BigBastard said:
Gary, there has been a discussion in this forum dealing the cost of game books. As a former game publisher what are your views on this subject.
The vast majority of game publisherds make a thin living at best. Because they do not have the economy of scale that a large company, WotC, for example, has, they need to have seemingly high proces on products that are of high quality.
Consumers need to remember that the publsisher gets only about 40% of cost of a product, and from that all costs and operating expenses must be paid. Thus it's about 99% certain that the price charged is barely enough to keep the company in operation, pay the authors, artists, editors, and other persons needed to produce the work
I would also like to know your stance on those who are copying still in print gamebooks and distributing them for free on the internet?
How do you feel this is effecting the hobby in general? Thank you Gary.
What you describe is theft, pure and simple. It is criminal and also subject to civil penalties. Those stealing thus should be prosecuted by the owners of the IP being stolen, sued civally. Hopefully the thieves will end up having to pay legal costs for the plaintiffs, triple damages, and punative damages in top of that.
Stealing alwyas hurts others. In the case cited it hurts toe publisher and those who derrive income from that operation. It also harms all those who sell the stolen product--game distributors and shop owners. It also harms the end users who are honest, those gamers who refuse to accept stolen property. Such theft adds to the cost of game products and discourages the creation of new product.
Some perry thieves feel they are justified in stealing from big companies--film studios and record producers. that's wroing, of course. To do the same to small game publishers is absolutley impossible to rationalize. for they are not rich, and such theft might actually drive them out of business.