Radiant's Mutant Academy


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For Radiant's Mutant Academy Game to keep track of characters and their pictures. Please don't post here unless you're part of the game.


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Character's Name: Cypher
Real Name: Katie Nguyen
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 105
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown

Experience Points: 5

STR 12, DEX 20, Con 14, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 14

DMG: +13*
Fort: +2, Ref: +5, Will: +2
INIT: +5
Hero Points: 4

Defense Base: +5, Total: 20, Flat-footed: 15, Mental: 16
Attack Base: +2, Melee: +3, Ranged +7, Mental: +3

Balance +5, Bluff +2, Climb +1, Computers +28, Concentration +1, Craft +11, Diplomacy +5(2), Disable Device +12, Disguise +2, Drive +6, Escape Artist +5, Forgery +8, Gather Info +2, Hide +5, Intimidate +2, Jump +1, Knowledge +11, Knowledge Technology +12, Listen +1, Move Silent +5, Perform +2, Profession +1, Repair +12, Science +11, Search +11, Sense Motive +1, Spot +1, Survival +1, Swim +1, Taunt +2

Feats: Attractive, Evasion, Immunity: Electricity

Powers: [source, Mutation]

- Magnetic Control +8, (Extras- Magnetic Blast, Force field, Deflection*, Invisible, Flight; Stunts- Snare; 5pp; 50 points; Source- Mutation)
- Super-Intelligence +8, (Data-link +8, 3pp; 24points; Source- Mutation)

Weakness: Naive

Katie didn't always know she was a mutant, not until she turned 14 discovered that she could affect metal and even more frightening - understand the thoughts of computers. Though always thought of as an extremely bright child, she excelled so much that there really wasn't a school that could keep up with her. So she spent so much time at home learning from various tutors and professors that came and went.

Sheltered from the world, she spent her life reading books - filling her head with fantasties and fantastical people, but left her with no real understanding about the deviousness of real people. How could she when everyone she encountered adored her?

Basically very good-natured and trusting, Katie possessed a very pure heart. Her joys in life revolve around skateboarding and snowboarding - always out to take the best adventure that life could give her.

She likes to work behind the scenes - affecting things without other people knowing she's a mutant. Like a true hacker with the handle of Cypher - she's well known in cyberspace for her cababilities. But in real life - she likes to be as normal a teenager as she can possibly be.
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Katie Nguyen



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Eris Prifty
Stats: PL 8, 125pp
STR 14, DEX 20, Con 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 18
DMG: +13*(+2 when flat footed), Fort: +2, Ref: +13, Will: +0
INIT: +13, Hero Points: 4
Base: 6, Total: 29, Flat-footed: 16, Mental: 16
Base: +4, Melee: +9**, Ranged +9, Mental +4

Skills: Acrobatics +13, Balance +13, Bluff +12 (15 @), Computer use +1, Diplomacy +12(15@), Disguise +12, Drive +14, Escape Artist +13, Gather Info +12, Hide +13, Intimidate +9, Jump +2, Move Silently +13, Perform +12, Swim +2, Taunt +12

Attractive, Attack Finesse, Dark-vision (flaw: Obvious), Durability (flaw: uses 8 a day), Evasion, Power Attack (Flaw: Uses 8/day), Rapid Healing (Flaw:Ineffective vs Fire), Rapid Strike, Scent(Flaw: Duration), Surprise Strike(Flaw: Uses 8/day)

Powers: [source, Mutation]
Regeneration +8(Flaw: Ineffective vs Fire [2-1]=1pp a rank, 8pp)
Super Charisma +8 (Flaw: restricted (only when smelled), 1pp a rank, 8 pp)
Super Dexterity +8 (4 pp a rank, 32 pp)
-Extra: Strike +8 [(1pp a rank, 8pp)Power Stunt: Dual Damage 2pp]
-Extra: leaping +4(1pp a rank, 4 pp)
-Extra: running +2 ([2-1]=1pp a rank, 2 pp)
Super Senses +6 (Flaw: duration (sustained), obvious =2-1-1(minimum 1pp a rank), 6 pp)

Appearance: Eris is petite, she has an indescribable fluidity and grace in her movements. She is easily classed as very attractive, and could do modeling work, there is just something about her that screams animal attraction and sex, probably her pheromones (Super-Charisma). Her hair is dyed a lightish pink, though her natural color shows her to be the ideal of WASP breeding, delicate cheek-bones, and startlingly blue eyes, over which she wears lilac contact lenses.

