[PR] EN World Print Magazine to be Published by Goodman Games


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Alaric_Prympax said:

Any idea who might have been the first subscriber? Or is there even a way to find that out?

Someone in Ireland, apparently. I don't know who, exactly. Joseph Goodman would know.

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BigFreekinGoblinoid said:
How about further linking the site and the mag by offering "community supporter" status for subscribers? ( perhaps at a slightly higher rate, or multi-year option, etc... )

Community supporters get a warm and fuzzy feeling. The custom title and the ability to search is secondary. :) Why do you need better subscription rates when you know that you've made Russ happy?


First Post
Re: Article length?

Ashy said:
Morrrus, et. al:

You mention a finite number of pages (obviously) but the submission guidelines say nothing about an average of final article length? What are you fellows looking for in terms of a final word count in an average article? That might help some of us judge if and/or when we will be able to contribute! :)

Thanks! :)

What about this question, Morrus? Thanks! :)


I Made a Sale

Bartholomew, an awakened field mouse wizard 5th.

One or two pages, depending on how it gets formatted. Intended for more light-hearted play and games with children. Or for groups that could use a change of pace session.

Morrus does want it in a couple of weeks, so if you have a proposal, be prepared to write it up quick.

I'm getting a subscription for it, but for Jeremiah (A Lawful Good red dragon Expert (Cattle Rancher) 8th) I'm insisting on a check.:D


The EN World kitten
I just glanced at the subscription page. The only way to subscribe is via Paypal. Now, thats probably the best way, but Id like to see an option for us non-credit card holders. Im an American studying overseas, and I dont have a credit card, so I have no way of subscribing until I return to America (which wont be for months). Please say there will be an option of mailing in subscriptions by money order put up real soon!


First Post
ENmag Content

goodmangames said:

Yeah, those are good points. I agree that if feats and PrCs had existed in 1E, the early 1980s Dragon would have been full of them. But it would also have had a lot of crunchy rules that *weren't* feats and PrCs, and that's what I'm hoping the EN World mag will cover. There's a lot more ground to "crunchy" than just feats and PrCs.

Of course, you won't believe me till you see it. :) But I think the magazine will speak for itself. Morrus holds in his hands the top-secret table of contents which, I suspect, will contain plenty of crunch without excessive reliance on feats and PrCs.

On this topic, though: What would people LIKE to see? What was your favorite era of Dragon? If you could balance a magazine's contents exactly as you'd like, what would you do?

Hi, I am new to the forums here and to the website, and I hope to get better acquainted with everyone.

I agree that there is nothing wrong with "crunchy", since it adds a dimension to the game that feels substantial and usable. I am just hoping to see, as you say, a variety beyond feats and PrCs, because those aspects of d20 games have been getting beaten to death. For example, detailing the results of a natural disaster on a sample village (and I am sure it has been done) is more useful to me than the new Vapormancer or Sonic Fist Monk, or Hypersensitive Smell feat. Feats and PrCs have grown to an extent that they create a glut of information, actually burying other subject matter. It is understandable as they are newer aspects of the game and attractive, but too much feats and PrCs eventually leaves a world that feels very artificial, filled with fantasy supermen and abstract "dungeons".

Here are my suggestions:

NPC Classes - I left AD&D 2e at some point for other rpgs and I remember playing Warhammer frpg for the first time, with it's Career System. It wasn't mere flavor for PCs, but a skeleton for entire game civilizations. The article "The Professionals" in Asgard 6 reminded me of it, greatly. For DMs serious about role-playing, NPCs should not just be "adventurer" or "non-adventurer".

Artwork/Floorplan Contests - Monsters not yet rendered or new images of those that are. Landscapes to use as props. Buildings to visit. There are tons of niches. I run a non-Rokugan Oriental Adv. and have a hard time finding specific floorlpans or images. Maybe four pages, like: Creature of the Month, Place of the Month, Floorplan of the Month, and a Hall of Portraits (never enough).

Languages - Have fans start developing Core Class languages and maybe even monster languages. It may sound silly, but language is often at the heart of the best story-telling. Look at Tolkien's Elven Languages. One page would be enough or even just a section of one page.

Role-play Section - Natural 20's sourcebook "Tournaments, Fairs, and Taverns" is a good example of this. In this day and age of Melee & Magic fiascoes, it would be nice to see rules for non-combat situations more frequently with examples given.

Variant: Realism Rules - How about a regular variant to add realistic details to game sessions? When I DM, I advance my PCs based on how many adventures they do instead of experience points (which I never liked). I try to make HP more realistic, at least in description (instead of, you were stabbed 50 times in a fight but are ok and need a heal and some R&R). This would be a fun challenge for all fans to tinker with.

There is more I am sure but I wont rant any longer. Suffice to say I think if there is a new magazine on the market, the best service it can perform is to help put more "role-playing" into the current d20 game market.

Dave S.


First Post
Alaric_Prympax said:
I saw the note on the news page and I have already subscribed! Woo WHoo!!!!

Any idea who might have been the first subscriber? Or is there even a way to find that out?

The very first subscriber was Gareth Hanrahan of Cork, Ireland. :)


First Post
Alzrius said:
I just glanced at the subscription page. The only way to subscribe is via Paypal. Now, thats probably the best way, but Id like to see an option for us non-credit card holders. Im an American studying overseas, and I dont have a credit card, so I have no way of subscribing until I return to America (which wont be for months). Please say there will be an option of mailing in subscriptions by money order put up real soon!

Your wish is my command. The store is now updated with instructions for subscribing via check or money order:


Also, thanks to everyone for the ideas on what you want to see in the mag. There's some great inspiration coming out of this thread!


First Post
I think it's great! Some of the things I would like to see have been mentioned already above, but especially:

Points of Interest. I think that this is a must. They are great to throw into an existing city or campaign. They are much more interesting when they have the background and detail on some of the more mundane NPC's that you just don't have the time to flesh out as a DM. You never know who your players are going to remember and want to associate with in the adventure. Some of my players have been going to 'Bob the Blacksmith' for any type of armor repair or that special weapon they want to enchant for a long time now. And he was a guy I made up on the spot because a player mentioned that they needed a blacksmith and I didn't have one ready.

The story hour. I am not thinking of the fiction that is in Dragon or that you see in the story hour on this board necessarily, but more of a blending of the two. Like a fantasy story through the eyes of the players, but more well written and fleshed out. And unlike someone who posted earlier here, the stories are almost always the first things I read in Dragon.

I think monster creation is pretty well covered in bringing new foes to the table, but I have enjoyed many of the Ecologies articles. They usually help turn a foe that is considered mundane into a more formidable one. The Slayers guides have taken this idea and ran with it.
Anyway, just my .02.

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