Proposal: Allow me to use debut content for one character.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I'm officially submitting a request that I be allowed to create a Psion character despite the psion class being listed as Debut.

I just can't stand the thought of waiting till Next April or whenever, a Psion is what I really want to play.

So I'm submitting a request that I be allowed to use the debut content to create a psion character at this time instead of waiting, consider this the same as a request to play 3rd party material.

I will naturallly edit my character to match the final content the moment the book comes out just the same as if it were erratta...

Let me just though a final personal word in here...


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If this passes, every bit of debut, or playtest, or "not yet official but I just can't stand waiting" content will have a similar proposal, and the rule about no playtest material will be effectively dead. Voting NO, not so much because I have any particular opinion one way or the other about the Psion, but because I think it's important to avoid setting a precedent.

There's no shortage of character options in L4W. Play something else to round out a group, get to level 2 or 3, and start your Psion there, come April.


First Post
I also fear this would open up a huge can of worms, which could culminate in people ignoring our rule for waiting until final release of unfinished content.

So that's a NO.

I think the simple solution would be to play whatever you think currently comes closest to your concept (there's already an abundance of options), then use the overhaul rules to change to a psion upon its release.


Sorry DOTM. I'm with Cov and Dunamin. It's important to wait until the book is published and people have had time read up on it. L4W's just not ready for it yet.

A reluctant


First Post
I must also toss in my two coppers and add another No to the vote. It's too much of a slippery slope, although I rarely like saying no.


First Post
I don't like saying "No" either, but I agree with the other Judges. If we allow this, then the "no debut/preview/playtest" rule is effectively dead. So...



Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Well, thanks anyways guys,

I'm in complete agreement with you all on the preview playtest rule, but I think the debut rule is stupid, if your not considering it finished, then there's no point in calling it anything different from the playtest material,

Anyways, I'm not in charge so, thanks anyways.


First Post
The main problem with debut material is, well, we just don't trust that it won't change. And we don't want another minotaur/bugbear/oversized debacle on our hands if something big gets changed.

Anyone know offhand what content has been released as a "debut" and has already come out in dead tree form? If so, were there any major changes?


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
None yet, only Debut content that has been release is PHB3,

There has been playtest material that's been updated to debut content with serious changes but we just won't know till the book comes out if they are lying about it being finished.

Personally I don't feel like they are, after all there's really no point in them lying about it. They've already seen that people enjoy getting preview and playtest, so why lie and say playtest isn't playtest?

After all, major changes have happened in dead tree stuff too thanks to errata.

I understand you don't trust them, I do, and there is no way will know for sure till it's too late.

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