Personality: Eris is a friendly and cheerful person, seemingly grateful for everything she has, though she is competitive and terretorial to a fault with anyone she sees as a possible usurper of her place. This terretoriality is likely due to her animalistic powers, and is also the source of her "wild child" attitude.

QOUTE: "You smell like prey."

I was born to John and Jayne Prifty in 1988 (whatever year that makes her 16 in game), on our family estates. My father was the CEO of Chemical company called Samtac, so we didn't lack for anything, always having servants around to fufill our whims, I was born with the world before me on a silver platter, well, almost.

You see, I was born different, something special, a mutant, something some rejoice at, but to my father, it was the worst possible thing in the world, an embaressment, an abnormality, something that could ruin his status.

He hated me for it, not that anyone knew it right away, no, that didn't happen till puberty when my body started to change. I became faster, more agile, my senses sharpened beyond anything a human at their peak could do, I also became stronger. But that wasn't the only thing that changed, my attidue changed, at first he thought it was just puberty and a rebelious phase, it was the first thing we noticed after-all.

When he finally understood exactkly what I was, he felt the need to hide me away out of shame. In an attempt to cure me he had me admitted to a mental hosptital, he wanted me 'cured' in private, and if he couldn't have that, he would treat the symptoms. They tranqued me up, or tried to, but my metabolism was fast enough to nullify the effects of the drugs after a few minutes.

Seeing as how that didn't work, the orderlies took to beating me to keep me down, my dad even encouraged this, he told me proudly that they would beat it out of me. every day they beat me, a bunch of grown men hitting and kicking a child, just because I was a little different.

I was lucky, very lucky, my strength and speed were growing further and further beyond human limits, eventually, it was enough. that last night in the hospital I had two black eyes and broken ribs, so they decided not as many orderlies were needed, I was able to break free with my new strength, and escape to the streets. I was in bad shape, bleeding from all kinds of injuries, even my nose was broken. I had nowhere to go, I couldn't even go to the emergency room to get fixed up, not that I can stand any hospital after what they did to me, but even if I somehow got over my fears they would just call my father, and put me back into the mental hospital.

I had collapsed on a bench crying when he(He, or She being the one in charge of the Academy) found me. (S)He took me in, didn't want anything in return for patching me up, only that I stay with him (her) at his academy to learn to use my powers to help people. I have been here ever since, learning, hiding, healing, though the external scars are gone, I'm still afraid, some nights, most nights, I wake up with my cheek's salty with tears, my voice husky from screaming at the nightmares.
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Robbert Raets

Name: Jackson Feyborne;
17-year-old brat.
PL 8

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16

Defense 17 (+4 Base, +3 Dex), Initiative +7
Attacks: Unarmed +3, Ectoplasmic Snare +5

Damage +1, Fortitude +1, Reflex +3, Will +10

Knowledge (pop-culture) +6, Acrobatics +10, Balance +10, Jump +9, Bluff +8/+11, Taunt +10

Headquarters, Improved Initiative, Attractive, Attack Focus (Snare), Power Immunity

Telepathy +8 (Extra's: Group Link, Amazing Save - Will; Power Stunts: Detect Minds, True Sight)
Create Objects (of Ectoplasm) +8 (Extra: Snare)

Travelling across the world, and being spoiled with riches, Jackson Feyborne. or simply 'Jack', spent his first years in ignorance of the current state of the world.
Sheltered by his mother, his bliss was unending, until the day she died in a horrible planecrash.
Protected by their powers, Alexander and Jackson Feyborne were the only ones to walk away from that crash.
Grieved by the loss of the only woman in their lives, father & son grew distant from each other, Jack growing up too fast, and Alex burying himself in his business.
Though their relationship has been improving lately, after Jack and his friend Tyrell had a run-in with a street gang, and Jack slimed them in public, Alex decided to ship his son out of America for both of their safeties.
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"Clarity": PL 8, Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 13 (+2 Base, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +0 melee (+0S Punch), +1 ranged (None); Sv Dmg +3, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5, Str 10 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 15 Wis 16 Cha 12.

