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Psionic Beasts

Brine Treader

A low, musical tone blears out across the waters and a towering creature thats little more than legs skims into view with fantastic speed...

Type: Gargantuan Aberration (psionic)

Hit-dice: 8d8 +48 (84)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 120 ft.
Armor class: 15 (-2 size, +7 natural)
Base attack/grapple: +6/+26
Space/reach: 120 ft./120 ft.
Attack: Slam +10 melee, (2d6+8 per pad)
Full attack: 4 slams +10 melee, (2d6+8 per pad)
Special Attacks: Psionics, Trample
Special Qualities: Boyant, Blindsight 200 ft., Electricity sense, Immunity to Electricity, Regeneration
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +14
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 8, Wis 26, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration +18, Hide +9, Knowledge (Geography) +12, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Listen +10, Spot +10
Feats: Aligned Attack (Good), Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Run(B)
Environment: Any aquatic
Organization: Always solitary
Challenge Rating: 8-9
Alignment: Usually Neutral Good
Treasure: None
Advancement: -

A brine treader is a crustacean/arachnid-like creature nearly forty feet tall. The eight segmented legs rise up about five feet from the body and then go
straight down. They thicken a bit as they reach the water and widens
further into a giant, flat inflexible pad with a roughly 30-40 foot circumference. Being supported by these soaring legs and pads is an oval, 7-10 foot long body covered in a thin, flexible, mist-colored exoskeleton. The fused, neckless head has clusters of large, bulging white eyes that reflect as well as a mirror. A pair of sharp, comparatively small, ridged pinchers about a foot or two long protrude from the mouth, and, from above the eyes groups, hang two long, thin antennae. Faintly glowing feathery external gills grow along side the body between the leg junctions, and hang down all the way to the water. Despite its size brine treaders are comparatively frail and light, perhaps 800 lbs at most.

Brine treaders possess a great wisdom and understanding of the ocean, sky and storms, brought about by consistent balancing upon ocean waves, during storm or calm.
The creatures are nearly invisible despite their size, or perhaps, partially aided because of it, as well as their cloudy, transparent coloration that blends perfectly with sea and sky.
They breathe by dipping their gills into the ocean to wet them and then
raising back up to safety above the waves until the gills dry out. The
gills are also used to attract large fish at night with their bioluminescent glow, or used as a beacon for other treaders. The body can be lowered down into the water and will often do so to grab up fish with its pinchers. Most
of their life is spent sending cries echoing over the waves in the hope
of finding another of their kind. They can be found skimming around the landmasses, going from ocean to ocean and it is not unusual for them to circumnavigate the globe in their 400+ year life span.

Brine treaders speak their own language, plus Aquan and Common.

Brine treaders generally find it easier to skim away at high speed, having no equal while they are atop the waves. However, if the treader senses intelligent evil in a nearby creature they will attempt to thrash it to death with their monstrous pads, or lead it into traps such as whirlpools or near good aligned sea inhabitants such as mers or sea-elves. Brine treaders can move without reduced speed even with up to half of their legs crippled or removed, but once there is less than four legs left they fall to the ocean, nearly harmless aside from their jaws, but their speed is reduced to only 5 ft. If the foe is particularly vicious they will release a torrent of captured electricity.

Blindsight (Ex):
Brine treaders use a type of echolocation to sense land and other large things about it, even while in dense fog. A brine treader therefore cannot use its blindsight if deafened.

Boyant (Ex):
A brine treader's pads keep it well balanced upon the waters and can move across it as if it were a solid surface.

Camouflage (Ex):
A brine treader's coloration allows it a +8 on hide checks while on the open ocean.

Electrical Immunity (Ex):
A brine treader is completely immune to electricity, grounding it out into the waters directly about it, as if using the Energy Burst ability. This is not a controllable ability, and cannot be dispelled or turned off while it lives.

Electricity Sense (Ex):
Brine treaders can detect any electrical discharges within 2000 feet, including that of approaching storms.

At will - Aura Sight and Energy Conversion (electricity only). Manifester level 8.

Empathy (Ps):
Brine Treaders may use empathy in a radius of 50 miles, though can only sense the general direction of the emenations. In particular brine treaders are empathically attracted to good alignments, or good and neutral alignments in sorrow or depression, and hostile to anything with an evil alignment. If of a good or neutral alignment and radiating sadness or depression it will seek them out. Wrecked sailors or anyone drowning of a good alignment are liable to be rescued, the Brine Treader giving them safe passage atop its pads.

Regeneration (Ex):
A brine treader can regrow a missing limb within a month.

Trample (Ex):
A brine treader who knocks an opponent prone may make a slam attack directly afterwards.

A brine treader recieves a +12 racial bonus on Concentration, Knowledge (Nature), and Knowledge (Geography) checks.


Song of the Brine Treader

Rising from the mists of foam,
Striding on the swells that rise
The treaders of the brine must roam
Keening out, foretelling eventual demise

On legs of towering pillars tall
Of living flesh, not wood or stone
They intone their eventual fall
Echoing always, "I'm alone, so much alone!"

Forlorn sailers with no sails
Swimming strides with feet un-wet
Always dry eyed though they wail
Of the end that must be met.

The water in a touch of mercy
Gave the gift to stand up tall
That maybe against their poignant prophesy
They will meet another, however much the waiting galls.

Cheerless searching always, ever
Hanging lights above the spray
Any clime, wave or weather
In sad tones they plead and pray.

That maybe in a fluke of chance
(Of happenstance, not whale conclusion)
They will find one more with which to prance
To breach the gloom, halt morbid illusion.

