[PR] EN World Print Magazine to be Published by Goodman Games


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sotterraneo said:

A couple of questions: first, I'd be very interested in subscribing directly from Goodman Games. I could subscribe via the store (my store 8-]) so I'd would efinitely pay less, but I'd like to offer full support for the project and so giving directly the money to you. But is there a way you can handle European subscriptions from the UK (Morrus' Kingdom 8-]) so making things speedier and not from the US? US fulfillment would mean (I have lot of experience) 1) Estimated delivery time of 1-2 months 2) Very high subscription rates for air mail. Second, how could I contribute?

Actually, if you think your local game store will carry it, I'd recommend bugging them before subscribing. In the long term, the EN World community will grow more if this magazine sits on more store shelves, and you bugging the store owner to get the magazine will probably put it on the shelves!

I wish we could base Europe subscriptions in the UK, but there's a logistical snag: the mag is printed in the US, so one way or another, it still has to cross the ocean. Basing Europe subscriptions in the UK wouldn't reduce postage costs; if anything, it might increase them -- you'd be paying for shipping twice (once from USA to UK, then from UK to wherever you are), and if the first shipment were ground mail (to reduce costs), you'd then STILL have the long wait. However, if I think of something (or if anyone has any ideas), I'll act on it...

As for how to contribute, check out the page with all the info:


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GMSkarka said:
Yeah, that's something which I was going to comment on, not as a publisher, but as a freelancer and administrator of RPGFreelance (3.5-year old yahoo group made up of over 200 working, experienced freelance writers, editors and artists): You're not going to get professional material paying those rates.

No professional artist will sell ALL RIGHTS for 80 bucks. In fact, I would question exactly why a periodical magazine NEEDS full rights, rather than single-use. If you want to keep your rates down, fine. Only purchase single-use rights.

No professional writer is going to work for a flat fee. Keep rates down if you must (2-3 cents/word), but pay BY THE WORD. It's the industry standard (in more than one industry) for a reason....more work equals more pay.

Plus, the whole "please don't waste both your time and ours by pursuing an enquiry" thing leaves a very sour taste in my mouth.

It seems like you're actively discouraging professionals from submitting material....with the above terms, you're guaranteed to only receive amateur material from gamers wanting to say that they've been published, or who don't know any better about professional publishing standards.

Which begs the question: Why would anyone want to pay for a magazine filled with that level of work?

Very disappointed,


Unfortunately, in the real world where the rest of us dwell, you aren't BORN a "professional". Writers AND artists need a foot in the door.

I've seen you naysay every attempt at getting 'nobodies' published that has come along in the last 2 years. And as downright ironic as it is coming from me, do you ever have anything positive to offer when it comes to industry business?

The only problem I have with this idea is the page count vs. price tag. $5 seems like an awful lot to pay for a 60 page mag. But I'll wait and have a look before actually passing judgement.

I look forward to something that spotlights up and coming talent, and hey, if the low pay rates keep arrogant jerks like you out of the magazine, even better.


First Post
Yay Morrus! Yay Goodman Games! Can't wait for the Magazine to come out!

I would be happy to contribute any art that you may need. That is, if your not overwhelmed already! You have my permission to use anything that I've already posted in your Art Gallary and Minatures forrum. If you would like anything specific, give me a hollar and I'd be happy to do so!;)


I Know It's Dangerous, But It's My Hobby

I've been thinking. Who here would be willing to pay $10.00 U.S. for a 200 page quarterly? Pack it full of good stuff and make it something to anticipate four times a year.

Your thoughts?


What? Me Worry?
I'd have to know more about the project, but I'm inclined to say I'm interested in such a publication. If it was the EN World magazine we're talking about, then heck yeah, I'd buy it.

chatdemon said:
The only problem I have with this idea is the page count vs. price tag. $5 seems like an awful lot to pay for a 60 page mag. But I'll wait and have a look before actually passing judgement.

Interesting that people will pay $10 for a 32-page book, but paying $6 for a 100 page issue of Dragon magazine is too much. I'm just saying. ;)

RangerWickett said:
Interesting that people will pay $10 for a 32-page book, but paying $6 for a 100 page issue of Dragon magazine is too much. I'm just saying. ;)
The magazine is seen as transient while the book seems permanent. Most people don't realize that most RPG books are only printed in their "1st printing". Also, magazine paper is usually cheaper stock then bound book stock.

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