TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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First Post
Pa? what the heck is wrong with you

First I must say i have been a lurker here for a while.
Col_ P I have enjoyed the fact that you can be appoachable enough to ask questions to. Thank you sir.

PA what is wrong with you? First what is your intent in playing any games in the first place? To me you sounds as if you are crying about your games that you GM Or at least used to GM for.
The question of randomness has come up. I agree that randomness is a big part of RPG's but the main element should be on fun and story not things that have nothing to do with the games.

The questions i had while reading those posts were a diceless systme is fun and it is a form of roleplaying. What is the big deal here PA?? Gary answered your questions and your just trying to fight with him. You have made no point at all and are running in circles.
Hard to roleplay characters who die so fast? What???? If you played them properly they wouldn't die so fast now would they? Sorry had to post that .....it irked me and has been part of many a confrontation on the gaming table.
Now, after all that has been said and removed from my cluttered mind.
Gary I have very much enjoyed your adventures over the years. I would like to say thanks you have made some interesting times for my gaming groups over the last 25 - 28 years now. What would you like to see as far as adventures go? I know you enjoy playing almost as much as DMing a game.
Merry Christmas all,
Darius101 :D

p.s. the maturity comes not from the game being played (ever seen adults playing casino games) but from the individuals that are playing it, no matter what the game is. some people believe that life is a game...could be there are many random events and circumstances that come to mind that do not involve dice rolling.
Could chess be considered a game or a sport?
Game = ?
Sport = ?
You tell me .....
He who knows all, knows nothing .....
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Re: Pa? what the heck is wrong with you

:) Welcome to the Boards, Darius101! :)

Darius101 (to PA) said:
Gary answered your questions and your just trying to fight with him. You have made no point at all and are running in circles.

They do this whenever PA has the time to show up to the boards and playfully be a thorn in Mr. Gygax' side. Don't let it worry you. It rarely comes to actual blows... ;)


First Post
Better you than me

Mark said:
They do this whenever PA has the time to show up to the boards and playfully be a thorn in Mr. Gygax' side. Don't let it worry you. It rarely comes to actual blows... ;)

I'm not stupid. Who would exchange blows with someone who can summon a mace +1 as a free action? (And let's not mention the yapping cohorts...)


First Post
Re: Pa? what the heck is wrong with you

Darius101 said:
First I must say i have been a lurker here for a while.
Col_ P I have enjoyed the fact that you can be appoachable enough to ask questions to. Thank you sir.

p.s. the maturity comes not from the game being played (ever seen adults playing casino games) but from the individuals that are playing it, no matter what the game is. some people believe that life is a game...could be there are many random events and circumstances that come to mind that do not involve dice rolling.
Could chess be considered a game or a sport?
Game = ?
Sport = ?
You tell me .....
He who knows all, knows nothing .....

Wow, I just found this thread, wish I'd stopped by earlier. I'd also like to thank Col_P for giving us so much of his time and thoughts. Makes me wish the internet had been so easily accessible back in the days of 1E.

Kinda off-topic, I know, but they did a study at Princeton that proved that a 5 hour chess game was just as physically exhausting as 10 rounds of boxing, minus the blows of course. I would place chess as a sport. Just my opinion, and the last I'll post on the subject - I'm heading back to page 1 now to catch up :)
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First Post
*huffing and puffing* Man, you can see my house from the top of this thread. :)

Col_P, just wondering, but what gaming products are you hoping for/did you get for xmas? I recall your statements about not having time to read much, but I wondered if there was a book that you simply HAD to have.

That makes me wonder... do you have a large collection of RPG books for reference and ideas? It seems many other RPG designers have large libraries of such.

I, personally, am hoping for the Scarred Lands GM Screen (even though I don't play in SL) or some counters from Fiery Dragon... mmm, counters.

Merry Christmas... hey, how did this dead horse get up here?... :)


Gary Gygax
A Sad Christmas Tale

I came down with a migraine on Christmas Eve, but thanks to black coffee and aspirins, it was no problem. We made our rounds of friends' places, and I had a great time, even so far as to relating a horrible pun as a story appropriate to the occassion of family and friends gathered for the special celebration. Better still, nobody threw food at me as they groaned and said how stupid a "joke" that was. That made me breathe a sigh of relief, as there were about 20 people there as victims...

On Xmas day I was not much "fun" as the headache had really set in. My "wish list" was small, so I received few presents, and that's as planned. What I will do, though, is to use funds given from now through the New Year to buy such games and books as I spot and desire. Well, as many as a couple of hundred bucks will buy, anyway. I also want to get some CDs, classical music, but that can wait until next summer when my birthday anniversary rolls around.

As for PA, he is not really an antagonist, just someone who enjoys being contentious now and again :rolleyes:

Happy New Year to All,


First Post

Col_Pladoh said:
As for PA, he is not really an antagonist, just someone who enjoys being contentious now and again :rolleyes:

Oh come on. Recently again, you were talking about adopting me.


Gary Gygax
Re: Father!

PA said:

Oh come on. Recently again, you were talking about adopting me.

That was with the understanding that you would do all the cooking here, right?

Happy New Year,

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