WOIN [Question] Range of attack exploits?


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There are certain exploits which are Attack VS. DEFENSE. Some of these exploits have a RANGE and I was wondering if it's supposed to be a "hard" range or RANGE INCREMENT?
--- Artillery. You call down fire or lightning (your choice) from the heavens to strike a 30' diameter area within 100'. Make a MAG (evocation) vital attack against all in that area; those you hit take 3d6 damage.

--- Bewilderment (requires PSI 8; Telepathic Message). You can create confusion in the mind of another being. Make a PSI vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack against a target within 5’ per PP. If you succeed, the target gains the Confused condition.

Please advise
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If it's a range increment it will say so. For example, several of the PSI exploits in NEW specify ranges increments, while others have hard ranges (or semi-hard, some vary with PP spent).

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