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PrC - the Spiral Dancer


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Comments? Suggestions?

I still need to work out the class skills.

Spiral Dancer

Koroth roared his annoyance as his blade was again turned aside by the spinning, leaping little runt. The plan had been simple, Koroth and his "boys" (a rag-tag group of mismatched orcs, goblins and kobolds numbering no more than a handful, which nonetheless the ogre thought of as his army) waited for the lone figure to draw near. Boggo let loose with his shortbow, then Gimpy and Waggle ran in with the net. In seconds the victim (which Koroth always referred to as "special customer") would be helpless while he and his boys made off with some well earned cash. At least that's how it was supposed to go.
Boggo let loose alright, just not with an arrow. The victim heard the noise and turned in time to see the two goblins running from the bushes unravelling a net as they ran. Then it happened. The victim started some sort of spinning, whirling dance type thing { sort of like the high summer stomp Koroth's brothers used to do when they danced on the seasonal halfling, but a lot more graceful and a lot quicker } there was a flash of sunlight off metal and the whispering ring of swords being drawn. The goblins never knew what killed them. Then chaos erupted as the whirling figure was among the rest of the band. Screams sounded, gurgles rattled and now it was just Koroth, all on his own again. No, it was worse, bleeding from several bad wounds he had yet to land a decent blow on the pointy ear. Koroth cursed loudly as another ragged cut appeared on his arm. Worse yet again, all that keeping track of those swirling blades was giving him one seriously mean headache…

The Spiral Dancers are students of a school of fighting that teaches the advantages of mobility in combat. By performing a string of steps in quick and varied succession the dancer builds momentum allowing him to parry blows, hit harder and faster and confuse the opponent. Against multiple opponents, the dance allows them to cause chaos as they slip and leap between and around opponents, never striking where expected and never moving in a predictable path.

Skill focus(perform), mobility, dodge, weapon finesse
Base attack Bonus: + 5
Perform: 5 ranks (dance must be chosen as one of the proficiencies)

Hit Dice: D8

Spiral dancers gain no additional proficiency with armour or weapons.
Skill points per level: 3 + int mod.
Class skills:
Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Jump, Perform, Sense Motive, Tumble

Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Ability
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Momentum, Dance 1/day, Weapon Combination,
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Blade flurry 1/day , Uncanny Dodge (dex bonus to AC), Endurance
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Shielding blade, Switch weapon, Ambidexterity
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Dance 2/day, Leap attack
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Leading blow +1d6, Dancing step
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Blade flurry 2/day, Improved combination
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Uncanny dodge (cant be flanked), Endurance 2
8 +6 +2 +6 +2 Dance 3/day, Defensive roll,
9 +6 +3 +6 +3 Shielding blade 2 , Shimmer
10 +7 +3 +7 +3 Leading blow +2d6 , Flurry 3/day , Grand Finale

Class features:
Momentum: Starting at 1st level, the dancer may add 1 to their initiative total each round during melee (must be in melee, the dancer cannot sit back and speed up before entering combat) as the dance evolves with the combat situation and the actions become more instinctive. The maximum that may be added each round is 1 and the maximum total that may be added is 1+ level in dancer class. (eg: 2 points may be added at first level, but spread out over 2 rounds). This initiative modifier is a reflection of the dance's influence on the character's fighting strategy and thus is always available.

Dance: The dancer performs a whirling dance that moves him across the battlefield and combines footwork and weapon style to confuse opponents. The dance steps act to increase the dancers agility and reaction times. To perform the dance, the dancer must succeed in a perform check (DC=20). If the roll fails, the dancer cannot begin the dance that round but may try again later (the dance attempt is not used up for the day until a successful check has been made). If successful the dancer receives a +2 bonus to AC and +4 to dexterity. A dancer can maintain a dance for a number of rounds equal to his constitution modifier + class level. After that many rounds, a second dance check must be made (DC= 25 + 1 for each check made so far, including initial one). If this succeeds, the dance may continue for another round following which a check must be made the start of each new round. The dance can be ended voluntarily at any time.
Special: If the dancer takes damage from a physical attack, he must make a check at the beginning of the next round to continue dancing (DC= 15 + 1 per 2 points of damage). Ranks (but not modifiers) in concentration skill are taken from the damage taken before the DC modifier is calculated.
Once the dance ends, the character is fatigued for 10 minutes for each round over his normal duration (con mod + class level) that the dance continued. This fatigue period is shortened by 10 minutes for each 5 minutes of rest the dancer takes. A dancer cannot dance when fatigued, exhausted, or wearing medium or heavier armour. He also cannot dance if encumbered.
While dancing, the dancer can only use melee attacks, any other action ends the dance without a check and the attempt is considered over for the day. (other actions include, drinking a potion, changing weapons - see below - getting stuff from backpack, picking up an object etc.)

