TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
BOZ said:
hi gary! i have a question. have you had a chance to see the Tome of Horrors by Necromancer Games? if so, what did you think of it? :)

Monte Cook said: "Having seen the 3.5 PH and the Tome of Horrors, if I could have only one of them, I'd choose the Tome of Horrors.

(This is not a slam against the 3.5 PH. It's praise for the ToH.)"

Hi Boz!

No, I haven't seen NG's Tome of horrors, but I have heard some good words regarding it. Fact is I have so little spare time that I'm lucky to get in light reading fro relaxation:(

Anyway, it isn't a surprise to me that NG has done a great job of things there. They really excelled in the conversion of my old Mythus game NECROPOLIS module to d20. Besides which I like the guys who run the company--good fellows and dedicated gamers;)


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Col_Pladoh said:
Lou and a lot of others sure hopped on the dice bandwagon, which is good, because TSR was producing lousy dice for sure. Another thing to be grateful to Kevin and Brian Blume for...

i still use my chits are rare special occassions.:D


Gary Gygax
diaglo said:

i still use my chits are rare special occassions.:D

Diaglo, that one still strikes a nerve with me:(

That was Kevin's marvelous idea how to silence objections about the game using dice (all three of the serious questions about it) while upping the net to T$R on each sale. I was appaled, but no argument I put forth would suffice to sway the Brothers Blume. Only when sales dropped sufficiently did they suddenly decide that dice were the proper thing after all.



First Post
Heh, and yes, that was my voice. David X. Cohen is a former DM, and a great guy. It was fun talking with him and doing the VO for for the episode

Sometimes I wonder just exactly how many former players / DM's are out there in influential positions. You might have yourself a whole secret network of supporters :)

Do you regularily watch the two cartoons Futurama & Simpsons?
I think especially Futurama holds some good advice for making a good comic-relief adventure...

Anyways, if you ever buy a remote farm outside civilisation where people can come and live, grow vegetables, walk around in tunics and listen to lectures from your three times a day in return for giving up all their worldly possesions, just give a call, ill be right over :)


Gary Gygax
Clay_More said:

Sometimes I wonder just exactly how many former players / DM's are out there in influential positions. You might have yourself a whole secret network of supporters :)

I've met a few. Most former or even still-active RPGers don't advertise the fact outside certain circles. Creative groups are the exception. doctors and lawyers tend to keep mum;)

Do you regularily watch the two cartoons Futurama & Simpsons?
I think especially Futurama holds some good advice for making a good comic-relief adventure...

I catch them sometimes, but not on a regular bases. I often don't leave the computer until 6:30 or after (and usually begin the day 12 hours earlier), then watch some news as I have a glass of cold buttermilk to relax. After dinner I typically look for a good murder mystery or old movie to watch, hoping it is exciting enough to keep me awake...

Anyways, if you ever buy a remote farm outside civilisation where people can come and live, grow vegetables, walk around in tunics and listen to lectures from your three times a day in return for giving up all their worldly possesions, just give a call, ill be right over :)

Heh, and I have frequently joked about starting a cult religion on such a basis. If I were less scrupulous, I might have done that, but... Some years back I did have a place in the country with 23 acres. Lots of gamers came to play, but the only non-relative one that lived there with us was an out-of-work chap who needed a job and a place to stay. He is now a physician, BTW.

When I retire and can be less boring, not be at the computer all day, it might be a good idea to consider a place that is at least large enough to accommodate a dozen gamers at one time, so a game or two can be running most days. Right now we're cramped for space when all nine players show up for my Thursday night LA game session :rolleyes:


Janos Antero

First Post
Hey Gary, actually thought up some real questions rather than just picking on you for once. Some of this may have been answered before, but I didn't see these in this thread.

Any chance you'd talk on some of your classic villians? I've always loved Obmi and Ecvledra (sp? I always forget how to spell that damn name). Care to share how they looked stat wise, or history wise in the good old days?

You may not answer this one, but I can't help but ask... Was Loraine Williams THAT bad in your opinion? How did she change your interactions with the hobby (aside from the obvious stuff).

Did you like the DnD cartoon you did, and have any plans in relation to it that never saw fruitation?

Thanks partner.
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