Preorder, cancel, preorder, cancel etc

FitzTheRuke said:
Honestly, prices like that PISS ME OFF. I'm a RETAILER (you know, with a STORE) and I'm going to be paying around $60 for all three books. How the heck am I supposed to compete with these on-line price-gougers who get some rediculous bulk discount off of WotC and then make about $3 a sale but sell hundreds of thousands of them, while I'm stuck with the stupid "suggested retail" of *** $104.95 *** or discount heavily and go out of business?

Congrats on your cheap find.


I can empathize with you Fitz, but I compromised and pre-ordered the PHB from my FLGS and got the DMG and MM from Amazon. And I agree with another poster that the FLGS provides a service in order to make money, which I am sure you also do. They have game space, game demos, painters-for-hire, knowledgeable staff, snacks, and mainly focus on specific game lines that make money (GW, WOTC, WizKids, and exotic board games).

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Not gonna preorder, irrespective of how good/bad 4E might be. Mainly because 1st printings of the PHB in prior editions of D&D have contained silly errors, and I'm not into penciling or pasting in corrections.

FitzTheRuke said:
Honestly, prices like that PISS ME OFF. I'm a RETAILER (you know, with a STORE) and I'm going to be paying around $60 for all three books. How the heck am I supposed to compete with these on-line price-gougers who get some rediculous bulk discount off of WotC and then make about $3 a sale but sell hundreds of thousands of them, while I'm stuck with the stupid "suggested retail" of *** $104.95 *** or discount heavily and go out of business?

My local game store is pre-selling the box set for $52.99. The individual books for Amazon prices. The order is already sent to Diamond. They insist to me that they are still making money.

But, I'm not buying it still.

FitzTheRuke said:
Honestly, prices like that PISS ME OFF. I'm a RETAILER (you know, with a STORE) and I'm going to be paying around $60 for all three books. How the heck am I supposed to compete with these on-line price-gougers who get some rediculous bulk discount off of WotC and then make about $3 a sale but sell hundreds of thousands of them, while I'm stuck with the stupid "suggested retail" of *** $104.95 *** or discount heavily and go out of business?

Congrats on your cheap find.

Hey, I used to try and buy as much as I could from our local gaming store even though the prices there were a bit higher than I could get on Amazon or Chapters/Indigo. However, I thought it was always nice to support the local gaming store. Must have spent a fortune in there on minis and 3E books. And then they went out of business so it's back to ordering things on-line. Since then I've noticed I buy much less. It's nice to be able to pick up a book and look through things at the local store; it really helps in closing that sale for me. I really miss that, and no cheaper on-line prices will ever make up for it. Ah well. Maybe I'll have to open my own store (and go out of business due to on-line undercutting. :p)

Wulf Ratbane said:
OSeriously, if you haven't figured out by now that you're in the business of providing a service to hobby gamers, and not product, your store is doomed.

Why not send a PM to Thalmin and ask him how he goes about making Games Plus Mt. Prospect the best game store in the U.S.?

Wow, that's a pretty condescending post. For the record, I've owned my store for 15 years so I must be doing something right. I'm well aware of the service I provide. I'm simply pointing out that it's what one might call a "bit" unfair to have online stores SELLING the books to customers for LESS than what us stores PAY from our distributors.

I am in no way condemning the CUSTOMER who pre-orders online, it's a good deal. The system is a bit flawed, though.


Greylock said:
My local game store is pre-selling the box set for $52.99. The individual books for Amazon prices. The order is already sent to Diamond. They insist to me that they are still making money.But, I'm not buying it still.

Hmmm. I have no idea HOW, but good luck to them.


I pre-ordered.

Sure, there will be errors.

Sure, there will probably be errata.

Still, as a grown man, there are few things that make me giggly and wiggly.

DnD happens to be one of them.

WotC happens to BE DnD right now.

Hence, I have no problem giving WotC the assurance of my pre-ordered cash since they will give me the rare opportunity to feel giggly and wiggly...

...and feeling giggly and wiggly is REALLY important as a married adult man.

FitzTheRuke said:
Hmmm. I have no idea HOW, but good luck to them.


Agree. My FLGS is selling pre-orders of 1 book for 10% off and the 3 book set for 15% off. With tax that is still not as good as Amazon free shipping. But you can get the book the day of the release. That is why I am getting the PHB from them ;)

I occasionally buy from the local store, but since I game less now, I buy mostly online. The store deals mostly with the younger crowd now. Once my son is old enough to game, I'll start going to the store more often.

Yeah, I've been selling the boxed set for $100 (GST included (I'm Canadian)) to walk-ins, while the regulars get their usual discount (5 to 20% off depending on loyalty and past purchasing) so the CHEAPEST I'm selling them for is $80 (I make $76.19) Seeing as I'll be buying them for around $60 I don't think it's unfair for me to make 16 bucks off of a $60 puchase.

I have kids to feed & employees to pay.

It's all well and good to "Provide a Service" and I love playing D&D with my customers, but at the end of the day, I still need to make money. Can't just do it ONLY for the love. Just mostly.


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