As a guy who got exposed to my older brother's 1st edition AD&D books as a youth and has been a crazy D&D fanatic ever since, its great to see you here, O' Creator!
I apologize if I'm asking a question from an earlier thread, but (since you made some mention of your reactions to FORGOTTEN REALMS' release) what were your thoughts on the release of my perrenial favorite, DRAGONLANCE? Especially regarding the changes to the races and such in the new setting when it came out?
Also, what's your thoughts on the current crop of 3rd edition books sporting old-school titles? First MONSTER MANUAL (and MONSTER MANUAL 2!), then MANUAL OF THE PLANES, ORIENTAL ADVENTURES, FIEND FOLIO and the others. I'm eagerly awaiting the eventual WILDERNESS SURVIVAL GUIDE and DUNGEONEER'S SURVIVAL GUIDE!
(BTW, to this day, I still crack open the old UNEARTHED ARCANA and, my personal favorite, the original ORIENTAL ADVENTURES from time to time to read, and love to spring what original modules my brother had on my unsuspecting players, most of whom started with 2nd edition...