[possibly controversial]What is wrong with Vampire the Masquerade 5E?

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Is VtM 5E problematic tho?
I'm going with YES and NO myself. :p

Yes because of the themes and the wrong people playing the game can take it to far even with things like X cards and No because it's a fun world and game and lets you embrace a darker thing when played right and with the right people. Inherently no.

The early printed versions included stuff that nowadays is pretty bad to include and when you look back on the history of the WoD line they did back then as well and the reaction from Gen X was very different to that because it was a different time. So the developers pushed the envelope way too far for modern audiences and got labeled alt-right (they're not) and the damage was done. It was a dumbest of the dumb move. Some people never moved past the topic, which was fixed very quickly and only the earliest copies still have those references in them. WoD always had a dark mirror reflection of the real world in it but 2015 to now is more of a dark mirror of the WoD sometimes. Some things are not ok. Those things are not in the game anymore and there is nothing problematic unless you think playing a sexy serial killer might be problematic.

Theory of Games

Disaffected Game Warrior
Inappropriate language
Everything wrong with "Vampire" is how they failed to capture the deep essence of being a person trapped in darkness and being a slave to the warm blood of the world. I fell in love with Anne Rice's vampires then ............. they gave me this sh*t rpg to DO THAT. I'm still waiting for SOMEONE to design a real vampire rpg that feels like Rice with MORE. Vampires can sense the emotions of people nearby. They play with that psychic interaction the way wolves circle prey.

"Vampire" was sh*t at creation and remains sh*t.


Everything wrong with "Vampire" is how they failed to capture the deep essence of being a person trapped in darkness and being a slave to the warm blood of the world.
They've done a better job with that in 5th edition where they abandoned the blood pool from the original game for a Hunger mechanic. There are five levels of Hunger, the higher it gets the hungrier your vamire is, and you have a chance go gain Hunger by using powers or waking up in the evening. No matter how much blood a vampire drinks, he always wants more blood. The desire is always there and the higher his Hunger level the more likely he is to lose control. The only way to zero out your Hunger is to actually kill your victim. And even then you're only sated for an evening.

aramis erak

Vampire 5th has ticked off some old guard for various reasons, mostly involving the sheer number of rules tweaks.

The WW Wiki has a whole list of the differences.

I've seen a bit of «bleep»hattery about it in some venues; for every naysayer I've seen, I've seen another praising the changes. The unkindness have been on both extremes.

I was too cheap to get it since I know I'll never get it to table.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Everything wrong with "Vampire" is how they failed to capture the deep essence of being a person trapped in darkness and being a slave to the warm blood of the world. I fell in love with Anne Rice's vampires then ............. they gave me this sh*t rpg to DO THAT. I'm still waiting for SOMEONE to design a real vampire rpg that feels like Rice with MORE. Vampires can sense the emotions of people nearby. They play with that psychic interaction the way wolves circle prey.

"Vampire" was sh*t at creation and remains sh*t.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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