Weapon Combination:
The Dancer selects a combination of two weapons that he has trained with. He is considered to have the two weapon fighting feat when using those two weapons (in that particular order, eg: longsword primary, shortsword secondary does not equal shortsword primary, longsword secondary). If the two weapon fighting feat is already held, the dancer receives an additional +1 to hit when using that combination. At each level that the dancer receives in this class, he may select a new combination of weapons to add to his list of practiced pairs.

Endurance: the dancer gains +2 to his con modifier for purposes of calculating dance duration.

Blade Flurry: the dancer can make a second set of attacks with his two weapons (only two extra attacks are gained, no matter what attack option or feat is being used at the time). These attacks are made at the highest attack bonus, modified for two weapon fighting (if necessary) but these ,and every other attack in the round are subject to a further -3 penalty apiece. This can only be performed once per day at second level, twice at sixth and three times at tenth. Regardless of scoring a hit or not, the attempt is used once rolled. Note, this causes a dancing check to be made (DC 25) is used while dancing, if the check fails, the player must decide whether to end the dance or abort the flurry. The flurry is not used in this case and can be attempted later, but the check counts toward the total number of checks for modifying the dance DC to continue.

Uncanny Dodge: dex bonus to AC…. You know what this is, do I really have to type it?

Shielding blade: the character may make a free offhand parry once per encounter. The player may declare this parry at any time before damage is rolled (and before any subsequent attacks are made). To succeed in parrying, the dancer must make an opposed attack roll with their secondary weapon (offhand weapon). If successful the dancer has parried the blow. This is a free action and does not count towards attacks in any round, nor does it provoke a dancing check. At ninth level, the dancer may attempt this twice per encounter. Once declared, the attempt is considered used whether successful or not.

Switch weapon:
Once per round as a free action, the Dancer may draw a weapon, sheath a weapon, or switch a weapon from one hand to another.
This does not provoke an attack of opportunity and does not provoke a dancing check if used while dancing.

Ambidexterity: the dancer, through his training and practise gains the ambidexterity feat if he has not already acquired it. There is no bonus for already possessing the feat.

Leap attack: Once per round as a standard action, the Dancer may jump forward 10 feet (no skill check required). This action does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving through threatened areas, but the Dancer suffers a -2 penalty to AC for one round. The Dancer may then immediately perform a standard attack action, at +2 to attack and damage rolls.
This action may be used while dancing and does not provoke a dancing check.

Leading Blow:
If a dancer hits with their primary weapon, they can declare a leading blow. The next attack they make with the offhand weapon (even in the following round) is made at a further -3 modifier to the attack roll. If successful the dancer inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage. At tenth level this additional damage rises to 2d6. This ability can only be used once per encounter whether the offhand attack was successful or not and does not provoke a dancing check.

Dancing Step: The continuous motion of the dance allows the dancer to take an additional 5ft step in a round that he declares the use of this skill. Like the normal 5ft step, this does not count as a move equivalent action but does provoke an AoO where applicable. This ability can be used once per point of dex modifier (dexterity is taken to mean the dexterity score while dancing) per day. This ability can only be used while dancing and does not provoke a dance check.

Improved Combination:
The dancer selects a combination of weapons that they already know (from the 1st level ability weapon combination) and is considered to have the improved two weapon fighting feat with that combination. An additional combination is chosen at each level of dancer achieved. If improved two weapon fighting is already known, the second offhand attack is made at a -3 modifier instead of -5.

Uncanny dodge (can't be flanked) - as rogue ability.

Endurance 2: All that dancing has built up the dancer's constitution granting an additional +2 to his con modifier for purposes of calculating dance duration.

Defensive Roll: Once per day, the dancer may avoid taking damage by rolling with a blow. If a blow (weapon or other attack, not a spell or special ability) would reduce him to 0 or less hit points, the dancer may make a reflex save (DC=damage suffered) to avoid damage. If successful the dancer only suffers half damage. This action, whether successful or not, ends a dance without a check.

Shimmer: The dancer gains the effects of a Blur spell while dancing, This is an extraordinary ability and ends when the dance ends.