But still they bawl within the windy heights
In their continual dismal fights
Wanting inner peace or their outlook mended
Then will their continuing search be ended...
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Dragon Uncarnate

Dragon (Dream, Incorporeal)

Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Wyrmling: solitary; very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); else: solitary, pair, or family (1-2, and 2-5 very young)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral

Dragon uncarnates are ultimately imaginative, creative and unpredictable. They dislike anything that hints at routine or conforming to a norm. They value uniqueness and surprise above all other things. Some say they come from the unheard of liasons of an ethereal and a ectoplasmic dragon, while others say the first dragon uncarnate was a great wyrm of a mind drake that managed to become pure thought.

A predator of the medium of thoughts and dreams, a dragon uncarnate is incorporeal and can appear to anyone as any creature it likes, though it rarely bothers, appearing before them in its natural form as a dragon with a very long, sinuous body and tail that extends far out of sight, with no visible end. Its scales are in constant motion, lifting off of the dragon and rearranging and wandering about its surface before lying flat. They are slightly transparent, resembling pure crystal, with the faintest of white glows. It has massive, mebranous wings that perfectly reflect light, having a mirror-like effect. The head of the dragon is long and indistinct with blurred features that never quite come into focus. Two black holes in the face are the shape of eyes, though within tiny white lights chase and revolve about each other. Four thick tentacles protrude from around its mouth, two on top, two on the bottom, eerily resembling a mindflayer's maw. The mouth itself is toothless, with only a dark hole of fathomless depth within.
Dragon Uncarnates are almost always on the move, but they are known to often mentally craft themselves a lair in out-of-the-way areas within the Dream Plane/Mindfields. This is, as ofton as not, miles above with large openings in the air itself. These lairs do not always have gravity thats corresponds with the outter pull.
Dragon Uncarnates breed by use of metaconcert to combine their minds. Together they produce a mindegg that the female keeps within her until a suitable mind can be found.
Dragon Uncarnates communicate telepathically.


A dragon uncarnate usually has no need to fight, stealthily invading a mind and putting them to sleep. Once within the dream the dragon uncarnate has full sway over events. Normally this consists of the dragon sending the dreamer through tests and obstacles requiring imaginative strategies or original thinking to escape. These tests may be cruel and sadistic or quite enjoyable, but either way the dreamer must be creative and win before the dragon allows the sleeper to wake. The dragon drains one temporary level of wisdom from its victim, feeding off of the creativity produced. Those who solve its riddles quickly or do something so unexpected that the dragon uncarnate did not think of it, is normally the recipient of a mind egg, if the dragon is mature. The riddles and scenarios are simple to figure when the dragon is young, but as it ages they become increasingly more difficult.

Breath Weapon (Ps): A Dragon Uncarnate has two types of breath weapon, a spray of fragmented mindblades as thrown by a soulknife or a cone of psionic sleep. Creatures within the cone must succeed at a Will save or fall asleep, regardless of HD, for 6d10 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.

Detect Dreams (Ps):
The dragon can use this ability at will such as if using the Detect Psionics ability except it can only detect dreaming beings. the dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for one round it knows if there are anyone sleeping within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveals the exact number of sleeping folk; and three rounds reveal their exact location and their race, allowing it to make a jump straight into their minds.

Telepathy (Compulsion) [Evil, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 4
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1
Range: Medium (100 feet +10/level)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7

The subject's brain functions are subtely altered so that the target cannot achieve a dream state. He is able to sleep, but not dream, allowing the use of related spells and psionics against the subject, but the subject themselves are unable to use psionics or magic the next day without their much needed mental downtime. All ability damage caused by this cannot be healed naturally until the subject gets a good night's sleep.

Dreamless cannot be dispelled, for a change is made directly to the workings of the brain itself, causing an extended condition. This affect can be removed by psychic chicurgery, reality revision, and similiar effects. Restoration, Heal, Greater Restoration, Bend Reality and Limited Wish remove the affliction. This can only be used if the subject is awake.

A second usage of this ability restores the brain to proper balance.

Over 8 days, the subject suffers more and more severe reprocussions from the lack of healthy sleep. Subjects that don't dream are unaffected by this power. Those who meditate instead of dreaming are still affected as they are blocked from the neccessary subconscious interaction to refresh themselves.

First day: The subject becomes edgy and tired, resulting in a the loss of a point of both intelligence and wisdom.

(Int -1, Wis -1, Cha -0)

Second day: The subject's adrenaline tries to make up for the lack of sleep, resulting in a +1 bonus to constitution and reflex saves. The mind however is even more weary, resulting in the loss of an additional point of intelligence and wisdom.

(+1 Con, Int -2, Wis -2, Cha -0, +1 Reflex)

Third day: The subject's adrenaline high wears off, and their entire body is weary with fatigue, resulting in 2 points of constitution, strength, dexterity damage. The subject also takes a -2 penalty on reflex saves. An additional point of intelligence, wisdom and charisma is lost. They also take a -1 to all skill checks.

(Str -2, Dex -2 Con -2, Int -3, Wis -3, Cha -1, -2 Reflex, -1 Skill checks)

Fourth day: The subject becomes both fatigued and shaken. Two additional points of intelligence, wisdom and charisma are lost. They also take a -2 to all skill checks. They also start to see things that are not there or feel sensations that do not truely exist.

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -5, Wis -5, Cha -3, -2 Reflex, -2 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Fifth Day: The subject becomes exhausted. Two additional points of intelligence, wisdom and charisma damage. They also take a -4 to all skill checks. They are continuously in the grip of illusions. The subject will panic once every hour unless they make a successful will save (DC 12).

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -7, Wis -7, Cha -7, -2 Reflex, -4 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Sixth Day: The subject must make a Will save (DC 10) or go insane. They also two additional points of intelligence and wisdom, and two points of charisma.

