[Proposal] Kythira regional benefit


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I'd like to propose a new regional benefit for characters originating on the living isle:

Kythiran characters would receive +1 to nature, as their whole lives are spent under the canopy of mangrove forests. This benefit would escalate to +3 to nature checks when actually on the isle of Kythira.

Additionally, Kythiran characters would receive a +3 bonus to all knowledge skill checks concerning the shadowrift and its denizens, as well as the Eladrin ruins and the historic Kythiran Eladrin court.

Also, if this proposal is adopted, I propose that my Kythiran character, Yimayngurr, can switch to this regional benefit immediately.


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First Post
For reference, the existing regions are here.

This seems broadly in line with the others (which go as high as a +4 to Streetwise checks on Bacarte). I vote YES (with the caveat that if Yimayngurr is in an adventure when this passes, he needs approval of the DM to change his character; otherwise, he can make the change as soon as the adventure ends).


Eh. It's not overpowered. That "eladrin ruins and historic eladrin court" bit seems a trifle on the specific side. Is it established somewhere that I've missed that there are a lot of eladrin ruins around? I don't remember running across any, though it's quite possible there's an adventure or two about them that I've missed.

Anyway, the +3 to knowledge checks in specific circumstances strikes me as something a DM could easily work around if needed, so I won't let it prevent me from voting YES.


First Post
I echo Cov's comments about the specific nature of the eladrin ruins, etc, but I'm fine with the background.


Good work on growing the world.

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