Protection (No Judge Yet)


First Post
A noble elf, requires protection for a few days, can the party manage it?
Players are:
Nuria Perrin D'Cannith (lvl 2 Sorcerer)
Kendra Ir'Dennon (lvl 1 mage)
Wulfcyne Dabo (lvl 3 Fighter)

IC thread
Game started on 20 June 2008
No Judge as yet

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sorry guys,

had no internet for a week. and i dont have details of any of the managers, so couldnt send email through my phone..

have now got BT internet, so am back with avengance, give me a day or to and we will get started on this.. a lot of mails to go through. lol


The powerfully built and well armored figure of Wulfcyne emerges from the Tower's Shard, following three slimmer figures in concealing robes.

Looking to the other male of the group, and elf, the warrior gruffly asks, 'Where we goin' now, sigh-yuer?'

Glancing up at the sky, Wulfcyne wondered how the weather of Sharn would fare on this day. The old soldier missed the frontier some times, mostly when it rained...which was a lot. The clear skies, crisp air and untamed wild seemed made for the large human, but somehow he knew it was not for him.

Taking a good look around, Wulfcyne takes in the scene.

ooc; take ten on spot

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