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FitzTheRuke said:Honestly, prices like that PISS ME OFF. I'm a RETAILER (you know, with a STORE) and I'm going to be paying around $60 for all three books. How the heck am I supposed to compete with these on-line price-gougers who get some rediculous bulk discount off of WotC and then make about $3 a sale but sell hundreds of thousands of them, while I'm stuck with the stupid "suggested retail" of *** $104.95 *** or discount heavily and go out of business?
Congrats on your cheap find.
I can empathize with you Fitz, but I compromised and pre-ordered the PHB from my FLGS and got the DMG and MM from Amazon. And I agree with another poster that the FLGS provides a service in order to make money, which I am sure you also do. They have game space, game demos, painters-for-hire, knowledgeable staff, snacks, and mainly focus on specific game lines that make money (GW, WOTC, WizKids, and exotic board games).