Protection from Eldritch fire


The lich would prepare ray deflection to counter the warlock. Ray deflection can be found on pg. 166 in the Spell Compendium.

Because of this spell, my warlock always had a Plan B or Plan C ready in case his opponent had that up. Usually dispel magic scrolls and non-ray methods of attacking.

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First Post
Whimsical said:
The lich would prepare ray deflection to counter the warlock. Ray deflection can be found on pg. 166 in the Spell Compendium.

Because of this spell, my warlock always had a Plan B or Plan C ready in case his opponent had that up. Usually dispel magic scrolls and non-ray methods of attacking.
Staff of fire is cheap enough for the warlock to use almost as willy-nlly as his blast.


Thanks for the suggestions. The problem is, the lich is a Blighter, so he has a very limited spell list. I'm inclined to create a Resist Elements (Eldritch Blast) and set it at 4th level. Not so much as to piss the warlock off, but the lich has fought them before, and knows they are coming back, so it makes sense for him to have increased his defences. The lich doesn't have spell resistance, come to think of it.


Penguin Herder
Trellian said:
Thanks for the suggestions. The problem is, the lich is a Blighter, so he has a very limited spell list. I'm inclined to create a Resist Elements (Eldritch Blast) and set it at 4th level. Not so much as to piss the warlock off, but the lich has fought them before, and knows they are coming back, so it makes sense for him to have increased his defences. The lich doesn't have spell resistance, come to think of it.
Whatever works for you. I wouldn't do this, because it's too much like a failure to understand "energy types", and may seem cheesy to the players even if you're able to justify it in your own head.

If you do somehow specifically negate his Eldritch Blast, just make sure the Warlock has some magic items he can use instead (presumably wands or a staff), and has pumped his Use Magic Device skill -- he should have done this already, but who knows. Seems some folks miss out on even the most basic optimization.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
Trellian said:
The lich doesn't have spell resistance, come to think of it.

Just give it to him. Seriously. The Bligher spell list is a joke anyhow.

It's also far less annoying for the warlock to have to contend with SR alongside everyone else than with something that specifically negates his blast (which as others have pointed out, could seem unfair.)


Nifft said:
If you do somehow specifically negate his Eldritch Blast, just make sure the Warlock has some magic items he can use instead (presumably wands or a staff), and has pumped his Use Magic Device skill -- he should have done this already, but who knows. Seems some folks miss out on even the most basic optimization.

Cheers, -- N

I think he can take 10 on UMD, so yeah. And they have a wand of fireballs, so he is not helpless. either way, I was just thinking of maybe giving the Lich Resistance 10 to Eldritch Fire or something. The warlock has a Chasuble of Fell Power or something, so his Eldritch Blast is, like 7d6 or something. He's still able to do a great deal of damage, even with the resistance.


Trellian said:
The warlock has a Chasuble of Fell Power or something, so his Eldritch Blast is, like 7d6 or something. He's still able to do a great deal of damage, even with the resistance.

Alternative idea: slap the warlock's chausable with a targeted (extended) dispel magic (or greater, depending on levels) from the lich. Weakens his eldritch blast damage for the duration of the fight (2d4 rounds should be enough), without introducing anything new.


Penguin Herder
Trellian said:
I think he can take 10 on UMD, so yeah. And they have a wand of fireballs, so he is not helpless. either way, I was just thinking of maybe giving the Lich Resistance 10 to Eldritch Fire or something. The warlock has a Chasuble of Fell Power or something, so his Eldritch Blast is, like 7d6 or something. He's still able to do a great deal of damage, even with the resistance.
You can rationalize the numbers any way you like, but realize this: you're not actually giving the Lich "elemental resistance", you're giving it resistance to Bob (or whatever your player's name is). You're making up an effect specifically to hamper one player. I suspect your players will see through this, and will feel that it smacks of unfairness.

Instead, I'd suggest you allow the Lich to research Necromantic versions of some helpful Arcane effects: mirror image, displacement, ray deflection, and the like. Make each spell one or two levels higher -- they're worth it.

For example:

Spectral Shadow
Level: Blighter 4

Identical to displacement, except as noted here. If an opponent misses you with a melee attack, he suffers Cold damage equal to one-half your caster level, as your spectral shadow chills his strike.

Spirit Mirror
Necromancy [Fear; see below]
Level: Blighter 3
Save: Will negates; see below

Identical to mirror image, except as noted here. Whenever an opponent destroys one of your images, it momentarily takes the form of someone dear to him dying. He must make a Will save or be Shaken for 1 round.

Cheers, -- N

the Lorax

First Post
Nifft said:
(with snippage)You can rationalize the numbers any way you like, but realize this: you're not actually giving the Lich "elemental resistance", you're giving it resistance to Bob (or whatever your player's name is).

Instead, I'd suggest you allow the Lich to research Necromantic versions of some helpful Arcane effects.

For example:

Spectral Shadow

Spirit Mirror

Cheers, -- N

More reasons why Nifft rocks.
Seriously, as a warlock player, golems and multiple opponents are the 2 things I hate to see. Lots of moderate threat opponents is a real pain in the rear as a warlock.

Also your Blighter Lich has UMD (or can have UMD) there is no reason for him not to go buy a few cheap scrolls (or heck even potions) to cover spells he might want if he expects to run into the warlock again.


Hey, I might be on to something here.. what about Spell Immunity?

From the SRD:

Spell immunity protects against spells, spell-like effects of magic items, and innate spell-like abilities of creatures.

Bah.. it's quite possible that the wording of that spells only targets racial spell-like abilities as opposed to a class special ability.

What's the spell level of an eldritch blast anyway? Might be higher than 4..

Voidrunner's Codex

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