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D&D 5E Predictions and speculations for near future UA content


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Inspired by the druid subclass speculation thread i stated thinking what subclasses and stuff we are going to see after the druid. How much WoTC will expand one or other class and what we might see in general.

I think between after monk we might get a new version of the mystic class. We haven't heard anything about it in a long time and people are wanting psionics. Considering that a major rules expansion seems to be at work, then its probable that they might want to add that into the book. In any case it has been a long time since the last version.

Similarly i think we get an improved version of the "new ranger." Probably with a new subclass or two. Also as WoTC has hinted, we get a wilderness themed option under fighter or rogue, to allow people make martial or spell-less rangers. Maybe a new/improved version of the fighter subclass that was in one of the UA articles, maybe something new under a rogue, maybe even both.

Outside the ranger-like option, i'm not sure what else is out there for fighters and rogues. I think there is more room for some new fighter concepts, but rogue seems to be well covered. Maybe an option similar to the monk's way of shadow for making shadowdancer or ninja rogues, but WoTC might prefer to keep ninjas under monks. The latter and paladins are also classes that seem to be pretty well covered, so hard to predict anything. Still i will expect two new subclass options for all of them. Maybe three for fighters.

I hope that sorcerer gets at least three new subclass options, because its perhaps the one class most needing them. I personally hope we get an arcane/inherent gift origin, because the wild magic one doesn't cover it well. Fae theme under bard, gives a possibility that we might see a sorcerer with similar theme. Others? Not sure. I relly liked the shadow sorcerer in one of the earlier articles and i really hope we see it in the rules expansion, but is there room for it in the UA article?

Warlock is probably another two subclass article. WotC has been playing with some ideas for patrons over UA articles. Might we see a new version of the positive energy patron? I hope for the Elemental/Genie one. Maybe they will try something with vestiges.

Wizard is probably the class least needing any new traditions and unlike cleric there aren't really any key concepts that need to be filled. Maybe WoTC tries a version of scholar/sage/generalist. But others are really hard to predict. I know that i personally ant to see an elementalist.

I would love to see some options that would reflect non-western classes/concepts like samurai, sohei, wu jen or sha'ir. Outside the latter coming as a Genie pact warlock, i actually doubt that we see "cultural subclasses.

Something which i hope to see either under classes or perhaps maybe after the wizard atricle, or after feat articles are the expanded options for stuff like metamagic and invocations, maybe new manoeuvres or combat styles. But i'm feeling doubtful. WoTC will probably focus on new subclasses, feats and spells, with them being priorities.

There are my general thoughts about what we will be seeing in the next months What are yours?

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Um, maybe you didnt notice the part in my post where i mentioned the same fighter subclass you linked and wondered if they will have an improvement of this or something new or similar under fighter or alternativelty rogue to be the spell-less ranger?

Yes there was that article some time ago, but if they are really working on new subclasses for a new sourcebook, then its possible they revisit it. Maybe not, maybe they take the data they got back then and (and hopefully the blade bard in the book) add it into the book, instead of visiting with it the UA again.

I'm more interested in what comes after the waves of subclasses. They're neat, but my game is going good and we haven't used all that's already out there. Don't need much more.

Much more excited at the idea of revised Battlesystem rules. Or spellscars. Or Eberron/ Dragonlance/ Dark Sun races. Maybe some variant rules. Defiling. Draining magic items for spellcating. Something cool.


I'm more interested in what comes after the waves of subclasses. They're neat, but my game is going good and we haven't used all that's already out there. Don't need much more.

Much more excited at the idea of revised Battlesystem rules. Or spellscars. Or Eberron/ Dragonlance/ Dark Sun races. Maybe some variant rules. Defiling. Draining magic items for spellcating. Something cool.

They mentioned working on a revised Mass Combat system (built more around having major scenes while the rest of the combat is left with more loose and undetailed). Hopefully we get to see that sometime soon.