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -9, Wis -9, Cha -9, -2 Reflex, -4 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Seventh Day: The subject must make a Will save (DC 10) or go insane. Even if the save is made they are reduced to a gibbering wreck, unable to act in any way and are considered helpless.

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -9, Wis -9, Cha -9, -2 Reflex, -4 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Eighth Day: The subject falls into a coma, and dies 2d4 hours later, no will save.


Augment: For every additional two power points spent this power affects another target, and the manifestation time increases by 1 round.

Incorporeal Subtype:
A dragon uncarnate has no physical body. It can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons or creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities. He is immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Even when hit by spells or magic weapons, it has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source (except for positive energy, negative energy, force effects, or attacks made with ghost touch weapons).
A dragon uncarnate can enter or pass through solid objects. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to his current location, but enemies have total concealment (50% miss chance) from a dragon uncarnate that is inside an object. To see farther from the object it is in and attack normally, the dragon uncarnate must emerge. An dragon uncarnate inside an object has total cover, but when he attacks a creature outside the object he only has cover, so a creature outside with a readied action could strike at it as he attacks. An dragon uncarnate cannot pass through a force effect unless using dream travel.
A dragon uncarnate's attacks pass through (ignore) natural armor, armor, and shields, although deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against it. It can pass through and operate in water as easily as he does in air. An dragon uncarnate cannot fall or take falling damage. It cannot make trip or grapple attacks, nor can it be tripped or grappled. In fact, it cannot take any physical action that would move or manipulate an opponent or its equipment, nor is it subject to such actions.
Incorporeal creatures have no weight and do not set off traps that are triggered by weight. An incorporeal creature moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn’t wish to be. It has no Strength score, so its Dexterity modifier applies to both its melee attack rolls and its ranged attack rolls. Nonvisual senses, such as scent and blindsight, are either ineffective or only partly effective with regard to incorporeal creatures. Incorporeal creatures have an innate sense of direction and can move at full speed even when they cannot see.

Incorporeal Touch (Ps):
A dragon uncarnate deals damage with its claws same as a normal would, but does it with its incorporeal touch, ignoring nonmagical armor and shields.

Mind Egg (Ps):
To reproduce a dragon uncarnate lies a mind egg within the consciousness of individuals who have shown themselves to be of unusual resourcefulness and imagination. This egg takes 800 full days to 'hatch' at which point it has completely taken over the host's personality. The human to all appearances is the same, and the wyrmling uncarnate has been within him long enough to know how to control the body and have it act in the general way it did before. Once the wyrmling has grown one size category it is mature enough to leave the host. The host is left with his own personality intact, but is dazed for a day, and has no recollection of what has transpired since the day the wyrmling 'hatched'.

Psychic chirugery can remove a mind egg, but not the wyrmling. Healing spells and abilities are useless as the egg/wyrmling is not damaging the host in any way. While the wyrmling is in possession of the body it takes damage to the host as its own. It also takes all the physical abilities and properties of the host.

The host gains the Wild Talent feat after it has been released, the possession of the wyrmling having strengthened and expanded the mind to fit its needs during its growth.

Mind Melody (Ps):
The mindsong is an odd malady that is picked up after telepathic discourse with a mind much more powerful than the subject's, leaving a sort of psionic ringing in the mind that disrupts telepathic communication. It is also passed by telepathic contact with one suffering from this affliction.
The first day it takes three extra power points to use any kind of telepathy. The second day twice as many. The third day a player must use up every one of their allotted psionic points to attempt or hear even the briefest message.

After three days of this, the ringing forms into a melody that starts to play in the subjects mind. Most of those whom have had this have mentioned that the tune is almost always lovely beyond words. However, every day for the next week it grows louder and louder. The first day of the melody the player is telepathically deaf, and cannot send or receive. It hits its peak at the eighth day of the illness, where the melody is so loud that they cannot even hear normally, and no psionic abilities can be concentrated on. This last for two solid days before slowly becoming softer, reversing the effects until no song is heard, only a ringing, and then this to disappears at the end of the second eight-day. All in all this mental malady takes 18 days to disappear after contacting.

While ringing the subject takes a -2 to concentration and listen checks.
While the melody plays the subject takes -6 to concentration and listen checks.
At peak no concentration, listening or psionic abilities is possible, even with the Unconditional Power feat.

A second bout of this disease leaves a subject partially psionically deafened, causing a permanent doubling of psionic points to use telepathic powers and they act as if Dazed during the peak two days.

A third bout leaves the subject permanently telepathically deaf and they act as if Insane during the peak.

A fourth bout leaves the subject permanently insane as the melody continues unabated.

It can be cured by Psychic Chirurgery, but the manifester has a chance of contacting the malady in doing so (a roll of 1 on a six sided die means it has spread to the manifester). Reality Revision can also cure the mindsong.

Subconscious Banishment:
As psionic banishment, except the banishment is to the plane of dreams, affects all living, thinking creatures. Their bodies are not physically sent, only their minds, making Dream Travel unusable to return. Their physical body remains living, but in a deep coma, such as if under Suspend Life except they are unaware of what is happening about their bodies. Their minds can only be called back using psychic chicurgery, revivify, or any other spells for bringing the soul back to the body.

