Rate the Star Wars Movies


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
That problem wasn't with the film but with the fans. It works just fine in the film: she was counting down the time she was alone, she wanted to go back to Jakku, and she had a vision of being abandoned. That was her arc: learning to live with the fact she had been left on her own and they were never coming back. Which Maz Kanata says outright.
At no point does it imply her parents were anyone special.

That was all us. Again, the problem comes from the fans. Not the film. The fans.
The expectation that she was somebody was what people read into the movie. Largely because of the parental twist of Empire Strikes Back. People expected them to do the same thing again. Again.
Then the sequel came out and didn't cater to the wild theories everyone had been fan waking themselves raw over for a full two years and somehow that made it a bad film....

We set the expectations. It's not the responsibility of the film to pat us on the head, give us a lollipop, and reward us for wildly speculating.

It's not like the film would have been better if Rey had been a named character's child or grandchild. At best that just creates more questions and continuity problems.
The most interesting part of The Force Awakens wasn't the revelation of Kylo Ren's parentage. Because everyone had guessed beforehand. No one was surprised, as there were literally two options.

Because 90% of that movie was a giant rehash of A New Hope.

That's probably why I kind of like the Last Jedi, I went out of my way to arrive as a blank state to the movie theater. I avoided trailers, reviews, social networks and youtube channels. I had no pet theories, I just wanted to see how they were going to fix the mess left by the force awakens. Somehow they made everything worse, but the carnage was fun to watch. (Except for the casino scene, that thing went out forever. And I would have loved for Finn to have made that heroic sacrifice, it would have saved so many lives and completed his character arc... )

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Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
The whole Canto Bight bit was maybe 5-10 minutes.
It feels much longer than it is.

Really? I would have sworn it was like half an hour at least. At least the reality ensues at the end pays off. Del toro definitively sold it.

In fact I kind of like that part of TLJ, the crew constantly screwing up the million to one chances that Han and company routinely could achieve. That makes the original party more special by comparison. Honestly Rey, Rose, Finn and Poe are amateurs.


That's probably why I kind of like the Last Jedi, I went out of my way to arrive as a blank state to the movie theater. I avoided trailers, reviews, social networks and youtube channels. I had no pet theories, I just wanted to see how they were going to fix the mess left by the force awakens. Somehow they made everything worse, but the carnage was fun to watch. (Except for the casino scene, that thing went out forever. And I would have loved for Finn to have made that heroic sacrifice, it would have saved so many lives and completed his character arc... )

Same I went in more or less blind, same with TPM and TFA. At least when I left the theater it was slight disappointment vs a lot with TPM. Rogue One and TFA different reaction.

Expectations definitely come into it. After the prequels and the old EU New Jedi Order and Fate of the Jedi my expectaitons for TF were low. After TFA and Rogue One I expected more. When Hux is the best character in the movie you might have a problem.


I am the mysterious professor.
That's probably why I kind of like the Last Jedi, I went out of my way to arrive as a blank state to the movie theater. I avoided trailers, reviews, social networks and youtube channels. I had no pet theories, I just wanted to see how they were going to fix the mess left by the force awakens. Somehow they made everything worse, but the carnage was fun to watch. (Except for the casino scene, that thing went out forever. And I would have loved for Finn to have made that heroic sacrifice, it would have saved so many lives and completed his character arc... )

I'd like to have seen Finn make that sacrifice also. I was not impressed with him at all. Poe made for a more interesting character. I feel for Rose. Finn is into Rey so he'll never return her feelings. Allow Rose to suffer two major loses (her sister, and Finn) build her up to be major character. It could have been a better way to go. Now we have a soapy love triangle.....wait didn't they try that before? Maybe Rose is Finn's long lost twin sister.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Same I went in more or less blind, same with TPM and TFA. At least when I left the theater it was slight disappointment vs a lot with TPM. Rogue One and TFA different reaction.

Expectations definitely come into it. After the prequels and the old EU New Jedi Order and Fate of the Jedi my expectaitons for TF were low. After TFA and Rogue One I expected more. When Hux is the best character in the movie you might have a problem.

I was a blank slate when I watched TPM. I wasn't interested in SW at all before that point.Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson and Ray Park hooked me into SW. ^_^
I'd like to have seen Finn make that sacrifice also. I was not impressed with him at all. Poe made for a more interesting character. I feel for Rose. Finn is into Rey so he'll never return her feelings. Allow Rose to suffer two major loses (her sister, and Finn) build her up to be major character. It could have been a better way to go. Now we have a soapy love triangle.....wait didn't they try that before? Maybe Rose is Finn's long lost twin sister.

I'm sorry but you are incorrect, Finn's one and true love is Poe. n_n


I am the mysterious professor.
I'm sorry but you are incorrect, Finn's one and true love is Poe. n_n

Actually, I'm not convinced Finn is not Finn's one true love. But a love triangle between Finn, Poe, And Rey would have the SJWs creaming their nongender specific underpants.