I'm more interested in what comes after the waves of subclasses. They're neat, but my game is going good and we haven't used all that's already out there. Don't need much more.

Much more excited at the idea of revised Battlesystem rules. Or spellscars. Or Eberron/ Dragonlance/ Dark Sun races. Maybe some variant rules. Defiling. Draining magic items for spellcating. Something cool.
Completely agree.

More subclasses is certainly not unwelcome, but it is coasting.

Deepening the fundamental rules engine is definitely about time.

Psionics - hopefully a system that's wonderfully quirky mechanically speaking. That is, not just reskinned spells with a reskinned DMG spell point system. (Which by the way is horribly unbalanced. Cf Sorcery points which work much better) Something that riffs off the ability scores used in 3.0 (but not 3.5) perhaps. The UA showed us they have it mind, so let's hope it doesn't get scrapped on the altar of uniformity.

More feats, especially for casters. Metamagic for all, perhaps through one of those feats. Perhaps a way to expand concentration, such as my own (rough) idea to replace the Wizard's Spell Mastery from an insignificant ribbon ability to actually getting to concentrate on a Mastered spell and one other spell at the same time.

Perhaps even splitting Concentration into its two constituent parts. Not everybody realize it, but Concentration actually does two fairly separate things. On one hand it means you're vulnerable to taking damage. On the other, it means you can't stack two buffs/debuffs. There really is no reason to couple these two together.

Other than simplicity of course. Not suggesting this should be changed for the basic game. Splitting Concentration into say, Maintaining (damage breaks your Maintenance) and Accumulation (you can't accumulate two buffs/debuffs) should definitely be presented as an optional variant.

But still, having all PHB spells be given either a Maintenance requirement, an Accumulate requirement, or both (full Concentration) would be a neat way to deepen the tactics of playing a (high-level) full caster :)


Fighter: I am not sure. Do not play or see much fighter, so I do not know what might be missing, off the top of my head.

Monk: I have a couple of subclasses I am working on that I feel are holes that need filling, a Blind monk, and a Taichi style monk. I would also like to see a separate class for the Elemental monk that they currently have, split into the separate elements.

Paladin:Always room for more things to swear yourself to, just need solid abilities built around them.

Rogue: Also not sure, they seem to have all the big ones covered.

Sorcerer: Aside from a single "Elementalist" style sorcerer, probably a better place to use the system currently attached to the Wo4E monk,I cannot think of any sorcerer classes that have not been touched on.

Warlock: definitely need a Genie patron, but I wonder if it should be four separate subclasses, one for each elemental Genie, or one patron to cover any of them,with small changes depending on your chosen element.

Wizard: Nope, don't need more of that, just changes to what there is,IMO.


Well, for one thing I would expect not to see previously tested options, other than the full Mystic or Eberton options. Going by Class:

Fighter: more specific variations on the Battlemaster, as described by [MENTION=697]mearls[/MENTION] , and maybe a Crusader one third caster.

Monk: Hard to say, they have been well covered IMO

Paladin: Oath of Magic, boosted spell casting for the Pally. Other themed stuff seems plausible...

Ranger: might not see much for them...

Rogue: hard to say.

Sorcerer: Oh, man, lets see:

1. Generic, Arcanist origin
2. Giant blood Mage
3. Far Realms blood mage
4. Fey Mage
5. Fiendish Mage, possibly separate Infernal and Abyssal
6. Genie Origin
7. Serpent Mage (Yuan-Ti)
8. Frost Mage (Water, Elsa...)
9. Fire Mage
10. Stone Mage
11. Construct Origin (Magic cyborg)

Just off the top of my head...

Warlock: Genie pact, Dragon pact, Modron pact...

Wizard: Sha'ir, Defiler...
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I want a Ki using Fighter class that could cover samurai, kensei, and other mystical warrior concepts. This along with a new monk path for some Book of nine swords inspired goodness.

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