Psionic Powers:
At will - Dream haunting, Dream travel, Incorporeal touch, Mind Melody, Uncarnate bridge, Read Thoughts, ; 6/day - Psionic sleep; 2/day - Mass psionic sleep; 1/day - Dreamless, Subconscious Banishment; 1/month - genesis, 4/month - Mind egg, Metaconcert

Dragon Uncarnate By Age

Age          Size  HitDice    AC                             AB   FS   RS   WS 

Wymling      *     *          *                              +4   *    *    +10
Very Young   S     6d12   17 (+1 size, +3 dex, +3 deflect)   +6   +3   +8   +12   
Young        S     9d12   18 (+1 size, +3 dex, +4 deflect)   +9   +5   +10  +14
Juvenile     S     12d12  20 (+1 size, +4 dex, +5 deflect)   +12  +6   +12  +16  
Young Adult  M     15d12  20 (+6 deflect, +4 dex)            +16  +8   +14  +18
Adult        M     18d12  23 (+7 deflect, +6 dex)            +20  +10  +16  +20
Mature Adult M     21d12  24 (+8 deflect, +6 dex)            +24  +12  +17  +22
Old          L     24d12  25 (-1 size, +7 dex, +9 deflect)   +28  +14  +19  +25
Very old     L     27d12  26 (-1 size, +7 dex, +10 deflect)  +32  +15  +20  +28
Ancient      H     30d12  28 (-2 size, +9 dex, +11 deflect)  +36  +17  +22  +30
Wyrm         G     33d12  27 (-4 size, +9 dex, +12 deflect)  +38  +18  +24  +33
Great Wyrm   C     36d12  25 (-8 size, +10 dex, +13 deflect) +42  +20  +25  +35

BW(DC)   Fear DC    SR
2d4      -          -
4d4      -          -
6d4      -          -
8d4      -          -
10d4     25         22
12d4     27         24
14d4     30         26
16d4     33         28
18d4     35         29
20d4     37         31
22d4     40         32
24d4     42         34

Dragon Uncarnate Abilities By Age

Age           Speed  Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha   Special Abilities    

Wyrmling       -      *   *   *   *   *   *     Uncarnate, fatelink, 
                                                incorporeal subtype,
                                                psionic sleep
Very Young     -      -   16  12  16  17  16     Dream Haunting,
                                                incorporeal touch            
Young          -      -   16  12  18  19  18     Dream Travel
Juvenile       -      -   19  15  20  21  20     Uncarnate bridge 
Young Adult    -      -   19  17  22  23  22     Mindegg, Metaconcert
Adult          -      -   22  17  24  25  24     Psionic mass sleep
Mature Adult   -      -   22  19  26  27  26     Mind Melody, Damage 
                                                reduction 5/+1
Old            -      -   25  21  28  29  28     Detect Dreams
Very old       -      -   25  21  30  31  30     Dreamless
Ancient        -      -   28  23  32  33  32     Genesis
Wyrm           -      -   28  25  34  35  34     Damage reduction 15/+2
Great Wyrm     -      -   31  25  36  37  36     Subconscious Banishment 

Psion Level**


* A dragon uncarnate wyrmling has only the stats of its current host.
** Can also manifest abilities from the psychic warrior category.

Dream Guard

"Hush little one, don't be frightened by your dreams. They can't harm you..."

Medium Outsider (celestial, dreamborn)
Hit Dice: 8d8+24
Initiative: +10
Speed: 60 feet, 80 feet (fly) (perfect)
AC: 20 (+6 dex, +4 natural)
BAB/Grapple: +8/+10
Attack: -
Full attack: -
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Dreamborn Traits, Immunity to Sleep and similiar effects, Incorporeal Traits, Telepathy and Empathy 60 feet.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +16, Will +15
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 26
Skills: Autohypnosis +12, Concentration +12, Craft (Dream Intepretation) +12, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +12, Listen +12, Search +12, Sense Motive +12, Spot +12,
Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Lucid Dreaming(B), Psionic Endowment
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
CR: 8-9
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Treasure: -
Advancement: -

This skittish creature stands nearly eight feet tall, and appears fairly humanoid. The being itself is unseen and unfelt, except for its eerie shadow that doesn't quite seem to be here or there, confusing the mind. From the shoulderss of its shadow grow long, spinelike wing-pinions, devoid of feathers.

Dream Guards are brought into being by fearful psionic children, or by the minds of psionic parents whom are strongly concerned for their child and their continuous nightmares. The child from the moment forward is protected by the Dream Guard, whoes sole purpose is to battle the demons in a child's dreams and protect it from other dreamborn entities.

Only the child is able to see their guardian, and only then as the shadow. To others a dream guard is completely invisible. Some children with imaginary friends have a very real Dream Guard keeping them company.


A Dream Guard prefers to put its enemies to sleep if possible. If this fails it uses its telekinetic thrusts to hurl its enemies away, or more favorably, lifting them high into the air, and letting them fall to their deaths. To more dangerous foes it will attempt to use Head Trip, and failing even that, will manifest a Crawling Cromlech to guard its child.

Psionics: At will/Dream Travel, Head Trip, Sleep, Telekinetic Force. 1 day/Crawling Cromlech

Dreamborn Subtype:
Dreamborn creaturs appear hazy and out of focus, such that all melee and ranged attacks against a Dreamborn creature are assessed a 20 percent miss chance. This 20-percent miss chance is not the same as concealment and does not preclude the possibility of effective sneak attacks.

Dream Guarding:
A drean guard is blind to reality, seeing only the one it protects and other dreamborn creatures and those similiar. Phantasmal killers, night hags, pthisics, and unbodied are also fully visible to a Dream Guard. It can fully take charge of its child's dream, altering it at will. Anything such as an attached night hag or an invading dreamborn creature can be destroyed with a moment's thought.

It cannot do this out of a dream. It does however gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, it gets a +4 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

It is also immune to the miss-chance of dreamborn creatures.

Mind to Mind (Ps):
A Dream Guard can use telepathy to communicate in a 120 foot radius.

Reocurring Dream (Ps):
If a Dream Guard is killed it reappears 1d8 days later in the child's dream and is recreated.

Sense Dreamborn (Ps):
A dreamguard can sense the presence of another of dreamborn and similiar creatures in a 60 foot radius.

