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TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
Re: Movies

Caedrel said:

If you get around to seeing the extended version on DVD, let us know what you think - apparently it's got better character development but not onerously so. If you found the opening slow, I wonder if you'll find the extended version slower? :)

Actually, we have the DVD, and I've watched it once, son Alex several times. I found it less tedious, in fact in that I could get up, get a drink, have a smoke, when the material on screen was not quite compelling to me ;)

Uh oh! I feel a "best movie of all time" debate coming on - perhaps a sure way to generate some controversy and get this thread closed :)

I liked the "Harry Potter film a bit better, but not by much, so I have no dispute with those who rate the first of the "Rings Trilogy" movies above it. We are looking forward to seeing the second productions in both series soon now, in fact.

My personal favourite would be Ladyhawke from 1982 (I think). But that probably has more to do with me than the movie, as I suspect most "personal favourites" are :)

That was done in the days when I was out in the "Hollywood" area, and I read, still have, a pre-production script. I had great hopes for that film, but im my judgement, they blew it somewhere. The original script was a lot better that what was shot.


I suppose I'd better ask a question too, while I'm here :) I know you enjoy watching your team in the NFL (I forget which - sorry, it was a lot of pages ago! :)), but do you have a favourite sport to take part in? Were you a mean basketball player, or bowler, or were you never really interested in the physical stuff, with all this wonderful material coming out of your mind? :)


Da Bears! They are not playing well at all, but luckily I am not so much a fan as I can't enjoy watching them lose and at the same time have fun watching the Green Bay Packers play well and win. Of course come Monday night I'll be rooting for the Bears, but likely they'll loose:( Also likely that the Packers will be in the Superbowl if they play as well as they have been.

I played football in elementary school, loved being in the line, but by the time high school rolled around I was far too independent in mind and spirit for either school or organized sports. For exercise I worked on a farm, hiked, camped, fished, and hunted, doing a bit of weight lifting to tone the muscles, and then worked as a mover for a bit.

The thought of all that exercise now is enough to send me for the refrigerator for a beer :D

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Gary Gygax
Greatly Exaggerated...

EricNoah said:
Hey, Gary, good to see you alive. :) We had one of the (fairly frequent) "Gygax is Dead" scares this morning...

Well, while one day the news will be true, whomever posted the tale of my demise was yanking cranks. Another silly buger looking for 15 seconds of fame :D



First Post

I read somewhere that you said you created LA to create a rules-light FRPG because you thought the rules-heavy 3e/d20 version would scare away many gamers and make D&D and FRPGs less popular. YOu wanted to create a game that would continute to attract new gamers to the FRPG genre (correct me if you haven't said something like that).

On the other hand, I would imagine than many people interested in or playing LA are veteran gamers who either are fans of your earlier works (like me :) ) or veterans who simply don't like 3e's rules-heavy system and see LA as a fix for that. (again, please correct me if my assessment is not correct).

What kind of gamers are you trying to attract and how, if I may ask (unfortunately except for the Trolllord games site and the Dragonsfoot site, I don't see much press for LA)?

BTW, the LA rulebooks are on me 'to-buy' list.

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Gary Gygax
Melan said:
Besides, we haven't seen those Castle Ruins yet...

Sorry. ;)

Heh, and we are working on that, as I just posted over on the PPP boards earlier this AM ;)

Just don't expect the secrets of the Disappearing Jeweled Man and the Great Stone Face to ever be revealed in actuality :eek: I plan to provide a set of options for the DM that may or man not include the way those were dealt with originally.



Gary Gygax
Hi John!

As with most rumors pertaining to me, those of my prescience are quite exaggerated.

Fact is I began working on the LA RPG system in 1996, using a CRPG system I'd created for a game that was optioned and then didn't make production becasue the house that had accepted it was sold off. Anyway, it came from that base and was in testing well before the new D&D game was conceived. As I recall, John Ratliff played in a GenCon alpha-test game in 1998.

Fact is that I found I liked a skill based system better than a class based one for several reasons, not the least of which was the potential for multi-genre development. Also, rules-light facilitates both faster play with more flexibility and innovation possible for designers, GMs and players alike, as well for ease of adapting the system to suit other genres.

As a matter of fact, I did assume that most persons picking up the La game would be veterans--and thus the effort to change terminology so as to force mindset change to more easily understand and assimilate the new system, for it is very different from the D&D one.

Hope that covers it:)



Gary Gygax

Do I get an award from the Department of Redundancy Department for the previous post. Fact is I sort of got carried away with the facts in factually replying :rolleyes:



First Post

Sorry for spreading misinformation. Your post does clear things up.

As I remember, your move away from a class based system also manifested in Dangerous Journeys, right?


Gary Gygax
Hi John,

No need for concern, as many a misunderstanding occurs on the internet ;)

Right you are, I did make my first foray into a skill-based system with the DJ game. There I attempted detail, although the system was optional in regards to the amount, so in some ways it was a "pick-a-rules" system. It was very rules heavy if all presented were used, but many of the rules were easily dropped to move the game towards the rules-light end. The major exceptions were the creation of the character and use of magic. The DJ system was also designed for multi-genra application, and it worked well for all who loved detailed character development and much player involvement in the operation of the game.

Now I favor that involvement in play, not management, if you will.


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