Proposal: Bazaar of the Bizarre (Dr 365) [Passed]


First Post
I came across the Flask of the Dragon’s Breath in this article and though it was a pretty cool item for my artificer. Can anyone say flamethrower! ;)

Since it would be lame to JUST propose the item I want, I propose the whole article. As before I don't have a link. Ok, I'm opening the gates! Let me know what you think. If anyone does have the link and can post it, it would be much appreciated.

Edit: Passed — stonegod
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I reviewed the article and see no issue with any of the proposed magical items, if anything I find many of them to be quite weak for their level.

Yes from me on this article.

I reviewed the article and see no issue with any of the proposed magical items, if anything I find many of them to be quite weak for their level.
That was my impression too. However, as the other proposal of mine showed, I'm NOT as well versed in newest class combos as I'd like.

Yes it is a minor in the Compendium (Power (Daily): Minor Action)

That's to drink the flask. After drinking the flask, you can breath fire once during the encounter, but it doesn't explicitly state what type of action the fire breathing is. I would say minor, for the following reasons: dragonborn breath out a very similar attack as a minor action, and there's a small chance they meant us to assume the minor was for both actions, because if it wasn't, they would have said so.

there's a small chance they meant us to assume the minor was for both actions, because if it wasn't, they would have said so.
I though about that too after I posted last. That MAY be why the second action wasn't listed. However, since it can be used latter in the encounter it should list a free action at the very least. Hmmmm.

Well, we should set an action for the breath. You guys think a minor action after the minor to drink or a free after the minor to drink? I'm not sure myself. I have to think about this one.

Well I'd say model the power after the dragonborn ability, making it a minor action. If it takes a dragonborn a minor action to breathe flame, and theyre born with it, it must take someone else at least as long.

Also I vote YES

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