Unknown Presence (Ex):
Any clairsentient or scrying abilities to detect the Dream Guard only shows the child, as she is who is generating the Guard. Anyone using Sense Link on the child can see the shadow of the Dream Guard.

The Insomnious

Medium undead (psionic, uncarnate, dreamborn)
HD: 4d12
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+3 dex, +4 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+10
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Psionic abilities
Special Qualities: Incorporeal traits, Sense Dream, Spell Resistance, Turn Resistance, Undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +8
Abilities: Str -, Dex 16, Con —, Int 1, Wis 20, Cha 18
Skills: Concentration +7, Knowledge (psionics) +7, Intimidate +7, Spot +7
Feats: Burrowing Power*, Improved Grapple, Weapon Focus (Grapple)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

* Racial feat


A section of the scenery changes out of the corner of your eye. Turning you see a figure with wide, unblinking eyes that are red with fatigue with dark shadowy bags of utter exhaustion. Its hair is strewn about, knotted and uncombed. The features are that of an utterly insane being appearing inhumanly weary. Its movements are manic and overly energetic.

In an oval area of of six feet by four feet the scene around the creature is alike to normal surroundsing, but as it moves the background as seen through this oval is nightmarish and unreal.

An insomnious is the mental echo of a psionic creature who by a spell, brain damage, or attack from another insomnious, has died from lack of sleep with a portion of its spirit still within Dream which is brutally seperated from the rest when it dies. Its only urge is to find rest, and will attack any sleeping character it can find, instinctively attempting to gain by force the restful state from which it is forever restricted.

The insomnious generally prefer to go after those who sleep and unable to put up resistance and try to bring them physically into the realm of dream. It has no qualms about doing this to waking creatures as well, though it will attempt to put them to sleep if it has the chance.

Psionic Abilities

Dream Prison (Ps):

An insomnious will first try to grapple its opponent, using its dexterity modifier instead of its nonexistent strength to grab hold of its opponent.If successfully grappled the victim is pulled physically within the terrifying realm of dream that the insomnious inhabits for 1d6 minutes. Here the insomnious draws upon the energy of its horrified victim, draining 2 points of temporary constitution per minute of the victim's stay. Every two points of constitution drained temporarily increases the insomnious's HD by 1. If the victim is reduced to 0 constitution his body crumbles away, leaving the spirit forever trapped in Dream.

The victim must also make a will save (DC 20) +1 every minute spent there to avoid panicking.

Upon being expelled from the prison the victim must also also make a will save (DC 25) or remain shaken for the rest of that day.

Dreamless (Ps):

Once per day an insomnious can sever the link between consious and subconscious so that the target cannot achieve a dream state. He is able to sleep, but not dream, allowing the use of related spells and psionics against the subject, but the subject themselves are unable to use psionics or magic the next day without their much needed mental downtime. All ability damage caused by this cannot be healed naturally until the subject gets a good night's sleep.

This affect can be removed by psychic chicurgery, reality revision, and similiar effects. Restoration, Heal, Greater Restoration, Bend Reality and Limited Wish also removes the affliction.

The insonious can only use this power if the subject is awake.

A second usage of this ability restores the brain to proper balance.

Over 8 days, the subject suffers more and more severe reprocussions from the lack of healthy sleep. Subjects that don't dream are unaffected by this power. Those who meditate instead of dreaming are still affected as they are blocked from the neccessary subconscious interaction to refresh themselves.

First day: The subject becomes edgy and tired, resulting in a the loss of a point of both intelligence and wisdom.

(Int -1, Wis -1, Cha -0)

Second day: The subject's adrenaline tries to make up for the lack of sleep, resulting in a +1 bonus to constitution and reflex saves. The mind however is even more weary, resulting in the loss of an additional point of intelligence and wisdom.

(+1 Con, Int -2, Wis -2, Cha -0, +1 Reflex)

Third day: The subject's adrenaline high wears off, and their entire body is weary with fatigue, resulting in 2 points of constitution, strength, dexterity damage. The subject also takes a -2 penalty on reflex saves. An additional point of intelligence, wisdom and charisma is lost. They also take a -1 to all skill checks.

(Str -2, Dex -2 Con -2, Int -3, Wis -3, Cha -1, -2 Reflex, -1 Skill checks)

Fourth day: The subject becomes both fatigued and shaken. Two additional points of intelligence, wisdom and charisma are lost. They also take a -2 to all skill checks. They also start to see things that are not there or feel sensations that do not truely exist.

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -5, Wis -5, Cha -3, -2 Reflex, -2 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Fifth Day: The subject becomes exhausted. Two additional points of intelligence, wisdom and charisma damage. They also take a -4 to all skill checks. They are continuously in the grip of illusions. The subject will panic once every hour unless they make a successful will save (DC 12).

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -7, Wis -7, Cha -7, -2 Reflex, -4 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Sixth Day: The subject must make a Will save (DC 10) or go insane. They also two additional points of intelligence and wisdom, and two points of charisma.

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -9, Wis -9, Cha -9, -2 Reflex, -4 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Seventh Day: The subject must make a Will save (DC 10) or go insane. Even if the save is made they are reduced to a gibbering wreck, unable to act in any way and are considered helpless.

(Str -2, Dex -2, Con -2, Int -9, Wis -9, Cha -9, -2 Reflex, -4 Skill Checks, Fatigued, Shaken)

Eighth Day: The subject falls into a coma, and dies 2d4 hours later, no will save. The subject also leaves behind their own insomnious to plague the world.

