Protection from Eldritch fire

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Trellian said:
What's the spell level of an eldritch blast anyway? Might be higher than 4..

The spell level will depend on the Warlock's level, as well as what esssence and/or blast shape he adds any given round. Essences and Blast Shapes all have an effective spell level, and increase the eldritch blast if this number is higher than what the EB would be otherwise. Since Warlocks don't get many invocations, and as DM you presumably know which ones he has, you should be able to figure out the highest effective spell level he can make it.

Aidan Milvus

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StreamOfTheSky said:
The spell level will depend on the Warlock's level, as well as what esssence and/or blast shape he adds any given round. Essences and Blast Shapes all have an effective spell level, and increase the eldritch blast if this number is higher than what the EB would be otherwise. Since Warlocks don't get many invocations, and as DM you presumably know which ones he has, you should be able to figure out the highest effective spell level he can make it.

They errata'd the level of the EB years ago. It's a first level effect, unless you add an essence and/or a blast shape to it.


See, I thought it was originally listed as strictly first level, and later errata'd it to be something more fair, like Warlock level/2, max 9. Wasn't sure.


Yeah, I know that the essences have effective spell levels, I just couldn't find what a normal eldritch blast was. 1st? Then it's conceiveably vulnerable to Spell Immunity then..


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I a still confused as to what seems to be the problem. Given that you have only mention the blast being the problem, it seems as your player is just playing a straight forward warlock that is focusing on his blast. When you compare this vs other devoted damage builds, it does far less damage, while at a greater consistency.

For example at 11th level
+14 to hit 8d6 (chausible for +2d6) = 28 pts on avg for a single round (if you apply a shape then either a save is introduced or a penalty & restriction is applied on the iterative attacks)

fighter Archer (boots of haste, +1 weapon) has 5 (+23 to hit) attack each doing 1d8+6 in all likelyhood will hit with 3 or 4 hits. Thus comes out to an average of 3.5*(1d8+6) = 36.75

Just doesn't seem to be that impressive of damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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