• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Project: Daedalus (Issue #1)


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(( DAMN! Trying to kill 'em all in the first issue man? Yikes, what's the score, five down on the good guys to one on the bad guys, ouch. Good luck you guys, looks like the dice are hating you all. ))

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Agamon said:
If Sarah goes through with her Telekinetic attack, she'll worsen from Disabled to Dying and possibly die. I'll let you change your mind here if you like.

OOC: We're dead either way, and if it helps the others... She'll go through with the attack and risk it. It just better work...


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Kiro throws his arms out to his side and shouts, "Don't you get it!? That facility that was destroyed was a laboratory, where your government was conducting experiments on Elites, we didn't attack it, we escaped with our lives and were lucky to get away with that! Go and do the research yourself... Though I doubt your government will allow you to access the truth, unlike my country America seams to have fallen in love with lies and misdirection. If we get into that aerodyne, how do you know that tranfer that goes through a few months after we arrive doesn't send us to the next area 51? How do you know where we really go!? You don't question, you're American, Americans never question! You've been trained at birth to swallow whatever the hell you hear on television! Whatever your boss tells you to swallow... Look around at us!! How many terrorist organizations have their operatives run away in beat up Suburbans?? How many would send out so many young and inexperienced members on a mission like destroying a major base!!" Kiro looks JD in the eye, pleading for understanding.
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Round Eight

Initiative: Screaming Eagle: 22, Mimic: 18, Jersey Devil: 17, Shimmering Samurai: 14, Tyroc: 13, Steven: 13, Minotaur: 12, Strafe: 3, Cheetah: 3, Random: 3, Sarah: 3

Condition: Elementor: 2 Stun, 4 Lethal, Dying; Sarah: 2 Lethal, Dying; Tyroc: 2 Lethal; Mimic: 1 Lethal; Samantha: 1 Stun, Stunned; Jaya: 1 Stun, 1 Lethal, Dying; Sandstone: 2 Lethal, Dying; Random: 1 Stun, Invisible; Screaming Eagle: 1 Lethal, Fatigued, Neutron, 1 Lethal, Dying.
HPs used: Shim. Samurai: (1), Minotaur: (1), Sarah (4), Tyroc (4), Elementor (3), Mimic (1) and I've used 6 VPs.

While dodging Miguel's continued attacks takes most of her attention, Screaming Eagle can hear the screams coming from Aaron, Sarah and Steven below. She looks back and finally realizes the carnage Strafe is creating. "You bastard!" she growls, leaping from the roof, wings spread wide. She lands down in front of Sarah and Strafe's gun. "Strafe, that is enough! These people do not deserve to die, especially at your hands, you pig!" She touches the emblem on the breast of her dark blue uniform. "Devil, Neutron, leave those two, we have a more serious problem at the house."

Miguel, no longer in melee with Eagle, moves over to the other side of the house and concentrates on Sandstone's form. His shape quickly changes from that of a cat-girl to large woman made of sand and rock.

Miguel gets a 16 to hit and Sandstone fails her save.

Jersey Devil turns from the conversaion with a look of shock as Neutron is sent flying by Minotaur's attack. He responds to Screaming Eagle's request. "Negative on that, Eagle. Neutron is down, and down bad."

"Oh, no. Alright, check him out, make sure he's okay. And tell those other two that their friends are dying, thanks to Strafe and his goons. They might want to come back," he hears in his earpiece.

Devil looks to Kiro. "Look, I don't know about your story, but it sounds like the boss wants to call a truce to deal with those Evolution guys. Strafe's done quite a number on your friends with his guns, apparently." Devils nods towards Minotaur. "Do you think you can calm your bovine friend down before he tries to make rug out of me?"

Samurai and Tyroc are up


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Tyrone glances up at Miguel as he shifts form. Sandstone begins to rise from the ground up and past the changed man. "Yo, now'd be a great time to leave from the sound of things," he says, moving quickly along the back of the house just past Miguel. "Sounds like Eagle'n Strafe are gonna party." Sandstone rises above the house, capping off near 40 feet, moving a few feet to the West.

"But nooo, we can't run. Let's all get our asses blown clean off by a gun toting yokel," he mutters angrily to himself, pretty much ignoring Miguel, scooping his sunglasses from the ground where they had fallen off of Sandstone on her rise upward. "I can't believe they push me to this. I wonder if any of them remembers when I dropped that lady eighty feet when that robber hit me with a bat?"

