TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
foehammerx said:
Hello again Gary,

It appears to me that you are perhaps not comfortable answering questions pertaining to WoG. I am more curious about the campaign as you ran it and not the published stuff.
But if its simply a matter of absolutely zero interest in revisiting concepts from over 20 years ago. I will leave you in peace.

It is the property of WotC, and as such it is up to them to discuss, not me.

What Level was Mordenkainen when last you played him as PC or NPC?

I don't discuss my PCs, as now and then I play htem.

In your home WoG campaign what was the biggest most high level epic extravaganza you ever ran?".

Never did we get into anything of that sort.

Was Orcus the father of IUZ in your campaign? (If not, who?)

No. The parentage of Iuz was not discussed;)

If all your creative works were destroyed and all that remained was one adventure. Which adventurer would you prefer it be?
Rephrasing a question i have already declined to answer will not get any other response.

Do you have any opinions on Living Greyhawk?

None for publication.

You say you still DM OD&D and AD&D, what world/setting do you use?

I had been using WoG, but of late i have moved play to the Castle Zagyg environment.

Is there anything Wizards has done with D&D that you really liked. (Planescape?,)

No Comment.

And finally heres an important one for everyone reading this. Basically, what recent stuff do you have out now we can buy. Castle wolfmoon?, Yggsburgh?, Novels? Kidneys?

PS: Enormous thanx for your time and patience

Chris Clark hasn't gotten to the publication of Castle Wolfmoon as of yet. He is still working on the last portions of the Lejendary Earth world Setting--three books yet to some, one of which is nearly ready.

I have a slug of stuff in for publication with Troll Lord Games (http://www.trolllord.com/). The most likely items of interest to readers here are the Hall of Many Panes super module and the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds reference book series that is still in process of being expanded with new volumes.



Gary Gygax
loki44 said:
Huh? :confused: What's a kidney go for on ebay these days?

Did you know that a proper steak & kidney pie has three sorts in it? That is lamb, veal, and beef kidney. With a thick but flakey crust one makes a lovely supper with a glass of Bordeaux :uhoh:



First Post
I have a history question for you, Gary. I know that D&D basically came out of a wargame. At what point did it evolve from my army fighting your army. To a DM and players who role-played. This seems to be quite a leap, so how did this happen?


Gary Gygax
bolen said:
I have a history question for you, Gary. I know that D&D basically came out of a wargame. At what point did it evolve from my army fighting your army. To a DM and players who role-played. This seems to be quite a leap, so how did this happen?

We started playing man-to-man games around 1968, with several players on each side and a command figure for each. From there it was a short step to one figure per player. Note that there was still a lot of stress on hiring men-at-arms in OD&D, though;)


Gray Mouser

First Post
Hey Gary, a couple things here. First, my question: when PC's in your campaign got to higher levels and started setting up strongholds did they ever engage in large-scale conflicts (viz., fielding armies against their foes)? If they did was such conflict resolved using Chainmail or did you wing it?

Also, I want to apologize if my comments about 2e being "de-Gygaxed" brought up some sour memories. Such certainly wasn't my intention (and I think the game suffered for it) and I hope I didn't cause any hard feelings.

Gray Mouser


Gary Gygax
Gray Mouser said:
Hey Gary, a couple things here. First, my question: when PC's in your campaign got to higher levels and started setting up strongholds did they ever engage in large-scale conflicts (viz., fielding armies against their foes)? If they did was such conflict resolved using Chainmail or did you wing it?

We never got into any large-scale PC force vs. PC force battles in the campaign. however, Rob was the DM for some of Mordenkainen's roving forays with several thousands of troops, even city siege attacke. He winged such, as we both had considerable experience with large-scale military miniatures battles. That's what I did when a large PC force met a large NPC one opposed to it.

Also, I want to apologize if my comments about 2e being "de-Gygaxed" brought up some sour memories. Such certainly wasn't my intention (and I think the game suffered for it) and I hope I didn't cause any hard feelings.

Gray Mouser

Not to worry, 'Mouser. You didn't upset me in the least with those comments. Fact it i am long past being phased by even pointed comments about my work as compared to others' whether based on some creative effort of mine or otherwise;)


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