PvP arena


So I mentioned my idea for a PvP arena in a previous post about my homebrew but it was shot down for fair reason.

So now I need to come up with another reason for PvP because my players want to do one. I've got some good ideas on layout but more is always better.

My main concern is how to prevent TPK. I want something more imaginative than "deaths are reversible" but I want them to be able to use their weapons and deal killing blows otherwise the characters won't be able to use their imagination and awesome weapons because it'll decapitate players.

So ideas below please on:
- arena layout
- reason for PvP
- ways to avoid permadeath without removing weapons or spells

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Victoria Rules
Simple way to avoid perma-death: it's all a dream. They don't know it yet, but they'll all wake up in the morning...and maybe even with a few more xp for the winner(s). But when they're actually playing it, make 'em think it's for keeps.

Reason for PvP: entertainment of some particularly whacked-out deity. Can't be a true TPK because in a gladitorial contest there's always one winner at the end, but in theory everyone dies except that one winner.

The layout can be whatever, but I'd suggest something a bit more elaborate than a simple open arena - maybe an open arena with some accessible passages and smaller areas around it? And have them all start in random places, as that's where the divine summons happens to put them.

For simplicity (and to save the cat-and-mouse games going on forever) I'd make it that invisibility and flight effects don't work. Have the deity lay down the laws at the start: "You have been summoned here for my pleasure. My pleasure is to watch most of you die - all except one, who will win my eternal favour! You cannot hide! You cannot fly! <insert any other special rules here> Cowardice will be punished by ME, and the punishment will be death!" Roll for initiative. :)

Lan-"have fun with this!"-efan


41st lv DM
But your pcs don't know it.

Your pcs are captured by slavers & sold into an arena system.
But it's cheaper to cast dupes of highly skilled people than it is to capture more of them. And they can fight to death & still come back tomorrow & do it again - without having to get the gods involved via resurrections and such.


But your pcs don't know it.

Your pcs are captured by slavers & sold into an arena system.
But it's cheaper to cast dupes of highly skilled people than it is to capture more of them. And they can fight to death & still come back tomorrow & do it again - without having to get the gods involved via resurrections and such.
My initial idea was they get captured and put into an arena, but when I suggested that in my homebrew campaign thread, everyone told me never ever ever capture your PC's because they won't like it

Sent from my HTC 10 using EN World mobile app


First Post
I did something vaguely similar in a campaign I'm running: a knock-out style bracket where the winner moves on and the loser dies (but not really). I allowed the players the option to enter or not with a corresponding entrance fee, that way there was no forcing, and I allowed betting on individual fights, that way they had a vested interest in what was going on without actually participating. There was an entrance fee and a large purse and prize for the winner.

How I got around the death aspect of it all was just that there was a team of clerics and healers nearby. If anybody was knocked unconscious (PCs and Non-PCs alike), the fight was over and the loser was revived back to consciousness. If Massive Damage caused a death, well, that was a risk the combatant took when entering. There was no resting though, so resource management was important if a player wanted to progress deep into the tournament. Sure a fighter could blow through all their action surges in the first fight, but then they wouldn't have anything left after that fight. It became a battle of attrition.

It worked quite well. I had a PC advance to the final and was barely left standing at the end.

As for the arena layout, since it was single combat I didn't make it overly large, about a 60' diameter circle. Make it too big and melee focused combatants are at a disadvantage. Make it too small and the opposite holds true.


I did something vaguely similar in a campaign I'm running: a knock-out style bracket where the winner moves on and the loser dies (but not really). I allowed the players the option to enter or not with a corresponding entrance fee, that way there was no forcing, and I allowed betting on individual fights, that way they had a vested interest in what was going on without actually participating. There was an entrance fee and a large purse and prize for the winner.

How I got around the death aspect of it all was just that there was a team of clerics and healers nearby. If anybody was knocked unconscious (PCs and Non-PCs alike), the fight was over and the loser was revived back to consciousness. If Massive Damage caused a death, well, that was a risk the combatant took when entering. There was no resting though, so resource management was important if a player wanted to progress deep into the tournament. Sure a fighter could blow through all their action surges in the first fight, but then they wouldn't have anything left after that fight. It became a battle of attrition.

It worked quite well. I had a PC advance to the final and was barely left standing at the end.

As for the arena layout, since it was single combat I didn't make it overly large, about a 60' diameter circle. Make it too big and melee focused combatants are at a disadvantage. Make it too small and the opposite holds true.
Yeh cleric on hand is good, my concern though is if my rogue decapitates the druid, how do we reverse that

Sent from my HTC 10 using EN World mobile app


First Post
Yeh cleric on hand is good, my concern though is if my rogue decapitates the druid, how do we reverse that

There's no mechanic, save for a Vorpal Sword, for decapitation. Were it me, if a player stated he wanted to decapitate another player and rolled enough damage to trigger instant death, then sure, he decapitated and the standard raising of the dead spells would apply (revivify if quick enough, reincarnation if you like randomness, raise dead, etc.).

However, if the player states he wants to decapitate another player and merely knocks him unconscious, I'd probably go with something like, "While your blade strikes true and slices deep into [the druid's] throat, it was not enough to cut the head from the shoulders. He falls to the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely." Then you go with the standard death saves, first aid, healing words, whatever you want to do to prevent death.


41st lv DM
My initial idea was they get captured and put into an arena, but when I suggested that in my homebrew campaign thread, everyone told me never ever ever capture your PC's because they won't like it

Sent from my HTC 10 using EN World mobile app

Well, who knows the people you play with better? You? Or those (including me) who respond to your posts?
Do whatever you think your table will most enjoy.

Now I don't think I read your other post. So I'm guessing what they were advising against is playing through the part where the party gets captured. Because an encounter that only has 1 possible outcome is often pretty pointless to play through in hindsight. The only reason to do that would be to forehadow something else, impart background info, etc. But if nothing of that sort will occur.... :(
What I'd do is just start the PvP session with the pcs already captured & replaced. Sumerize them being captured, sold, & thrown into the arena. (Leaving out the part where they get duplicated of course).


41st lv DM
There's no mechanic, save for a Vorpal Sword, for decapitation. Were it me, if a player stated he wanted to decapitate another player and rolled enough damage to trigger instant death, then sure, he decapitated and the standard raising of the dead spells would apply (revivify if quick enough, reincarnation if you like randomness, raise dead, etc.).

However, if the player states he wants to decapitate another player and merely knocks him unconscious, I'd probably go with something like, "While your blade strikes true and slices deep into [the druid's] throat, it was not enough to cut the head from the shoulders. He falls to the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely." Then you go with the standard death saves, first aid, healing words, whatever you want to do to prevent death.

And what would you say when a player tells you they decapitate the now unconcious pc?
Sure, I'd LIKE to cleave his head off in some cool Sparticus/300 style move (assuming enough outright damage). But I'm not adverse to the decapitation of the unconcious/dying.....

NPC on standby with a healer's kit will take care of 99% of issues.

Revive spell on standby will take care of the other 1%, as long as no one uses the Disintegrate spell.

Accidentally killing someone with PC-level hit points (60+ HP) is quite difficult in 5E.

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