Proposal - Allow 3rd PC's


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Yaknow... one of the non-Judge types just really needs to make an official proposal to allow 3rd characters. That would certainly help out with the lack of PCs we are currently facing. Plus, it would allow me to submit an adventure of my own since there seems to be a rather large list of pending adventures waiting in the wings.

Per Kalidrev's request ;)

I would like to propose allowing third PC's following the same rules as having your second PC. If your second one levels up you can add a third one. It seems we have availability of adventures right now.

To add some more details to the proposal. To get a 3rd PC you need to have two PC's above 1st and they have a total level of 6+ between the two (i.e. 4/2, 3/3, 6/2, etc.)
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With the third PHb coming out I would support this. It seems a good idea to put it in place early as well, so that submissions stagger a bit.


It seems worth mentioning that having more PCs could lead to more burnouts. I know I'd be tempted to make a third character, even though I have a hard enough time following just one.

I don't know if that's enough to hold up the proposal, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


First Post
That is certainly a risk of allowing an extra PC, as is assuming that the # of adventures will continue to be so high without DM burnout. That being said, I love Murphy and Kane, but wouldn't mind trying out a PHB3 class when it comes out. One thing I've been mulling over after my initial tossing out of the idea was that right now there's not a lot of player's who can have the third one, but in say 6 months from now a lot more will be able and this might create a huge glut of PCs as the # of adventurer's jumps by 25% or so (just an estimate, no hard #'s to back that % up). I'm actually a bit more hesitant right now about it... I'll hold off from voting one way or the other to allow some more discussion.

Voda Vosa

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I concur with renau1g, althought I'll love to have a third PC, even with the actual classess, I understand that it's a burden that will rest on the judges' shoulders. Perhaps it should wait until PHB3 comes out.


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The PHb3 comes out in 1 month. 1 Month after that the material is good. If it is our intention to approve this, but we wait till the PHb3 comes out then all the new character submissions will come around the same time. A rush of new adventurers is often followed by a wave of new Adventure submissions. These all get handled by the same judges.

If we approve it early, people who don't intend to purchase the book, or who have an idea for a character outside those options are likely to submit their characters early, and the PHb3 approval rush will be smaller. This would also be more beneficial to DMs starting adventures now.

No matter what, 1st and 2nd PCs get adventure preference over 3rd PCs so I'm less worried about DM Burn Out than Player Burn Out. That being said, I would hope players and DMs use their best judgement on how many games to be involved with at once.


What were the suggested criteria for a 3rd character, again? That would be useful information in this thread.

The main problem with 3rd characters, IMO, is that sooner or later there's going to be a shortage of adventures for them all to go on. Maybe it won't be until 5th edition comes out, but eventually it'll happen. If we allow 3rds, we're effectively committing to having a backlog of characters in the tavern. Is taht so bad? Not necessarily, but we should be aware of it.


First Post
I'd prefer to approve it now (if it gets approved) as Scorpius pointed out that way if you want a different class besides PHB3 that's cool, get in the game now.

Edit: It seems we are either committing to a backlog of PC's in the tavern, or a backlog of adventures looking for PC's, either way not ideal.


Since a third PC is too much, and two is too little, the solution seems clear: allow another half of a PC for each player.


First Post
Dekana said:
Since a third PC is too much, and two is too little, the solution seems clear: allow another half of a PC for each player.

LOL, Dekana!

I have read over all of the above warnings, suggestions, and contentions, but I still believe that having 3rd PCs is a viable option. I would think that the criteria for having a 3rd PC would be the same as the transition from 1 to 2 PCs. PC 1 must have gained a level for you to get PC 2. To me, this seems to give two options for criteria:

1) PC 1 AND PC 2 need to gain a level for the player to qualify for a 3rd PC. For most players (or at least most new players), this would mean a cascading level scheme. PC 1 at lvl 3, PC 2 at lvl 2. Then you can create a new, lvl 1 PC.

2) PC 2 needs to gain a level, but there's no need to have PC 1 level again. This is pretty much the same as option 1 for those who constantly adventure with both PC 1 and PC 2, as it is likely that they will both level around the same time. This option just means that if there is some kind of delay in getting PC 1 leveled, then you only have to worry about getting PC 2 to level 2 before you can have a 3rd PC.

Either way, I vote YES to allowing playeres to gain a 3rd PC, and we can come to another agreement about the criteria.

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