Head Trip (Ps):
If any kind of telepathic contact is attempted with the Insomnious the manifester's conscious is brutally forced into a dream dimension far distant from the body. This unnatural dislocation opens conduits of pain it has never endured before. While hellish landscapes unfold in the victim's mind, the victim's body collapses to a prone and helpless position, insensate to the enviroment around it, and it screams mindlessly (literally). Within 1d6 rounds the victim awakes and the awful memory of pain remains, making the target susceptible to other mind-affecting effects (a -2 penalty on Will saves against mind affecting effects) for a period of one day.

Sense Dream (Ps):
An insomnious can sense all sleeping beings within 200 feet.

Sleep, Psionic (Ps):
An insomnious may use sleep once per round.


Special Qualities

Dreamborn Subtype:
Dreamborn creaturs appear hazy and out of focus, such that all melee and ranged attacks against a Dreamborn creature are assessed a 20 percent miss chance. This 20-percent miss chance is not the same as concealment and does not preclude the possibility of effective sneak attacks.

Turn Resistance (Ex): An insomnious has +6 turn resistance as its very being is partially within the realm of dream.

Salikaa (Szah-lie-ka)

A deep, deep sound, one that is so low that it is felt, rather than heard, rumbles through the caverns. One wall in the distance suddenly twists and turns and a perfectly smooth tunnel forms as a huge maw pokes its way through, followed by a mass of contrasting white and dark purple scales with wriggling, gripping spines...

Type: Gargantuan Aberration (earth, psionic)

Hit-dice: 12d8+108 (162 hp)
Initiative: -3
Speed: burrow 15 ft.
Armor class: 17 (-3 Dex, -4 size, +14 natural)
Base attack/grapple: +8/+34
Space/reach: 20 ft./15 ft.
Attack: Crush +16 (2d8+18)
Full attack: 1 Crush +16 (2d8+18)
Special Attacks: Frightful presence (DC 13), improved grab, stench, swallow whole, trample
Special Qualities: Earth subtype, Tremorsense/Blind Sight 120 feet, psionic
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +1, Will +11
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 4, Con 28, Int 1, Wis 17, Cha 5
Skills: Listen +15
Feats: Mind Over Body, Narrow Mind, Permanent Focus (Up the walls), Up the Walls, Wounding Resonance
Environment: Any (though mostly underground)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

Description: A lord of trave;, a Salikaa has a tube-shaped, seemingly boneless body that contorts or expands to mold into the surroundings. It is covered in small, highly malleable scales with large, flexible spines which it uses to grip the stone and push itself along or back. It has no apparent head, but located at the forward end are what resembles thick, puckered lips. No limbs are visible and the tail is lost to sight in the distance or hidden by the mass of the creature's body. It can be anywhere from 120 to 200+ feet long, depending on the age of the creature and weighing around Salikaas continue to grow, but only a foot for every fifty years past its peak of two-hundred feet at the age of 500. Not have ever seen a salikaa die of old age. Its circumphrance at minimal is 14 feet, 80 feet at most.

Salikaa's are the bane of many subteranean creatures. Using a bizarre inherent psionic ability, they can change the form of and ground to form a passage for it.

Combat: salikaa does not so much attack as just envelopes anything in its path. Its passage is utterly mindless and directionless, though it generally heads in the direction of vibrations it feels through the stone. If something is small enough to fit within its maw, it is taken in, crushed by powerful constricting muscles, and allowed to rot until the inner lining can absorb it. If it is too large, it is blasted out of the way or crushed against the walls as it shoves its way through.

At will/Mind Tunnel -
Mind Tunnel is a unique mixture of Telekinesis and Teleportation, allowing the Salikaa to simply change spatial parameters. Whatever the material surrounding it, a passage may be made through it, even if it is an open area. How it does this defies description, and can cause those nearby to become sickened if a successful will check (DC 20) is not made if looking through a salikaa's mind tunnel (those that lived to tell about it). The passageway is always exactly three lengths of the salikaa long, with the creature itself in the middle. If it is merely widening an already open area, the area is halved, with the two pieces forming to the sides. Anyone near it is also pushed to one side or the other.
This ability even allows it to transverse oceans and planes, burrowing through reality after reality. They may once have been denizens of the elemental plane of earth, as there have been sightings there, but considering they are to be found, albeit rarely, in nearly any world or plane, this does not confirm anything.

Trample (Ex):
Salikaas are known for trampling or shoving anything that isn't easily eaten. Its trample attack deals bludgeoning damage (the creature's slam damage + 1 1/2 times its Str modifier) for every round the creature is crawling through the passage.

Frightful Presence (Ex):
The site of a salikaa forming through walls with its giant mouth and form is enough to instill an instinctive fear in some of the most hardened of heart.. Those within 40 feet must make a will save (DC 20) or become frightened for 6d6 rounds.

Improved Grab (Ex): The creature will often keep those of huge or larger still as it is passing through by its sheer weight and works in tandem with trample. To use this ability the worm must hit with its crush attack. If they are smaller it will attempt

Swallow Whole (Ex):
A salikaa can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+16 of crushing damage plus 1d10 points of acid damage from the worm's lung-searing gasses. A swallowed creature can climb out of a salikaa's innards with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the salikaa's maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 20 points of damage to the inner lining (AC 17). Once the creature exits, the cavern for 20 feet is filled with the creature's digestive gases for 10 rounds before the wound closes. The salikaa's interior can hold 4 Large, 16 small, 32 tiny, 64 diminutive, or 120 Fine or smaller opponents.

Stench (Ex): The nauseating odor of the gases inside and outside (if punctured) of the Salikaa are unbearable and suffocating. Those within must succeed at a fortitude save (DC 25) or be wracked with nausea, suffering a -4 circumstances penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for as long as it remains within the creature or until the creature heals.

Immunities: Salikaas, having no eyes, have immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. They also have total immunity to sound attacks, having no sense of hearing, but only feel.

