TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Tamsar said:
Hello Gary,

Since I've been unable to find an answer in this rather humongous thread, can you give all us Gord fan's an update on the proposed Graphic Novels based on the books?


Hi Tamsar:)

Trigee proposes, the publisher disposes...

We had thought the series of comic-book-sized, full-color installments of the first of the Gord the Rogue graphic novels was going to launch in August. However, problems with illustrators and inkers have delayed things.

The current launch date has been moved back all the way to December:(

That's all I can relate.


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Hi Gary,

If I remember correctly - you once recommended the Black Company series by Glen Cook in Dragon Magazine. Based on that suggestion I started reading the series and loved it. Thanks for the recommendation!

I'm curious - since you suggested the series, I'm assuming you've kept up with the new books over the last 12 years... how do you like how Cook wrapped things up?

Howdy Plycon,

Glad you enjoyed the "Black Company." I found Glem Cook's writing to be the sort I enjoy. Unfortunately, I did not keep up with the series because of work--many books to read for research and much writing to do. In short, I never got very far in the series. Oh well, something more to put on my list of books to pick up and read... What I am waiting for most eagerly is Vance's "Sequal to Ports of Call."


Hola Gary---

Seen this yet?

Michael's problem -- really his whole party's problem -- is one that pops up now and again in D&D campaigns and in game-related fiction (maybe most infamously in Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue series, when the celestial is willing to bring only one of three dead party members back to life, even though they are on a mission to save the world). The party tromps through some benighted hell-hole, comes upon an imprisoned celestial creature, braves deadly dangers, traps and guardians to free it, and maybe even loses one or more characters in the process. Rather than showing gratitude, the celestial cops an attitude, grudgingly offers some minimal reward or assistance, then disappears.

See http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/bs/20030720a for the full article.

As author of "Good isn't Stupid" and various other paladins-don't-suck articles from back-in-the-day, what's your take on this guy quoting your Gord solar encounter on the WotC site as the way not to run angels?

I find Jason Nelson's arguments built of straw men, since he merely alludes to the Gord story without providing context, a context which would further support your solar's reaction based on the celestial rules as he outlines them in his article (Gord doesn't support LG faiths/gods/goals and vice-versa; Greyhawk's context of Neutrality vs. the polar alignments; etc.).

Hi Alan,

Indeed, the quote hit my games list yesterday. I am quite indifferent to the author's opinions, believe his perjorative "imfamous" sounds pretty much like like sour grapes, and appreciate the name mention.

As for minions of Good, especially Lawful Good, it seems to me that most people fail to understand that Law if the prime operative word in the consideration of the alignment. They should consider the Mosaic Law for the best example of how rigid and demanding the strict adherants of LG are as the system was devised. Good MUST come from adhering strictly to Law. the corellary is: Law is force. the latter is, of course, a matter of actual fact, while what is good is a subjective thing.

Other than that I really don't have any comment;)


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