D&D (2024) 2024 Player's Handbook reveal: "New Bard"

Video Breakdown

Base Bard Class Notes
  • Still exists (Sorry @Snarf Zagyg)
  • Return to dedicated class spell list - expanded with new and old spells
  • Can change cantrip upon level up
  • Bardic Inspiration lasts up to an hour, rather than 10 minutes
  • Expertise feature at 2nd level
  • Font of Inspiration feature lets you burn spell slots to regain uses of Bardic Inspiration
  • Countercharm now a reaction - gives charmed allies new roll (with advantage) to attempt to break effect
  • Magical Secrets at 10th level
    • Can only pull from bard, cleric, druid, or wizard spell lists
    • Can choose any of your prepared spell from these lists
  • Superior Inspiration at 18th level
    • If you have fewer than 2 uses of Bardic Inspiration, regain up to 2 uses of Bardic Inspiration upon rolling initiative
  • Words of Creation at 20th level
    • Power Word: Heal and Power Word: Kill always prepared
    • Can target up to two targets with these spells

Subclass Notes
  • College of Dance
    • Dazzling Footwork
      • Performance checks bonus when dancing
      • Unarmored AC bonus
      • Unarmed strike damage equal to Bardic Inspiration die + DEX
      • Can make unarmed strike any time you expend Bardic Inspiration
    • When an enemy ends turn within 5 feet of you, expend a use of Bardic Inspiration as a reaction to move up to half your speed and allow ally to do the same - movement does not provoke opportunity attacks
    • Tandem Footwork
      • When you roll initiative, you can expend a use of Bardic Inspiration, and grant you and allies a bonus to initiative equal to a roll your Bardic Inspiration die
    • Evasion at 14th level - can grant to allies
  • College of Glamour (Truly outrageous! Truly, truly, truly outrageous!)
    • Beguiling Magic feature at 3rd level - replaces Enthralling Performance
      • Always have Charm Person and Mirror Image spells prepared
      • Can choose to attempt to charm or frighten a target whenever you cast any Enchantment or Illusion spell (limited times per day, not specified)
    • Mantle of Inspiration
      • Increased number of temp HP provided
    • Mantle of Majesty
      • Always have Command spell prepared
      • Can regain use of this feature by expending spell slot of level 3 or higher
    • Unbreakable Majesty
      • When a creature hits with an attack for the first time on its turn, it must make a CHA save or the attack misses - replaces feature's original function
  • College of Lore
    • Magical Discovery
      • Can only pull from cleric, druid, and wizard spell lists
      • Can replace on level up
    • Cutting Words
      • Now works on creatures immune to charm condition
    • Peerless Skill
      • If you use this feature to expend a Bardic Inspiration to try to turn failed ability check or attack roll into a success and do not succeed, that use of Bardic Inspiration is not expended
  • College of Valor
    • Can use simple and martial weapons as spellcasting focuses for bard spells
    • Extra Attack
      • Can cast a cantrip in place of one of your attacks

General Notes
  • Magic Initiate feat only draws from cleric, druid, and wizard spell lists
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Interesting that they limited what spell lists you can get your extra spells from with Magical Secrets and Magic Initiate.
So, if you want Eldritch Blast, you're gonna have to take a level of Warlock. No one is sniping Divine Smite from the Paladin. Hopefully the Sorcerers will be getting some more unique spells given that their spell list is also now protected.

Overall, I do think this is better, in that it's easier for Bards to not have to track which spells are Magical Secrets anymore. They just get access to another spell list.

-Mostly what I expected for the Bard, they'd keep the Bard spell list, but Magical Secrets would be all access to another class' spell list
-At least they made some of the Dance Bard's abilities more team-oriented even if I still see it as the "Monk-Bard"
-I think this is the first time we've seen the group picture for Elves
-So I guess Glamor Bards can now attempt to Charm or Frighten someone who succeeded on a save against Hypnotic Pattern, and possibly try again when they buff themselves with Mirror Image (which doesn't require concentration).

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