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Rank/3.xE Conversions of other Baatezu/Tanar'ri/Yugoloth?


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I'm working on a massive Blood War campaign and I'm doing a huge inventory of Baatezu, Tanar'ri, and Yugoloths. First, I'm trying to "rank" them into Least, Lesser and Greater categories (Plus "True" for Tanar'ri) to help me figure out their roles. Then I'm in search for canonical conversions to 3e, where possible...or just really well-done fan conversions of those listed below.

I did look through the Planescape conversion thread just in case I may have missed something.

Any help is greatly appreciated - I'll list my resulting census (heavily based on one by Smeazel/Jeffrey Scott Nutall) in a place for all to use.

Thanks in advance.


BoVD - Book of Vile Darkness
DM - Dragon Magazine
EPH - Expanded Psionics Handbook
FF - Fiend Folio
GW - Ghostwalk Campaign
MC4 - Monstrous Compendium Annual #4
MoF - Monsters of Faerun
Mon - Monsterous Manual
MM - Monster Manual
MMII - Monster Manual II
MoP - Manual of the Planes
PH - Psionics Handbook
PoC - Planes of Conflict Monstrous Supplement
PMC - Planescape Monstrous Compendium
PMCII - Planescape Monstrous Compendium II
UD - Underdark

Missing ranks for:

Advespa (MMII, pg. 67)
Asperim (DM #42, pg. 8)
Ghargatula (BoVD, pg. 175)
Kyton (MM, pg. 48 and PH, pg. ??)
Malebranche (MMII, pg. 67)
Narzugon (MoP, pg. 167)
Paeliryon (FF, pg. 58)
Stony Devil (UD, pg. 96)
Xerfilstyx (FF, pg. 59)

Need 3e conversion for:

Asperim (DM #42, pg. 8)
Nupperibo (PMC, pg. 26)

Missing Tanar'ri Ranks for:

Blood Fiend (FF, pg. 47)
Artaaglith (GW, pg. 158)
Cerebrilith (PH, pg. 145 & EPH, pg. 192)
Ghour (MoF, pg. 33)
Incubus (DM #54, pg. 29)
Jarilith (MMII, pg. 60)
Jovoc (MMII, pg. 58)
Kelvezu (MMII, pg. 60)
Klurichir (FF, pg. 48)
Myrmyxicus (FF, pg. 52)
Palrethee (MMII, pg. 58)
Skulvyn (FF, pg. 54)
Uridezu (MoP, pg. 164)
Zovvut (MMII, pg. 58)

Tanar'ri 3e Needed:

Alu-Fiend (PMC, pg. 94)
Cambion (PMC, pg. 98)
Incubus (DM #54, pg. 29)
Nabassu (PMC, pg. 106)

Yugoloth Ranks Needed:

Battleloth (DM #306, pg. 39-42)
Gacholoth (MC4, pg. 93)
Skeroloth (FF, pg. 197)

3e Yugoloth conversions needed:

Baernaloth (PoC, pg. 30)
Dergholoth (PMC, pg. 121)
Gacholoth (MC4, pg. 93)
Hydroloth (PMC, pg. 122)
Guardian (Mon, pg. 371)

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
Here are conversions for most of your missing creatures:

Alu-Fiend: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/demon/alu-demon.htm
Baernaloth: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/view_c.php?CreatureID=753
Cambion: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/demon/cambion.htm
Dergholoth: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/yugoloth/dergholoth.htm
Gacholoth: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/view_c.php?CreatureID=747
Guardian Yugoloth: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/guardian_daemon.htm
Hydroloth: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/yugoloth/hydroloth.htm
Nabassu: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/outsider/demon/nabassu.htm

A 3.0 version of the Nupperibo appears on page 103 of Necromancer Games Tome of Horrors, and if you have that book you'll also find most of the above critters in it too.

To the best of my knowledge, neither the Asperim nor the Incubus has yet been converted to 3.x stats.

Hope that helps!

Knight Otu

First Post
MacIntyre said:
I'm working on a massive Blood War campaign and I'm doing a huge inventory of Baatezu, Tanar'ri, and Yugoloths. First, I'm trying to "rank" them into Least, Lesser and Greater categories (Plus "True" for Tanar'ri) to help me figure out their roles. Then I'm in search for canonical conversions to 3e, where possible...or just really well-done fan conversions of those listed below.
I cannot help you with ranks, but maybe can point you to conversions. You certainly should look at the Creature Catalog, or the Tome of Horrors by Necromancer Games.

Nupperibo (PMC, pg. 26) - Tome of Horrors

Alu-Fiend (PMC, pg. 94) - Tome of Horrors, or Half-Fiend Template
Cambion (PMC, pg. 98) - Tome of Horrors, or Half-Fiend Template
Incubus (DM #54, pg. 29) - Technically a male succubus, I believe?
Nabassu (PMC, pg. 106) - Tome of Horrors, or Dungeon # 112

Dergholoth (PMC, pg. 121) - Tome of Horrors
Hydroloth (PMC, pg. 122) - Tome of Horrors
Guardian (Mon, pg. 371) - Tome of Horrors? Not sure if they are the same?


First Post
You can find my own personal conversions here, if you're still interested.

The Nabassu has a very well done conversion in the 'Maure Castle' Dungeon edition. Also updated is the Colchiln demon, and the unique Kerzit (pretty mean bugger...). Might want to check that out.

Also, Monster Manual III has two new demon types, the Arrow Demon (a neat creation that's in sore need of a new name) and the Sorrowsworn Demon.

The Stony Devil from UD is really just a templated up Hamatula, so I don't think it needs its own ranking.


First Post
I'm currently running Maure Castle (out of Dungeon Mag). I've found the CR of the Blood Fiend to be a touch on the high side, FWIW.


First Post
Nail said:
I'm currently running Maure Castle (out of Dungeon Mag). I've found the CR of the Blood Fiend to be a touch on the high side, FWIW.
You could always give it the Unholy Toughness ability (from MMIII) which grants it a number of bonus HP equal to its Hit Dice x its Cha mod.
Should look something like this:
Hit Dice: 12d12+60 (138 hp)

Personally, I've always wanted to use the Blood Fiends, though they were a tad weak looking. Hopefully this should boost them up to acceptable power levels. If not, boost the Cha to 22 and you get:
Hit Dice: 12d12+72 (150 hp)
Domination: Will save DC 22
Energy Drain: Fort save DC 22
Spell-Like Abilities: Save DC 16 + spell level.

Hopefully that helps.

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