operative, again swinging his glaive. His curse is muffled by the darkness as he again misses his mark.

5' step to N15, glaive (reach) vrs O17

Attack: 5
Damage: 8


First Post
Abraxis is quiet as his watch begins. He holds his glaive casually slung over his shoulder as he moves silently around the camp's perimeter. He remains some distance from the fire, so as not to spoil his darkvision. He keeps one eye open for danger, and the other on Aerys, watching to see how the half-elf acts on watch.

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