D&D 5E RAW: Spell attack rolls modifiers stack?


Rules Monkey
I think Apprentice believes you are not getting the thrust of what he's saying, so he's taking another stab at it.

Funny, I thought it was more like someone being mad about not getting their way so they aggressively repeat their argument while preemptively dismissing any disagreement. But that's just a guess, I could be wrong. :)

In any case I understood their argument the first time, and them repeating it didn't add anything new. Hence, I saw no need to restate my position yet again - just reread my previous post on the subject, since everything I said there still applies.

If you want to simulate the most likely course of the debate, just treat it like a go-to loop and reread our last few posts a dozen or so times until you get bored. It's mostly just pointless posturing.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The RAW answer here is actually pretty muddy as the effects in question, the bonuses to spell attack rolls, do not have proper names. The items themselves have proper names, but the items and their sundry effects are not one in the same.

Just make a ruling.

We have clear rules about stacking that items of a different name stack. I'm missing the reference you make to the rules being muddy. Can you let us know why this general stacking rule isn't the end of it and where it gets muddy? Remember, it's not a weapon nor does it need to be used as the spell focus.


Oh this is where the title goes?
We have clear rules about stacking that items of a different name stack. I'm missing the reference you make to the rules being muddy. Can you let us know why this general stacking rule isn't the end of it and where it gets muddy? Remember, it's not a weapon nor does it need to be used as the spell focus.
The only potentially fuzzy point is that if you can't use either item as a focus, then if you hold one in each hand you don't have a hand free for S and M components. But even in that interpretation, it should work for V-only spells.


First Post
Funny, I thought it was more like someone being mad about not getting their way so they aggressively repeat their argument while preemptively dismissing any disagreement. But that's just a guess, I could be wrong. :)

In any case I understood their argument the first time, and them repeating it didn't add anything new. Hence, I saw no need to restate my position yet again - just reread my previous post on the subject, since everything I said there still applies.

If you want to simulate the most likely course of the debate, just treat it like a go-to loop and reread our last few posts a dozen or so times until you get bored. It's mostly just pointless posturing.

Yeah, probably. Debates on the net get to be like that for awhile. I remember this one debate I got into about bus wheels. We went 'round and 'round and 'round...

I admit I may be feeling a bit punny today :p


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Yeah, probably. Debates on the net get to be like that for awhile. I remember this one debate I got into about bus wheels. We went 'round and 'round and 'round...

I admit I may be feeling a bit punny today :p

Of course by mentioning busses, you’ve opened the doors on that discussion again. Might be best to shut them quick.

Funny, I thought it was more like someone being mad about not getting their way so they aggressively repeat their argument while preemptively dismissing any disagreement. But that's just a guess, I could be wrong. :)
That's a pretty spot on description of your behavior this thread, yes. I'm still curious about why you got so mad but I'm not going to probe that any further.


Rules Monkey
That's a pretty spot on description of your behavior this thread, yes. I'm still curious about why you got so mad but I'm not going to probe that any further.

Yes, I've been properly shamed and put in my place by your public castigation. Bravo, good job, and so forth.

So, are you good now? Do you need a hug? A cookie? Something else? Just say the word. I'm here to help.

Anything to stop derailing the thread with even more pointless posturing.


Yes, I've been properly shamed and put in my place by your public castigation. Bravo, good job, and so forth.

So, are you good now? Do you need a hug? A cookie? Something else? Just say the word. I'm here to help.

Anything to stop derailing the thread with even more pointless posturing.
Children please, stop fighting.

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Rules Monkey
Children please, stop fighting.

Ah, that is what was needed. More pointless posturing in the form of sniping from the sidelines, because that never makes things worse. :hmm:

Anyone else have anything they need to get out of their system? Now seems to be the time do it. :D


Ah, that is what was needed. More pointless posturing in the form of sniping from the sidelines, because that never makes things worse. :hmm:

Anyone else have anything they need to get out of their system? Now seems to be the time do it. :D
Yeah, just thought I'd join in on the pointless posturing between you and sorc apprentice. Neither of you are portraying yourselves in a good light.

Sent from my [device_name] using EN World mobile app

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