TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
weasel fierce said:
Thank you much for your answer to the Monk question, and previous questions I have posted.
A few more to steal a bit more of your work time (Im hoping you work better under stress, what with all the questions you answer on here :) )

One of the interesting, if somewhat mismanaged, ideas of 2nd edition AD&D was the character kits, offering variants of the regular classes.

Have you, or did you, ever consider any such elements for oAD&D, or do you feel it is better handled simply through roleplaying and character description ?

It is hard to miss the Moorcock influence regarding law and chaos, which is further strengthened by things such as the temple of chaos, in the B2 module. Was this intended to be a line to be pursued, with law and chaos becoming definate elements (similar to Moorcock, or the Warhammer setting, by GW), or was it just intended as background material ?

What are some of the oddest, or funniest characters you have seen in games you have participated in, or DM'ed ?


I am not sufficiently conversant with the plethora of 2E material to make any informed comment.


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How uncharacteristic to witness Mr Mentzer expressing himself with the verisimilitude of near-Gygaxian edification! His erudition is not inconsiderable and his choice of obscure terminology is ecumenical.

But he can talk like the rest of us when he wants to. :)

Sir Elton

First Post
PapersAndPaychecks said:
How uncharacteristic to witness Mr Mentzer expressing himself with the verisimilitude of near-Gygaxian edification! His erudition is not inconsiderable and his choice of obscure terminology is ecumenical.

But he can talk like the rest of us when he wants to. :)

Yes. One can be very simple and tacit.

Gray Mouser

First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
Short answer:

I'll see about putting in an optional Drow Ambush scenario in the lower levels of the dungeons. that way all the PCs can be dragged deeper and sacrificed to Lolth :lol:


"Gary Gygax: Keeping the Drow evil since 1978!" Heh :)

Death to all angst-ridden, good-wanna-be Dark Elves!

Gray Mouser


Gary Gygax
PapersAndPaychecks said:
How uncharacteristic to witness Mr Mentzer expressing himself with the verisimilitude of near-Gygaxian edification! His erudition is not inconsiderable and his choice of obscure terminology is ecumenical.

But he can talk like the rest of us when he wants to. :)
You mean when he hasn't his dictionary and thesaurus in hand? :lol:



Gary Gygax
Gray Mouser said:
"Gary Gygax: Keeping the Drow evil since 1978!" Heh :)

Death to all angst-ridden, good-wanna-be Dark Elves!

Gray Mouser
Right on!

The Drow are as as sympathetic and caring as wolf spiders :mad:



Rotten DM
How dare you make fun of wolf spiders Gary. We all know Drow are as as sympathetic and caring as IRS agents on audit.


First Post
jasper said:
How dare you make fun of wolf spiders Gary. We all know Drow are as as sympathetic and caring as IRS agents on audit.

But why youz gotta diss da IRS...whoa, let me change into non-internet speak. ;)

The grandparental unit worked for the IRS. Told the best stories about ruining a person's day... :]

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