WotBS Questions around Book 3 "Shelter from the storm"

Hello, me again.

I'll use this thread to post questions regarding stuff about this book that I'm not completely sure about :)

Starting with the event on P6: "Battleground". So, it only looks like Ragesians were killed, but it was actually Dasseni? Who had "filled their boots with sand"? And that's meant to "cover their tracks", by, I guess, the sand leaking out as you walk, thus covering up your tracks? Even if all that are correct conclusions, I'm at a complete loss as to how to merge "they send a stalker to silence the heroes" into all of the above. Can someone clarify?

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So the boots filled with dirt thing is a Dasseni culture item that's talked about more in adventure 4, but the idea is that they will always be on home soil since they have a bit in their boots at all times. It's a gimmicky tradition, but it's one that would show that these bodies were Dasseni, not Ragesian, as no one else would put a bit of dirt in their boots like that but Dasseni.

The use of "cover their tracks" as a connection to their boots being filled with dirt is unintentional, so don't let that lead you astray. It is merely that someone is trying to set up that Ragesians died here when really a group of Dasseni were killed. Up to you to have some fun with what this means (if anything) as there isn't an official follow up, but it could lead into the next adventure where not all is calm and peaceful among the Dassen lords and ladies.

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