Grand Finale: the dancer may make a grand blow as the culmination of his dance. The finale must be declared before any attack roll is made and the dancer must have been dancing for at least 2 full rounds. In addition to this, the grand finale cannot be performed if the dance check has failed for that round as the dancer is simply too tired to work up to the finish. All blows dealt in that round gain a further +2 to hit and the dancers full dexterity modifier is added to each set of damage (this is not multiplied in a critical hit, nor is it added to a sneak attack). Upon taking this action, the dance ends after the attacks have been made (or at the beginning of the characters next round if an attack is held) regardless of the character's success or failure.

[edited to make a few changes as suggested by replies. didn't want to repost and make a huge thread]
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Interesting PRC.

As for changes, I can see four possibilities

1- A new name, spiral dancer makes me think of Werewolf rather than DND how about War Dancer or something like that

2- This afaict is mainly a combat PRC, how about 2 skill points a levl rather than 4

3- The class seems balnced enough, but again since its a combat PRC with only a few 'spellish' powers you might raise the BAB to one per level

4- Finally How about an Unceasing Dance abilty giving the effects of a free action spell while dancing. It might make a good ability for a higher level character


First Post
PLEASE do not change the name to war dancer, blade dancer, death dancer, sword dancer, or anything like that. Those names have been done to death. What you have made is a new take on an old concept, and I like that.

Without a skill list, I can't advise you on skill points.

Momentum: Starting at 1st level, the dancer may add 1 to their initiative roll each round during melee (must be in melee, the dancer cannot sit back and speed up before entering combat). The maximum that may be added is 1+ level in dancer class.

Inititave is not rolled every round. Usually, it is rolled at the begining of combat. Therefore, I'd say that this adds to his total inititive every round.

Dance: The dancer performs a whirling dance that moves him across the battlefield and combines footwork and weapon style to confuse opponents. The dance steps act to increase the dancers agility and reaction times. To perform the dance, the dancer must succeed in a perform check (DC=10). If the roll fails, the dancer cannot begin the dance that round but may try again later (the dance attempt is not used up for the day until a successful check has been made). If successful the dancer receives a +2 bonus to AC and +4 to dexterity. A dancer can maintain a dance for a number of rounds equal to his constitution modifier + class level. After that many rounds, a second dance check must be made (DC= 10 + 1 for each check made so far, including initial one). If this succeeds, the dance may continue for another round following which a check must be made the start of each new round. The dance can be ended voluntarily at any time.
Special: If the dancer takes damage from a physical attack, he must make a check at the beginning of the next round to continue dancing. The difficulty is as above but with a modifier to the DC of 1 for every 3 points of damage taken. Ranks in concentration skill are minused from the damage taken before the DC modifier is calculated.

What type of action does it take to initiate the dance? I think the benefits may be a little over the top, granting him a +6 bonus to AC. Speaking of armor, can a spiral dancer dance in heavy armor. I would say no...

Improved Combination:
The dancer selects a combination of weapons that they already know (from the 1st level ability weapon combination) and is considered to have the improved two weapon style feat with that combination. An additional combination is chosen at each level of dancer achieved. If improved two weapon fighting is already known, the second offhand attack is made at a -3 modifier instead of -5.

What is two weapon style?

This class has some powerful abilities, and thus I seriously advise not increasing BAB.

All in all, your class has really unique and cool abilities that set it apart from other blade dancer classes. Nice job!
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First Post
edited it with some changes..


1. Actually it was originally called the whirling dancer but I liked the sound of Spiral dancer so I changed it to that. Yes, I realise that there are black spiral dancers in werewolf but, ah well.

2. It is a combat PrC but more focused on mobility. I dropped the points to 3 + int mod though. I just don't want the thieves or bards who take it to lose out too much on skills while rewarding the fighters for getting out of the toe to toe mentality.

3. the class is more about not being hit and picking the moment to strike than mincing in there. I prefer to keep the BaB down. Rogues already get d8 instead of d6 and fighters already get an extra skill point per level and tight range of feat like abilities.

4. I like the Unceasing dance idea, but I'm not sure where it would go in without overbalancing it even more! Perhaps as a tenth level ability to go along with grand finale....

Sorry, I meant to write total and not roll for momentum (I also meant to write initial roll) and sort of got confused. You're right about it being total.

The dance ability adds a possible 4 to AC: (2 AC bonus and a possible +2 for the 4 point dex adj.) The dance can be performed in Light or no armour. it also cannot be performed if the character is fatigued, exhausted or encumbered (medium or heavily).
I think the AC makes up for losing the armour and +4 is a nice reward for an ability that might or might not work! The DCs for the dance have been increased to reflect the complicated nature of the dance (and the fact that 10 would be passed by a character's bonuses to dance after 3 levels or so...)

Sorry, two weapon style should read two weapon fighting.

thanks for the replies.

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