Oh gosh, I don’t think I can do a proper overall ranking. I can definitely rate by group, though. Here goes:

Original Trilogy
I was born in 1981, so I grew up watching these on the small screen.* The Empire Strikes Back has always been my favorite, though Return of the Jedi is good too. I do like A New Hope, but I feel it hasn’t aged all that well compared to the other two.

OT Ranking:
1) The Empire Strikes Back
2) Return of the Jedi
3) A New Hope

*I did see the Special Editions in the theaters. While they are mostly abominable, I somewhat surprisingly find the ESB version to be fairly palatable. I think you could argue that it's because ESB is so close to being perfect that even George Lucas couldn't ruin it!

Prequel Trilogy
In 1999, I was fresh out of high school and super-excited at the prospect of finally getting to see a brand new Star Wars film at the theater! Well ... let's just say, for only the second time in my life, I found myself wanting to walk out of the theater in disgust. (The first time had been the year before, when I went to see Van Damme's Knock Off. In hindsight, it would seem I was a bit of a masochist in my late teens.)

I hated The Phantom Menace so much that I didn't bother to go see the next two prequels at the theater. In fact, I didn't watch either of them until years later. I agree that Attack of the Clones is hands down the worst of them all. The fundamental wrongness of Anakin and Padme's relationship aside, the movie is just one long snoozefest. Even the action sequences are boring. (Although, unlike [MENTION=6716779]Zardnaar[/MENTION], I enjoy Yoda’s Sonic the Hedgehog impressions!)

Revenge of the Sith, on the other hand, is a noticeable improvement. Still not as good as any of the originals, but good enough that it’s the only one of the prequels I have on DVD. I like the novelization even better. It’s surprisingly well-written and does a much better job of making Anakin’s fall believable.

PT Ranking:
1) Revenge of the Sith
2) The Phantom Menace
3) Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Clones

Sequel Trilogy
I like The Force Awakens. I don’t mind that it’s essentially a reboot of ANH. I don’t mind that Rey is a bit of a Mary Sue. I *do* mind JJ Abrams’ complete disregard for the vastness of space (something that irked me about his Star Trek reboot as well).

I also find Disney/Lucasfilm’s unwillingness to answer most of the questions posed in TFA frustrating. I don’t mind that TLJ had very few answers in it (although I did at first) but they won’t even give us the answers by other means (eg. novels, visual dictionaries, etc). Is Starkiller Base the planet Ilum? I want to know! Enough with the teasing!

I have come to like most of The Last Jedi as well. I think there are some parts I won’t ever like, such as the lengthy space chase and Leia’s Mary Poppins impression, but there is still lots I do like about it. All the porgs, for instance.

I am curious to see whether Ep IX can wrap things up satisfactorily.

ST Ranking:
1) The Force Awakens
2) The Last Jedi

Star Wars Stories
Rogue One is awesome and may even be my second favorite overall after ESB. I feel it does a great job of capturing the feel of the original films, and I love that it's essentially a Guns of Navarone-style war movie set in the SW universe.

One sad thing for me, though, is that I feel like the dramatic impact of the Rebels’ sacrifices in Rogue One is cheapened by the fact that, a mere thirty years later, we’re right back where we started with the galaxy under the sway of a tyrannical empire.

I also really enjoyed Solo. Its dismal box office performance made me sad, especially because, after Rogue One, I was looking forward to a whole slew of stand-alone Star War stories. I wonder if we’ll ever see anymore.

TV Shows and Other Media
I think I've seen all of the Clone Wars stuff: the "movie" (which is literally just a bunch of episodes strung together), all six seasons of the show, plus the original Tartakovsky series. As others have said, there's some really excellent stuff there but also some real crap.

I haven't seen all of Rebels yet, but I've enjoyed everything I have seen so far.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the announced Cassian Andor and Mandalorian live action shows. I'd like to watch them but I'm not sure I'll be able to, since they'll be behind the Disney streaming paywall.

I've only read a small smattering of SW novels and comics, most of which are no doubt apocryphal "Legends" now. Most of the books were rubbish, with the exception of the Revenge of the Sith novelization. That's a real gem, right there.

In terms of video games, I started to play KotOR once but found the UI too clunky and never got off the starting planet. I think that was the only one I ever tried playing.

I also used to play SWSE and still have all the books. The game was fun at first but eventually its mechanical flaws got to be too much for me. I don’t think the d20 system is a good fit for Star Wars. I doubt I’ll ever play it again.

The only other thing I'd like to say is that, as a father of three daughters, I appreciate the effort Disney has made to include more strong female characters in the franchise. Some of them are definitely better role models than others, but I’ll take them all over Barbie and her sisters any day!
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Me niece is 9 years old and she loves Star Wars. Her face lit up when she found out my Star Wars comics, books, and Lego Star Wars on the Xbox One. Her uncle also lets her play Fortnite on the PS4 and played it with them.

Said uncle also played Fortnite with his 12 year old Nephew, Magic the Gathernig with his 13 yo nephew and piggy backs for his 8 year old niece. The MtG one might be corruptible to D&D. Their dad doesn't get Magic or video games. "Didn't you play D&D and Magic in the 90's" (he bought me 2E Tome of Magic). Erm cough cough.

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