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Rate S1: The Tomb of Horrors (corrected poll options)

Rate S1: The Tomb of Horrors

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First Post
A Great Read...

It made a good example of how inventive traps could be, but very much lacked the balance of today's modules. I'd never run it without heavily forewarning the players how deadly it is (maybe even run it as a side adventure where death wasn't really death, or as a spiritual, holy and/or mental test). It did have great handouts for the time though, but didin't have enough monsters or treasure for the difficulty level.

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TheAuldGrump said:
I am the 0. Terrible adventure, an excuse to kill characters and that is about it. In other words - I really and truly did not like it, as a DM I refused to run it, as a player I would refuse to play in it.

The Auld Grump

I kind of with you on this one. I did try running it, but never got very far. Where's the fun in deliberately killing your PCs? I gave it a 4, simply because there are those players that might enjoy it, but mine didn't and we packed it up after the first few PCs died. And, no, they weren't stupid, the place just kills you. Period.



Gave it an 8/10

We played through it about one year ago in a "DM wants to kill us/we wont allow that" environment. He warned us about this module beforehand on how deadly it is and that we might not even make it into the dungeon itself (while having that evil smile on his face). So we took the bait and started with it. Out of 5 players only one (me) did know something about ToH so it was all fair and without too much wisdom about what was ahead of us. I tried hard not to spoil the fun for the others (but failed once, thus saving us from a PC death). Otherwise I have to say that we had alot of fun playing ToH. If you play this module outside of a campaign and use pre-genned characters (we took our old character from our 2e camapaign from 5 years ago) no one is going to be hurt. But I would be very cautious to insert this beast into a running campaign.

Edit: I might have to add that we did not only use our characters but also had at least 2 or 3 hirelings each. Also we did use spells like summon animals after the first PC died on the first save-or-die trap.


I gave it a 3, which is what I would put most of the old classics at these days (with a few exceptions of course). Compared to what we have now ToH and other 1st ed modules were terrible IMO. Room after room, trap after trap, and no real plot to speak of.

Keeper of Secrets

First Post
I voted 8. I thought it is a classic in the sense that it has crazy mayhem and whereas it does not fit the role of the 'traditional' D&D modual (lots of combat and such) it does have lots of weird rooms and strange puzzles.

Yes it can be frustrating but I suspect if you created characters for the sole purpose of getting through the modual, it could be lots of fun for a few nights.


First Post
I generously rated it a 2. Its only saving factor is that it can give ideas for occasional traps in other situations. The dungeon entirely focuses on a very narrow role and playing style. It's like making a dungeon in which each and every single encounter must be bluffed/intimidated/diplomacied.... if you're a combat character you're gonna be bored.

Deadly trap after trap is no fun, particularly if they rely mostly on metagaming and player knowledge. Its entire mentality is "DM vs. Players."

Plus it has a combination of railroading and "a wizard did it" that I abhor. It's like Zork.... there is one and only one way to solve each encounter. A dungeon that encourages cleverness should not be so full of railroading and single-solution problems (single-solution that kills you if you fail, that is).
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Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I gave it a 9/10. It culls the weak, humbles the arrogant, and rewards the clever. Which was I think the whole point of it, and its more of a tournament module. It doesn't have a ton of backstory but the backstory would be more of how the Party discovers it's location in the first place, and a most modules of that time expected the DM to provide the hooks and story anyway.

I've dropped a part of a map they players have found that has it's location on it, and warnings to stay away due to horrible danger. If the PC's decide to go there I can't stop them.

I rated it a 5. From the standpoint of sheer viciousness of traps, clever dungeon-design, and legendary status, it's a 10.

If you look at it like a player, then it's a 1. Going in there is more or less the equivalent of a death sentence for your favorite character. The only way I'd run it would be with one-shot characters.

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