He puts the sunglasses on and moves a bit farther down. "Sure hope they do, for her sake," he finishes, sounding like he's simply talking to himself. "Though it'd be neat to see how many times she bounces when she plumets to the ground when I lose my concentration!" he finishes, shouting at nobody in particular.

POWERS: Sustain force field; Kinetic Energy Control to lift Sandstone up 20 feet and along the a path parallel to the back of the house (works out to 35 feet horizontally roughly); Move my speed (70) along the back of the house as well.


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Miguel drops down from the roof in behind the ranting man and rushes up and grabs him by the shoulder before he can get around the corner of the house.

Dude, get a grip. We are going to have to keep it together if we plan on getting out of this with our skins intact. Besides Sam with them and she is in more trouble then we are. Hide Sandstone on the roof or something and let me do my thing. You can still use her as a pinball if I get my butt shot full of lead. But for right now either get in a defensible place or group up with Kiro and Max.

A look of worry crosses over pseudo-Sandstone's face

I hope Random isn't a telepath, that could really pooch the deal. Oh well, live fast, die young and live a good looking corpse, right? He says grinning at Tryone. When and if the time comes make it look good but try not to hit me. Miguel states mimicing Sandstone's voice. As he flows away from Tyrone and heads around the corner

OOC:edited for continuity, see below for rest

OOC: Disguse 12 +2 for sound mimicry will use a hp if the roll is less then 10
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Kiro nods to Devil and hustles to stand between Minotaur and the hero, waving his arms and shouting, "Minotaur, we have bigger problems, someones tearing up our friends real bad! We have to get back to the house!!"


At the house

Strafe steps back from Cheetah, shaking his head. "Christ. Random, forget her, go check on Annie," he says, looking at his teammate.

Random drops his concentration on Cheetah. He closes his eyes momentarly and a perfect copy of himself seems to somehow step right out of him. He looks at his copy, who nods and proceeds around to the back of the house.

"I'm pissed, Eagle. You've come between me and my payday again. And you guys were freakin' supposed to be helping us," Strafe says in an irritated voice. "When BioGen asked why we failed, I'll be telling them it's because our "allies" turned on us."

"I couldn't care less what the company that hired you thinks, Strafe. We came here to apprehend them, not kill them or take them to some laboratory," Screaming Eagle responds with a sneer.

As Random's copy is about to round the back of the house, Miguel, in Sandstone's form, flows around the corner, almost right into him. Random looks puzzled and says, "Sandstone, you're okay?"

Near the aerodyne

"Thanks," Jersey Devil says to Kiro, still keeping an eye on the big guy, as he makes his way towards Neutron.

OOC: We're out of 'battle mode' now, just so everyone's aware (unless someone tries to restart the fight, of course).
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First Post
Agamon said:
As Random's copy is about to round the back of the house, Miguel, in Sandstone's form, flows around the corner, almost right into him. Random looks puzzled and says, "Sandstone, you're okay?"

Miguel stops for a moment and glances over at Random.

Of course. Like those jerks could actually hurt me.

Miguel will start to walk towards Strafe and Screaming Eagle turning his head to look at Random, hoping that he will follow

What's going on with the boss and eagle? Why did we stop the fighting?
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"Strafe got trigger-happy, Screaming Eagle got mad. If the fight continues, I'm thinking it's the three of us against all of them. And while that might sound like fun to you, I don't like those odds," Random's copy says, walking back until he comes near the real Random before disappearing. "And neither does Strafe," Random adds, looking back at Miguel.

Strafe glances at Miguel as he approaches. He looks him over, cocking an eyebrow. "She looks fine to me."

Screaming Eagle looks at Miguel and looks at Strafe and rolls her eyes. "Do you two think I was born yesterday?" she says. "I'm not sure what you're planning," she says sharply to Miguel, "But the longer we mess around here, the better chance that your friends will die. And you," she says to Strafe, "you knew that that isn't Sandstone."

"Can't pull the wool over Girl Scout's eyes," Strafe says with a grin. He looks at Miguel. "Buddy, you're not quite ample enough in the chest, y'know what I mean? Random, you idiot, go find the real Sandstone."

Random, looking embarrassed, creates another double sending him back behind the building. He sees Tyroc holding Sandstone's body aloft. Rolling his eyes, he says, "You win, we're leaving, let her go."

With modifiers, Miguel's 18 in Disgiuse (roll of 10) was beat by both SE's 27 in Spot (her peepers be real good) and Strafe's 24 in Spot (he knows Sandstone very well), but not Random's 13. SE also sensed Strafe's Bluff.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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