MerricB said:
G'Day MAte!
Almost missed yoour post as it came sandwiched between my current string of replies.
I've just been using your Random Dungeon tables in the 1E DMG to create an "on-the-fly" dungeon for my players, due to a couple of decisions they made that surprised me.
Lots of fun was had by all - I must thank you heartily for those tables, and the additional suggestions for tricks in the DMG appendices! A couple of 'elevator' rooms have confused the mapper mightily, and the final encounter with an intelligent throne with the powers of sex-change, gem-granting and teleportation have led to a cliff-hanger where the mapper has been teleported off onto a solo quest. The other characters haven't yet realised he has the only map...
Happy to hear that, and I did indeed use the same for more than a few "scratch" adventures done on the fly. I feeely admit I love to DM dungens where exploration is at least as important as the encounters, solving the problems and defeating the tricks and traps a major feature of the whole.
Rob had some very nasty stuff like that in his dungeons, and I swan I am still at a loss as to one. It seemed every time my PC would pick up a loose gem--usually not more than 1-100 GP value, but sometimes greater, so the lure was irrestible--he'd soon be teleported to some other place, sometimes a most unpleasant one. Never did figure out if it was the gems proper or some other nearby thing that activated the transferrance
XP for casting spells in OAD&D? I must have missed that, as I've never seen it used - or perhaps it's one of the many features of your campaign that wasn't in the original rules. Not that it matters!
Now I could swear that's in the rules somewhere, maybe UA? Anyway, we always played it as 100 XP per level of the spell cast--usefully in an adventure or to assist someone during or after, so clerics were rewarded as well as m-us.
Gaining treasure is muchly on the mind of my players at the moment, as they've finally reached a position where they each want their own stronghold, whether monastary, castle, thieves' guild or similar. And of course, such things are expensive! And I'm making much reference to the few paragraphs in the 1E DMG about terrain clearing, and the 3E Stronghold Builder guide for costs...
Right! Having a base of operations changes the whole thrust of the campaign. Be prepared for more solo adventures, and ready the forces of hostile NPCs to assail those places
The subject wasn't treated in great detail by me bacuuse of lack of hands-on experience of considerable sort. With a mix of groups being DMed for, the state of each was such that most were stil adventuring in dungeons, cities, and the outdoors, Only a few PCs had attained sufficient wealth and level so as to look towards establishing their own strongholds.
One thing that I've been wondering recently is if you read any of the newer fantasy or science-fiction books, or are you too busy with creating or other things?
Not many of the contemporary fantasy authors interest me. Vance still writes, and he is still my favorite. I like the "Diskworld" novels, of course, and believe me, there is something like "Luggage" now in the lists of Extraordinary Items" to be found by Avatars adventuring in the LA game universe
I am about half of the way through a Harry Turtledove alternate history novel now, WORLDWAR. I find it a tad choppy so I need to read more slowly than usual, but so far I really enjoy it, so I'll likely be picking up all of his alternate history works.