The Man Who Wasn't There

A wizened, shrunken old man grins a toothless smile as he stands before you but for a moment before fading into nothingness...

Type: Small Fey (dreamborn)
Hit Dice: 3d6+9
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 15 (+3 dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
BAB/Grapple: +1/-5
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Attack: Club +4 melee (1d4+3)
Full attack: Club +4 melee (1d4+3)
Special Attacks: Psionics, Touch of the Inanimate
Special Qualities: Dreamborn, Low-light vision, Not There
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +9, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +9, Hide +9, Knowledge (Local) +10, Listen +11, Move Silently +9, Spot +10, Tumble +9
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any indoor
Organization: Solitary
CR: 4-5
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Treasure: Cane of Not
Advancement: -

The man who wasn't there appears as a wizened, shrunken old man. With age spots speckling his skin, and deep, loose wrinkles hanging from him, he has a look of extreme age and illness to him, but his spry movement bely this notion. He wears a simple gown as bedclothes, and a floppy nightcap with a long tassle. Within his aged hands is a short cane upon which he leans.

The Man Who Wasn't There is a spirit that comes into existence to comfort those of age or sickness in their last moments of life whom have no one left in their lives. Once death claims the being the fey turns its body into a simple bit of furniture, and its features takes on those of the deceased, becoming a miniature version.

Merciless tricksters, the Man Who Wasn't There guards and keeps the home in perfect condition. A home with this being never falls, never rots. Dusting and removing webs and killing rats is a standard day for the little being. They take an odd joy in playing upon stairwells, the steeper the better, endlessly amused by sliding down banisters and hopping the steps.

Because of his abilities a man who wasn't there is often thought to be a ghost or other undead, but such is not the case.

A Man Who Wasn't There speaks common, sylvan, and any language the former occupant of the house knew.

A Man Who Wasn't There, though not evil, can be cruel in their defense of the home they inhabit. They will strongly encourage others to leave with brief words and simple tricks to frighten, but if this is insufficient the real fun begins. Loosing lamps from above upon intruders, animating objects to attack, or causing nails to protrude up from the floors like cantrips are standard. In extreme measures a Man Who Wasn't There will attempt to smite his opponents with his staff and converting them to animate objects.

Dreamborn creatures appear hazy and out of focus, such that all melee and ranged attacks against a Dreamborn creature are assessed a 20 percent miss chance. This 20-percent miss chance is not the same as concealment and does not preclude the possibility of effective sneak attacks.

Not There (Ps):
A Man Who Wasn't There's name comes from its odd ability to become unseen and solid, or visible and incorporeal at will.
While incorporeal it gains a flight speed of 10, though prefers to stand a fraction of an inch above the ground as if solid. It loses its natural armor bonus while in this state and gains the incorporeal subtype.
While solid and invisible the Man Who Wasn't There is unable to be seen even with True Seeing and similiar spells and psionics as the home he inhabits wreaks havock with the spell. Blindsense and sight is not affected by this power.

At will/Control Air, Control Light, Control Sound, Control Object. Manifester level 3.

Touch of the Inanimate (Su):
A Man Who Wasn't There with a successful blow of his cane can metamorph an opponent into an animated object of the size of the original being unless making a successful Fortitude save (DC 12). Chairs, tables, chests or thick rugs are the most common objects. The player may continue to move as the type of object they've been converted to, but may not leave the house. Other Metamorphing spells, Remove Curse or other similiar abilities reverses this condition.

If the converted character is taken forth from the house he painfully reverts back over a period of 1d6 days, each day dealing 2d6 damage.


Cane of Not
Upon death the Man Who Wasn't There disolves into the woodwork of the house, and abruptly the characters forget his existence and their experiences with him. The only thing left to testify to the fact anything occured is the Cane that fell from his grasp. It resembles a normal wooden cane with a curved grip, but has a 50% chance of being solid but invisible, or visible but insubstantial (unless touched by an incorporeal).
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M'tu Disciple

Large Aberration (dreamborn)

Hit Dice: 12d8+72
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 ft., climb 20 ft.
AC: 20 (+3 dex, +8 natural, -1 size), 20% miss-chance
BAB/Grapple: +9/+17
Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d8+4)
Full attack: 2 bite +13 melee (1d8+4)
Special Attacks: Gripping Spines, Psionics, Rage, Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Blindsense, Construct Traits, Crystal Proselyte, Dreamborn, Fire Resistance/5, Immune to Nausae, Psionics, Spell-like Abilities, Scent, Symbiosis
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +12
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 24, Wis 18, Cha 20
Skills: Autohypnosis +19, Concentration +21, Intimidate +20, Jump +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +22, Knowledge (Psionics) +24, Psicraft +24, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +24,
Feats: Anti-psionic Magic, Combat Manifestation, Diehard, Unconditional Power
Environment: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary, Trio (3), Inquisition (6-10)
CR: 15
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Treasure: -
Advancement: -

The first thought normally impressed upon the senses of those whom witness this creature is 'unnatural'. It stands around 12 feet tall and bent slightly forward, with a thick lizard's body whoms texture and color change with its moods, of which it only seems to have two; cold and emotionless or burning rage. When calm the skin is smooth and leathery, of a deep, dark orange, almost umber hue. When agitated the skin takes on a vibrant red and writhing, prehensile spines erupt from pores all about its body. It has two neckless, crocodilian heads that face away from one another and are devoid of eyes. The heads have no throat or windpipe, its mouth filled only with jagged teeth. It is supported by two thick, curved legs, alike to an iguanas, with four long, taloned toes and a fifth coming from the heel for grasping.

Sprouting from its back is a bush of gigantic, twitching yellow leaves amidst a jumbled collection of crystaline protrusions enscribed with symbols or runes.


