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PS3 RPG Titles???


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So apparently my parents decided they wanted a Blu-Ray to go with their Flatscreen - the kindly BB salesman sold them on a PS3 as their player.

My 16 year old anime-loving daughter is wondering if there are any good RPG style games for the PS3? I am a PC person - so I really don't know. I know FF XXIII will come out eventually - but are there any other good RPG games that a semi-geek female teenager will enjoy?

Suggestions appreciated!


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Surprisingly, there aren't a lot of anime-inspired JRPG's for PS3 yet.

Valkyria Chronicles is a very good RPG/squad-based tactical wargame hybrid. Don't let that wordy description put you off, though. It's like a WWII movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki (My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away), with a ton of quirky characters and romance. Even the tanks are adorable.

I've read Eternal Sonata is good (and a lot more traditional).

There are a metric ton of good JPRG's available for the PS2. Is your PS3 backward compatible (actually, if it's new, it probably isn't).


For the PS3, there surprisingly ISN'T a ton of RPG's to choose from. I would look into backward-compatibility for your machine. There's a metric ton of great RPG's for both PS1 and PS2. :(

For PS3 specifically?

Other RPG [or RPG-like] titles I'd recommend? (Not knowing the tastes in question, I'd review these before buying, obviously.)

Tales of Vesperia (The "Tales" series in general is quite good.)
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (This won a number of awards a few years back.)
Fallout 3 (There's now some good Downloadable Content [DLC] as well.)
Rise of the Argonauts
Valkyria Chronicles
Disgaea 3

Don't disregard other non-RPG titles, either. (Some of these are PS specific, others are multi-platform.)
Worth checking out, IMO:
Little Big Planet
Metal Gear Solid 4
Drakes Fortune
SW: The Force Unleashed
Mirror's Edge
Ratchet & Klank: Tools of Destruction

Hope this helps!

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