Proposal: Remove the magic item penalty for new characters

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I propose that we remove option A from the charter, change option B's gold amount to Option A's amount (780 at level 2, 1750 at level 3, per DMG otherwise) thereby removing some of the penalty for character retirement and negating the need for option A.

I don't have any new argumentation to add. My points have already been presented here, in the general discussion thread, or elsewhere.


Yes. I think this potentially opens the door to some abuse of the system (retiring early and often to rebuild characters), but that's a potential problem, not an actual problem. We'll deal with it if it turns into one.


First Post
As per every other proposal (from the charter)

Changing the rules: proposing new sources and mechanics

Any player may propose that the rules be changed, or that new source material be allowed. To do so, the player should create a new thread in the forum with a title beginning with "Proposal: ". In the proposal, they should explain what the proposed change to the rules is, and why they feel that the change is needed. The judges, after allowing time for refinement and discussion of the proposal, will vote by indicating YES or NO in a post in that thread. (Judges may also mail their votes to, in which case another judge should post the vote to the thread on their behalf.) In order to pass, a proposal must receive at least three YES votes, and the YES votes must outnumber the NO votes by at least two. When that condition has been met for 48 hours, the proposal passes and becomes part of the official rules. If a proposal receives at least 3 NO votes, and NO votes outnumber YES votes by at least two for a period of 48 hours, the proposal fails and the matter is closed.

So right now it'd be tomorrow at 5pm EST (48 hrs after Kal's Yes vote) unless JNC, garyh, HM Gimlord and/or Lord S vote no, then it won't pass.


As far as Atreus' retirement is concerned, well, the new Atreus isn't approved yet (unless I missed something), so IMO go ahead and spend 1750, but you won't be eligible for approval until 48 hours have passed from the 3rd yes vote. Which won't really matter.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I was just looking, Larinza is third level with one level two item and about 300gp, I would clearly be at an advantage simply rebuilding her.


First Post
So would Haruka, Hadrak and 7 Rabbit. I would suggest discussing with your next DM in order to make sure you are brought up to the approx. amount of wealth expected for your level. I know for Hadrak I did my best to get him 'caught up' in Fire & Ice. It works out to about 1 magic item/level so you're just one item behind. If you were in a game I was running, after the first encounter I'd give you something

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