TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Ross Lence, the Good Doctor at the University of Houston, taught me that if I wanted a dictionary, make sure it was as old as possible. I see Gary and others understand this, as well!

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First Post
Hi Gary,

I always thought it impressive how you were able to conjure up scenes from the depths of the earth, crypts, tombs, underground monasteries, and so forth. Is it because you actually live under Rome in a catacomb?

If you insist that you live in Lake Geneva, could you reveal some of the books that you have found useful in understanding and describing such places?

Gray Mouser

First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
Those were additions that we didn't actually play out. Ain't module writers sneaky? :p


Sneaky indeed! Although I do like Tomorast and his "hands." An interesting weapon to spring on PC's!

Gray Mouser


Gary Gygax
ColonelHardisson said:
Yeah, I've been disappointed by the paucity of rare and/or archaic word in modern electronic reference sources. I'd love to get my hands on some of those old dictionaries.
You can locate them by an online search;)



Gary Gygax
Dracuwulf said:
Hi Gary,

I always thought it impressive how you were able to conjure up scenes from the depths of the earth, crypts, tombs, underground monasteries, and so forth. Is it because you actually live under Rome in a catacomb?

If you insist that you live in Lake Geneva, could you reveal some of the books that you have found useful in understanding and describing such places?

Well, books on architecture, the Parisian and Roman underground, etc. are a good place to start ;) Actually, I love books and read just about any sort when there is time.



Gary Gygax
Gray Mouser said:
Sneaky indeed! Although I do like Tomorast and his "hands." An interesting weapon to spring on PC's!

Gray Mouser
Rob was both an excellent player and DM. Jim Ward was playing in my OD&D group last night when someone remarked that it seemed impossible that Rob could have found his way through my dungeon levels sans map. Jim shook his head and allowed he did it with remarkable ease until I created levels with transporters and all manner of other nasty devices to prevent that from happening...which was true.

Anyway, Rob was excellent in creating adventure material on the spot to challenge the players...especially me.




Hello, Gary,

Two questions:

1) Does Zagyg retain the surname of Yragerne in the CZ books?

2) Is Zagyg's history as well-known on Erde/TRoB as it is on Greyhawk or will he be a more reclusive historical figure? I was wondering if he was mayor of Yggsburgh at one point a la Greyhawk.

Of course, if you'd rather not divulge this info here and in the module series instead, that's fine. I imagine I will find out eventually. :D

Michael / Zudrak


Col_Pladoh said:
Rob was both an excellent player and DM. Jim Ward was playing in my OD&D group last night when someone remarked that it seemed impossible that Rob could have found his way through my dungeon levels sans map. Jim shook his head and allowed he did it with remarkable ease until I created levels with transporters and all manner of other nasty devices to prevent that from happening...which was true.

Anyway, Rob was excellent in creating adventure material on the spot to challenge the players...especially me.

I remember you recounting elsewhere that the origin of such transporters and so on in D&D was to thwart the near-photographic memory of Rob Kuntz. Truly astounding!


First Post
Gary, my girlfriend would like to start using miniatures in our games because she's so used to boardgames, but the scale always messes me up. In older versions of D&D, movement was rated in inches (1" = 10' underground for example) but ground scale is given as 1" equals 3 1/3' (making a 10' corridor 3" wide on the tabletop) therefore 1" isn't 10'. Argh!
The latest version of The Game has a straight movement rate in footage with a ground scale of 1" = 5', but we'd like to stick with older games if we can. The whole thing is very confusing.
Anywho, the main question I have is: Have you ever used miniatures yourself (for any RPG) and if so, what kind of scale/movement do you employ?


Gary Gygax
Zudrak said:
Hello, Gary,

Two questions:

1) Does Zagyg retain the surname of Yragerne in the CZ books?

2) Is Zagyg's history as well-known on Erde/TRoB as it is on Greyhawk or will he be a more reclusive historical figure? I was wondering if he was mayor of Yggsburgh at one point a la Greyhawk.

Of course, if you'd rather not divulge this info here and in the module series instead, that's fine. I imagine I will find out eventually. :D

Michael / Zudrak
The answer to all three questions questions is no. That is qualified in the second case by possible development.

In the LA game's world setting pantheons, Zagyg is a deity and trickster that is found in each one. That is done so as to empower the Lejend Masters in being as whimsical or narrow as they desire.


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