Skills: Diplomacy +9 [4], Perform (Keyboard and Piano) +6, (Guitar) +4 [3], Sense Motive +14 [9]
Feats: Assessment, Greater Fortitude, Hero's Luck, Iron Will, Indominable Will, Rapid Healing, Talented (Diplomacy and Sense Motive), Talented (Perform: Keyboard and Piano)

Boost Others (Physical) +8 (Extras: All Physical Attributes; Flaws: Uses; 2 pp; Total 16 pp)
Force Field +8 (Free: Affects Others; Extras: Immunity*, Invisible, Mental Shield, Ranged; 5 pp; Total 40 pp)
Heal +8 (Flaws: Empathic Healing; 2 pp; Cost: 16 pp)

Weakness: None

*Immunities Chosen: Critical Hits, Energy: Cold, Electricity, Fire, Light, Radiation, Pressure, Suffocation

Totaled Up:
Stats: 18, Powers: 72, Skills: 8, Feats: 16, Abilities: 8 (+0 BAB, +2 BDB, +2BDS)=122/125 -3 Unspent-

Clair Thomson, "Clarity"

Description: Clair has light brown hair and pale blue eyes with an intense stare that seems to gaze into people. At age 16, Clair is physically unimpressive, and sort of a runt, being skinny and 5'6" as it stands.

Clair first discovered and developed his powers at his highschool when he was holding one of the frogs that was to be dissected in Biology. After the slightest touch with his hand, the frog was able to hop out of the window from where he was standing, and surviving the fall down-an incredible feat that left Clair astounded. Always a sensitive, but quiet person, Clair attempted to share this secret with just one of his friends, Derek.

Derek concluded what Clair's powers were, but he agreed to help him keep them as a secret-mostly, but Derek had other ideas in mind. He in turn manipulated Clair, convincing his friend to keep enhancing his physical abilities to do things that would benefit "both" of them. It started out innocent enough, both of them using Clair's abilities to help win at sports and beat up bullies-at this time Clair discovered that he could sympathetically channel Derek's injuries as well.

After noticing how beat up and bruised Clair would return home after school, his parents confronted him. Clair remained silent, but his parents were still suspicious. After that conversation though, Clair told Derek that they should stop using his powers anymore. This, however, made Derek grow furious, and even though not boosted-he could easily beat up Clair. He threw a punch at him, but his fist was stopped-perhaps instinctively, by Clair's mental shield. Damage had been done however, not physical, but mental as Clair felt a sudden sense of betrayal, which left him bitter afterwards, even as he ran from Derek. That night he revealed what he was to his parents, who became concerned and shocked at what their son was. They looked for someone who could help, anyone who could help, and they ended up contacting (the Academy where Clair is going)

Clair still remains bitter after being used by a person whom he considered a friend, and perhaps has become a bit manipulative himself, deciding that it's better to be on that end then the one being used. His trust has been broken, and perhaps because of that, he has a harder time forming close relationships with other people. He still retains a good heart, however, and will help others without question if they really need it.
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Dex: 18+4
Int: 14+2

Damg: +7 Fort: +4 Refl:+4 Will: +4

Defense: +12
Intiative: +4
Hero points: 4

Critical Hits
Penetrating Attack (Energy blasts)
Power immunity
Indomitable will
Iron will

Skills: Computers: +4, Concentration: +8, Knowledge(pop culture): +6, Knowledge(Streetwise): +6, Perform(guitar): +6

Energy Blasts (Psionic) +8, Deflection
Telepathy +2, limit: Communication only
Amazing save (Damage) +3

Jonothon Evan Starsmore left England shortly after his mutant powers manifested in hopes of finding someone that could help him learn to control the vast power inside him. When his mutant ability manifested itself in a large blast of psionic energy, Jonothon blew a hole in his body that stretches from his mouth to his lower torso, and cost his then girlfriend, Lady Gayle Edgarton, the use of her legs. After that Jonothan became somewhat with drawn from others. He hides his disfigurement as well as he can using leather wraps to contain the boiling mass of energy. Chamber is five foot nine inches tall and wieghs about 140lbs. He has brown eyes and redish-brown hair.

Chamber is a mutant who is naturally composed of pure psionic energy. With the injuries he suffered when his powers manifested, Chamber has no need to eat, drink, or breathe. It has been theorized that his body is merely an unliving shell to contain his psionic energy, since his body currently lacks major organs, such as heart and lungs.

Chamber is able to project large blasts of psionic energy from the area where his torso existed, and is also capable of telepathic speech. His telepathic speech is his only way of communication, since his initial blast destroyed his mouth, voice box, and lungs.


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