M'tu Disciples are the mental creations of the god of aberrations and mixed-breeds, such as Couatls and Hippogriffs. They serve as messangers and servers of retribution to their god M'tu.

M'tu disciples are slow to anger, but if pushed sufficiently they boil over with homicidal rage. They use a devastingly affective combination of mental and magical might to defeat their foes.

Crystal Proseltye:

A M'tu Disciple's crystalline structure is from having the equivalent ranks of a level 3 Crystal Proselyte and gain the Countertone and Crystal Blaze abilities.

Countertone (Ps):
A M'tu Disciple can emit a countertone as a swift action at will. During each round the countertone sounds, any characters and creatures within 30 feet who are affected by sonic or language dependent psionic or magical attacks (such as sound burst or command) gain another saving throw to resist.

Crystal Blaze (Ex):
Up to three times per day a M'tu Disciple may illuminate its crystaline portions with a dazzling, unnerving light. A crystal blaze is a standard action that affects any creature that can see within 60 feet. All unprepared creatures in the radius must suceed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become blinded and discomfitted. The blindness and discomfiture last for 10 minutes. Discomfitted creatures suffer a -2 morale and penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws.

A Disciple of M'tu is created into existence by the dreams of the god M'tu.
Dreamborn creatures appear hazy and out of focus, such that all melee and ranged attacks against a Dreamborn creature are assessed a 20 percent miss chance. This 20-percent miss chance is not the same as concealment and does not preclude the possibility of effective sneak attacks.

Gripping Spines (Ex):
When angered a Disciple of M'tu sprouds prehensile spines which adds a +4 bonus to their checks to grapple.

At will/Call to Mind, Catfall, Detect Psionics, Know Direction and Location, Metaconcert
1/round Mindthrust
3/day Form of Doom, Psionic Lion's Charge
1/day Timeless Body, Ultrablast

Rage (Ex):
A M'tu Disciple may fly into a rage three times per day as a Barbarian.

Spell-like Abilities:
At will/Detect Magic, Erase, Identify, Prestidigitation, Sleep
1/round Color Spray
3/day Expeditious Retreat
1/day Statue, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Sleep

Symbiosis (Ex):
The plant-like being upon the backs of M'tu Disciples form a symbiotic relationship, supplying energy and additional oxygen to the disciples while being protected from harm. These plants filter out harmful airborn poisons and diseases. They are intricately fused with the well being of the Disciples and take harm as if one.

Telepathy (Ps):
A Disciple of M'tu can use telepathy to communicate in a 60 ft. radius.

A Disciple of M'tu gains a +10 racial bonus to jump checks.

Duskwing Swarm

A blood-curdling scream of terror sounds out from nearby, trailing off eerily. Dashing through a door you find a bed covered in a writhing mass of giant, dark winged moths. Its occupant however is nowhere to be seen...

Type: Dimunitive Vermin (dreamborn, swarm)
Hit Dice: 5d8-10 (12 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 ft. fly (average)
AC: 22 (+7 dex, -1 natural, +6 size) 20% miss-chance
BAB/Grapple: +3/-
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
Attack: Swarm (1d8)
Full attack: Swarm (1d8)
Special Attacks: Eternal Sleep, Duskdream
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Dreamborn, Immune to weapon damage, Lowlight vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1
Abilities: Str 2, Dex 24, Con 6, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 4
Skills: -
Feats: Flyby Attack(B)
Environment: Any non-aquatic
Organization: Solitary (1), Cloud (2-4 swarms), Nightmare (8-20)
CR: 4
Alignment: Always Neutral
Treasure: None
Advancement: -

From the night terrors of those whom fear masses of insects, pour forth the duskwings, enveloping the sleeper that brought them into existence.

A duskwing appears as a very large moth with velvetty purple or blue coloring so dark as to be nearly black. Its wing-span is almost a foot long with shadowy movements flowing across them that while in flight with their brethren make it almost impossible to figure out where one duskwing ends and another begins. It has large, bushy antennae that flow behind it nearly its body-length that writhes and curls in an oddly disconcerting manner. Its legs are quite long as well, and end in tiny, gripping claws.

A duskwing seeks to surround and attack any thinking being it encounters. Sleeping and psionic creatures are always focused on above all others. The swarm deals 1d8 points of slashing damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of its move. It will then quickly try to surround the victim and pull them into their realm.

Dreamborn creatures appear hazy and out of focus, such that all melee and ranged attacks against a Dreamborn creature are assessed a 20 percent miss chance. This 20-percent miss chance is not the same as concealment and does not preclude the possibility of effective sneak attacks.

Duskdream (Ps):
Together the darkwings are capable of flowing into an almost solid mass around 1 large, 2 medium, 4 small, or 8 tiny creatures as a full-round action if they are all within adjoining squares. The victim must make a DC 14 reflex save to avoid being encirled. Once encirled the duskwings close in quickly and attempt to push the trapped creature physically into Dream if it fails a DC 17 will save. Howver, this visit is not idyllic-the creature permanently relinquishes its ties to the waking world and becomes but a passing dream with a life forever bound to dreamland. A creature that makes a successful Will saving throw is partially affected and takes 4d6 points of damage as its corporeality partially transforms into dream substance, which flashes away like steam.
if this damage reduces the creature to 0 or fewer hit points, it still transforms into dream substance.

Eternal Sleep (Ps):
Before a swarm approaches, a single duskwing will be sent out to scout. Upon encountering an appropriate victim it will attempt a touch attack (+10 attack). If successful, a DC 11 Will save must be made or the victim falls asleep permanently. Bend Reality, Microcosm, Psychic Chirurgery, or Reality Revision all may cure this condition, plus the equivalent spells or Remove Curse. Those immune to sleep are also immune to this ability.

Voidrunner's Codex

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