Proposal: Remove the magic item penalty for new characters


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Basically, I want to remove the penalty people take for replacing a retired or dead character with a new character of the same level. First of all, I doubt anyone is ever going to start at a lower level, since leveling up takes long enough as it is. Secondly, all this does is cause a problem that needs to be solved later. The new character will be behind the suggested wealth level, which means at some point a DM is going to have to give him some extra stuff to bring him to the proper wealth. Thirdly, it will make me feel like less of an idiot for not realizing the quasi-recent proposal didn't already do this.

If someone can come up with a better, more concise title, I'm all ears.

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Thanks for proposing this, THB. Hopefully, it will get approved quickly and save me from having to change my character sheet. :)

My only concern is that this will discourage character continuity, by making it comparatively more expensive to resurrect a character than build a new one. The starting gold numbers as calculated are, IIRC, something 10% behind the expected amount of treasure you'd earn in adventuring to that level. If you assume a few healing potions used, that means that a new character has roughly the same wealth as a character who leveled there the hard way. Someone who died and chose to be resurrected instead would be 500g behind. That's a lot at level 2 or 3.

I don't think there should be a mechanical advantage to leaving your character dead.

But there should also be a penalty for dying as well, otherwise it's like *meh, I died, ok just carry my spirit stone to the rez shrine and I'll rest and be all good*

Well, paying the 500 gp at level 2 is pretty harsh. For example, I think our characters in RotFL are just about to level. If Ikni died, she'd have to sell her sword to pay for her resurrection, and even then she'd have to hope Lauto would pay full price rather than the standard 20%. If Haruka dies, she'll need to take out a significant loan in order to come back, one which she will be paying off for quite some time. The financially crippling death penalty is an excellent incentive to not die, you know, if you needed one. But I don't think it should be the standard here.

What if your original character didn't die? What if you're just tired of him/her, or what if you want to change something the overhaul doesn't allow? Why should you have to pay the resurrection tax for turning a warlord/wizard multiclass into a swordmage?

Under the current system, a new level 2 character comes into play with 100 gold. That means they gained no wealth in their theoretical adventures from level 1 to level 2. That doesn't seem right.
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Considering the large flow of new adventurers that travel through Daunton, the temple(s) have a potentially lucrative market. perhaps they offer a kind of life insurance to new adventurers(lvl 1 - 3); make deposits of gp over a period of time (a smaller fee than the 500gp) based on level, so you pay your fee each time you level up, but are assured that if you die you will be resurrected back in town.

EIDT: Just noticed the other thread *facepalm*
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But there should also be a penalty for dying as well, otherwise it's like *meh, I died, ok just carry my spirit stone to the rez shrine and I'll rest and be all good*

Don't forget the -1 to all check for threes milestone you get for a freshly ressurected character

So with this proposal:

Ressurected Character : -500 gp, -1 to hit, skill checks and saves until you have earned three milestone.

Make a new character : Nada.
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